A striking image from a US marriage equality rally A marriage equality blog on one of the nation’s biggest mainstream news websites has attracted plenty of attention today, with a few of the old ‘Adam and Steve’ comments, but overwhelming support for the writer's stand on the issue. Gay man Lee Suckling has guest-blogged on Stuff, pointing out that while ‘marriage equality’ is making headlines and headway across the world, it’s a term New Zealand isn’t really familiar with. “If New Zealand wants to remain a country that prides itself on offering equal rights to all of its citizens and residents, we need marriage equality. Anything less than marriage is less than equal,” Suckling writes. “People don't normally get married because it gives them shared property and asset rights. People don't normally get married for the Working For Families tax credit. They get married for love.” He continues with his agreement with the concept that people who are against same-sex marriage should not get married to people of the same-sex, while adding he prefers the term ‘marriage equality’ as ‘gay marriage’ denotes something different. Suckling quotes American comedian and writer Liz Feldman, who explains in an infamous quote that she parks her car, she doesn’t ‘gay park’ it, and she has lunch, not ‘gay lunch’. He makes it more personal; sharing his soldier boyfriend’s perspective that he can die for his country, but not get married in it. “My boyfriend and I pay taxes. We vote. We are law-abiding, dedicated citizens of New Zealand. We're not engaged, nor would marriage be in our immediate future upon its legal recognition. All we ask is that our country give us the option to get married. The option afforded to every other taxpaying, voting, law-abiding New Zealander.” Suckling continues with criticism of the Christian claim marriage equality would ruin the sanctity of marriage and calls for the National Government to follow in the footsteps of David Cameron’s Conservatives in the UK and take action. You can read his full blog on Stuff here The negative comments range from the typical, such as “marriage is a Christian institution” and “well why can’t I marry my horse then,” to the strange, such as one claim that “discrimination only exists in the fevered minds of homosexual activists”, and the annoyed “Why must you have everything. You want to be gay so be it. You can't have everything so get over it.” One person even calls for homosexuality to be outlawed. However the overwhelming majority of the more than 160 comments so far are pro marriage equality, and come from all corners of the community, both glbt and straight, and non-religious and religious. "As a straight, married, 39 year-old, Christian male - I can't believe my God wouldn't want two people (He created) who love each other to marry,” writes ‘Jodeci Maori’. Many who comment refute the claim marriage is Christian institution, pointing out it existed in cultures which pre-dated Christianity. In one comment ‘Lauren’ says “If some people seriously can't sleep at night because they know that the two women next door are married, then they have serious issues,” which seems to sum up the majority feeling on the issue in the comments. ‘Chris’ adds when marriage equality happens, “a few homophobes will be upset but then we still have the odd racist or sexist person in society so nothing can be done about that”. “So wonderful to see the majority of comments are supportive,” writes ‘Ellie’. “Yay for New Zealand. How far we've come since I the day I almost got arrested for carrying a pink balloon when the anti-homosexual law reform petition was presented to Parliament in 1985.” Prime Minister John Key has made it clear marriage equality simply isn't a priority for the National Government. You can discus this New Zealand gay community news story in the GayNZ.com Forum.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 14th March 2012 - 6:04pm