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Queensland Parliament oks Civil Unions

Fri 2 Dec 2011 In: International News

Queensland, of the most conservative Australian states, has passed Civil Union lesgislation allowing for legal recognition of same-sex partnerships. The Bill, introduced by deputy premier Andrew Fraser, was passed 47 to 40, with Labour MPs allowed a conscience vote but the Liberal National MPs required to vote as a bloc against it. Fraser said it was 21 years to the day that Labor decriminalised homosexual activities in Queensland. And now he said, Labor could make history again to progress the rights of homosexuals. "This bill merely but not meekly seeks to formally recognise relationships which have existed in Queensland for centuries,'' he told Parliament. "It provides them with the opportunity to celebrate their commitment and their love for one another in a ceremony in front of friends and family, perhaps this is its most important feature.''    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Friday, 2nd December 2011 - 11:59am

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