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Gay Maori warriors "offensive," "unhappy" and "humiliating"

Mon 6 Mar 2006 In: Community View at Wayback View at NDHA

In a camp double act which would be funny if it wasn't disturbing, the ex-Auckland City mayor and mayoral candidate who courted the gay vote(!), rants about the evils and immorality of homosexuality with Destiny Church guru and Bi$hop of Bigotry Brian Tamaki, repeating their slurs about the homosexual 'lifestyle', with Tamaki even managing to try to blame multicultural society for the world's troubles. Read and weep! Radio Pacific, 7.40am March 2, 2006 Host: John Banks Guest: Bi$hop Brian Tamaki BANKS: Bi$hop Tamaki, good morning and thanks for the work and leadership you're providing. TAMAKI: Thank you, John. BANKS: What do you make of this Maori warriors for safe sex campaign funded by the government? TAMAKI: Well actually I've only just become aware of it when you got a hold of me, John. I didn't read the Sunday Star-Times but in responding to that, because they've obviously headed up the article that, the AIDS Foundation hits back at Destiny Church. BANKS: Well they've put the boot into Destiny Church. They say, they say that you are homophobic, whatever that means. I think it means that you hate homosexuals, Christians don't hate homosexuals, I've never met a Christian that hates homosexuals but there's a lot of pity for homosexuals from the Christian community, but they don't hate them. But they're putting the boot to you, so how would you propose to support these people? Maybe some of these Maori warriors for safe sex are in your church even? TAMAKI: No, that's, I don't think so, John. But that's exactly right, we're not opposed or against people, we don't hate people but we'd certainly disagree with the lifestyle choice, and that's what it is, and I think that you'll find, especially, particularly for Maori, that the whole, the whole gay lifestyle is, is, is generally rejected or not accepted. In fact, in the old days they took them aside and killed them. Now I'm mot saying that that's what happens today but I think it just goes to show that because we've normalised this particular abnormal behaviour in society, and particularly a government that in every way funds it, especially through the AIDS Foundation, we're going to have younger and younger people and more, and different ethnics pick up this choice of lifestyle. BANKS: Well of course now the government's put in place the Civil Unions Bill which is just going to encourage Maori homosexuals to sort of legalise their status within the community and continue their behaviour. Therein lies the problem, therein lies the problem, why don't we have some education around how dangerous it is to provide each other with behaviour, sodomy behaviour and, and how it can kill you? Why don't we start educating them on that basis? TAMAKI: Well you know, John, we, we took it to the streets and to Parliament in the, in the best manner to let the, the public of New Zealand know - and the Government of course - that this just wasn't acceptable, to legislate the, an unnatural sexual, particular sexual orientation like this. And you know, of course it was just overrun and accepted like a lot of other immoral legislations, and now we're dealing with the mess of this thing. BANKS: Well we, they can't be happy, when I look at the sad faces of all these Maori warriors on this homosexual ad, they, can't, they can't be happy getting around behaving in this way, can they? TAMAKI: Well I don't know how anybody, it doesn't matter what their race or colour is, if they're involved in such practices, how they can be happy, John, and I don't think they are, to be quite honest. And so you know it's going to be an on-going problem across our nation that, and especially with legislation that is making this behaviour far easier to be, to be flouted in the public and propagated. BANKS: Well, I find it slightly offensive, as a white man, to see these once-proud warriors humiliated in this way by the AIDS Foundation as part of their campaign. Now listen, you and I understand that if these men want to do this, you know, they need to practice safe sex. But why wouldn't the AIDS Foundations encourage them to join Destiny Church, find God and behave themselves? TAMAKI: That's quite, that's quite funny, john. The AIDS Foundation's never going to do that. In fact that particular organisation is just another face for the gay community to be honest, the AIDS Foundation is exactly that and we've had... BANKS: I thought they were trying to save people from becoming HIV positive? TAMAKI: Oh, don't be fooled by that. I'm very much aware of their front and what they've done. When we took a very obvious, you know, right to be able to take out our message to the public, they came out with all sorts of things. So, no, I don't, to be honest the AIDS Foundation is just another face, front for the gay community BANKS: You see it's very sad the way this country's gone. I'm now told, Bi$hop Tamaki, that every jail up and down the country, when you go to jail you're provided with, you know, safe sex instrumentation and, and advice and also medical support to continue your bad behaviour. There's no... there's no education about the difference between right and wrong and good and bad, there's no education about the... TAMAKI: Well this is New Zealand, John. BANKS: Well this is not the country that I was brought up in as a young person, and I, I say to the country this morning, thank God for the Destiny Church. TAMAKI: Well I think, I think, to be honest, John, you hit it on the head there. I think there's been an adamant insistence in mainstream New Zealand, a large percentage of New Zealanders to reject the Christian faith and it's all but vanished - Christ, the church and the bible - from any public say and involvement in any social or political, education issues, and I think it's a really, it's a, it's a real concern to be honest. And I think that we should be, all Christians and anybody that believes in Christ in any church, should be making a refreshed stand to declare that this, this is a Christian state, and it's not open to any religion and any belief to come here and erect mosques and shrines and to practice and I'm adamant about that. I'm open, I mean I accept everybody, but I don't accept every religion and every God and every belief to be honest. And I think a nation, and any nation of the world's finding this trouble now globally with multiculturalism, it's just another word for multi-religions, it is messing countries up.     Radio Pacific - 6th March 2006

Credit: Radio Pacific

First published: Monday, 6th March 2006 - 12:00pm

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