Mon 9 Apr 2012 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Underscoring the problems faced by many gay people around the world some possible Mr Gay World contestants faced stigmatisation due to competing and eventually some could not attend at all. Contestants from African nations faced difficulties entering the contest, held this year in South Africa. After Mr. Gay Ethiopia entered the contest, won this afternoon NZ time by Mr Gay New Zealand Andreas Derleth of Auckland, his father cut off all communications. Mr. Gay Zimbabwe withdrew, fearing the publicity was making life difficult for his mother. But Mr. Gay Namibia's family accompanied him to the airport for a warm send-off. The Chinese contestant was unable to come to Johannesburg because of anti-gay pressure there, organisers say. And entrants from Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East - all regions where gay rights are under threat - were almost non-existant. - AP.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 9th April 2012 - 10:02pm