Rainbow Wellington is seeking nominations for new Board members ahead of its Annual General Meeting on 4th April. It elects Board members for two years, and those due for re-election are Steve Farrow, Adrian Sainsbury, Susan Hitchiner and Phil Rogers. Current Board member Jan Suckling is standing down. The AGM is being held on Wednesday 4th April, at 6PM, at The Council Chambers, 1st Floor Town Hall, 101 Wakefield Street, Wellington. The agenda includes the confirmation of current Patron Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor of Wellington, and the current Vice-Patrons: Grant Robertson, Kevin Hague, Maryan Street, Chris Finlayson, Charles Chauvel and Fran Wilde. The Board is also recommending adding Green MP Jan Logie to the list of Vice-Patrons. Rainbow Wellington says membership renewals continue to come in, now rather more slowly. It says the number of non-renewals has not been matched by the number of new members, so its total numbers are down for 2012, at least so far. “We are constantly told how worthwhile we are, and how we are supported. However, as most of what we do is dependent on membership funds, verbal support only is of very limited value. You will see below that we will again be a Bronze Festival donor for the Outtakes Film Festival. That crucial financial support for a major community event comes only from membership fees – nowhere else,” the Board says. “We would like to thank those of you who have renewed, especially those who do so without multiple reminders, and of course to our new members. Thank you for your support.” There will be drinks and nibbles supplied by the Mayor’s office after the meeting. Those who wish to attend, or send apologies, should email rainbowwellington@gmail.com
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 28th March 2012 - 12:09pm