Why is the last 'phobe left standing ensconced in the depths of "Little Zealand", namely, rustic Wanganui? Garnet Milne is a Reformed Fellowship minister who presides over a rented Lutheran Church on Sundays, and is free to work on his Reformation Testimony website for the rest of the week. His website consists of rehashed items, mostly from either the US Christian Right, or Canada's Lifesite. Rarely these days, there'll be an item from what remains of the New Zealand Christian Right. Milne is a frequent poster on his website, and sometimes his RefTest ramblings can be seen on Scoop's news website. When it came to his 'Campaign Against Civil Unions' and claims that 'Satan wants to hit [conservative Christian] families with a large Green stick,' he won brief notoriety in mainstream television and newspaper circles. His public persona is eerily akin to that of Graham Capill before the darkness descended, and given that Capill was once a minister of Milne's Reformed Church sect, that's probably a valid observation. Like Capill's "0800 Outrage" past persona, Garnet decided not to go away after the 2005 General Election, like his ex-CHP colleagues did, and offer immediate undiluted fundamentalist commentary on matters of moralist obsession. Unlike Capill's past self, Milne has no backing party structure to reinforce him, lives in a provincial city remote from mainstream media headquarters, and is mostly ignored. This seems to have become par for the course as even the US fundamentalist community is getting cold feet over the obnoxious Reverend Fred Phelps and Paul Cameron. Indeed, Garnet felt compelled to side with Cameron when the latter conducted an exchange with Focus on the Family's James Dobson when the latter seemed to support an incremental LGBT spousal rights law change for once. Similarly, ChristianVoice's Stephen Green is becoming a similar pariah within the UK Christian Right. Has it come down to this, then- like a mirror image of Little Britain's Daffyd Thomas, are Milne, Green, Cameron and Phelps becoming the overly earnest "only 'phobes in the village?" Not Recommended: http://www.reformationtestimony.org.nz Reformation Testimony (Garnet Milne) http://www.familyresearchinst.org Family Research Institute (Paul Cameron) http://www.godhatesfags.com Fred Phelps: Westboro Baptist Church Reformation Testimony (Garnet Milne) http://www.familyresearchinst.org Family Research Institute (Paul Cameron) http://www.godhatesfags.com Fred Phelps: Westboro Baptist Church http://www.christianvoice.org.uk Christian Voice (Stephen Green) Craig Young - 26th March 2006