Mon 14 May 2012 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
There has been an increase in gonorrhoea among gay and bisexual men in Auckland, and sexually active men are being encouraged to take a free ‘self-swab’ test. “Auckland Sexual Health Services and the New Zealand AIDS Foundation have significantly increased their capacity to test men for gonorrhoea in response to this issue,” says Dr Nicky Perkins, the Clinical Director of Auckland Regional Sexual Health Service. “Gonorrhoea can affect a man’s penis, rectum or even throat and unfortunately most men won’t have any obvious symptoms for rectal or throat infections.” A free rectal ‘self-swab’ test is available through Auckland Sexual Health and the NZAF and the website www. has been set up to provide information about where people can get tested, and about the STD. “The strain of gonorrhoea that is going around Auckland’s gay men’s communities right now should be taken seriously because it’s showing some early signs it’s not as susceptible to the treatments that currently exist,” Dr Perkins says. “However, at this point we still have treatment options available that will completely cure gonorrhoea – all a man needs to do to get treated is to get tested.” The spread of gonorrhoea is difficult to contain, but using condoms and lube for anal sex is an extremely effective way to prevent rectal gonorrhoea.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 14th May 2012 - 8:53am