It’s estimated more than 14,000 people braved a showery Auckland day for the annual Big Gay Out at Pt Chevalier’s Coyle Park, enjoying a packed schedule of entertainment, speeches, stalls and the all-important safe-sex message. There were still around 300 people dancing at the main stage despite the late downpour as the event closed to the sounds of New Zealand’s pixie of electro-pop Zowie. Get It On! and New Zealand AIDS Foundation spokeswoman Dawn O’Connor says there were no problems for police and ambulance staff, with police breaking up one fight but otherwise having a quiet day. They also had more than 20 people sign up for a seminar on joining the force. The NZAF had free rapid testing on site, which a number of people took part in, and will receive their results today. Auckland Sexual Health also carried out onsite STD tests, which proved popular with attendees.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 13th February 2012 - 7:38am