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Being gay all about bad dads, musician claims

Mon 23 Apr 2012 In: New Zealand Daily News

Danny Wallace An ‘ex-gay’ American minister/musician has visited New Zealand and shared his belief that “homosexuality is only the symptom of a deeper issue – the lack of a father’s love”. Under the headline "Homosexuality Exposed" Christian newspaper Challenge Weekly reports Danny Wallace spent time travelling across the country with his wife, sharing such ideas as “You will never find a homosexual male who will tell you, ‘That father figure in my life literally adored the ground I walked on.’” Wallace was a victim of hellish childhood physical and sexual abuse at the hands of his own father, as well as others, from the age of five until his childhood marriage at 17. “Not only was I raped and tortured emotionally and physically by my father, but I was sold to other men for their pleasure” he has told Challenge Weekly. Wallace also claims being gay is a choice: “Certainly we are all accountable and responsible for the choices we continue to make as adults. However, the attack first begins and the stronghold of the enemy takes root when the individual is too young to understand or fight back. This explains the common early feelings of not being quite like everyone else.” Wallace says he  has been diagnosed HIV positive with full-blown AIDS, the latter which he claims to have had a complete healing from. You can discuss this gay New Zealand community news story in the forum here    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 23rd April 2012 - 1:03pm

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