File photo UK: School pupils being bullied for their sexuality were advised by teachers to act "less gay" to make life easier for themselves, according to a report. The advice emerged in a report for Essex County Council following a specialist conference for more than 250 teachers and pupils who talked of their day-to-day experiences in schools. The Anti Bullying Work report said some experiences reveal teachers were insensitive to the needs of bullied youngsters and claims some educators had received "very little" training in dealing with the challenges they face. The council's principal officer for anti-bullying Julie Keating said there was "anecdotal evidence on the day of students being told to act less gay or to wear their hair differently as teachers felt they were making themselves a target for bullies". The council is now working on ensuring the right advice is given to students who are bullied.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 - 12:17pm