Did you know people gay sex is a criminal act in the majority of nations in the Commonwealth? As CHOGM begins in Perth, we share a list of shame, outlining the countries where change is vital to shake off the colonial hangover. The 39 states make up more than half of the countries in the world where same-sex relationships are criminalised. According human rights activist Peter Tatchell, the penalties for homosexuality include 25 years jail in Trinidad and Tobago and 20 years, plus flogging, in Malaysia. In Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Pakistan, Uganda, Bangladesh and Guyana the penalty is life imprisonment, while there have been, homophobic witch-hunts in Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Ghana. Commonwealth nations where gay sex is a criminal offence: 1. Antigua and Barbuda 2. Barbados 3. Bangladesh 4. Belize (male illegal, female legal) 5. Botswana 6. Brunei 7. Cameroon 8. Dominica 9. Gambia 10. Ghana (male illegal, female legal) 11. Grenada (male illegal, female legal) 12. Guyana (male illegal, female legal) 13. Jamaica (male illegal, female legal) 14. Kenya (male illegal, female legal but PM has also called for arrest of lesbians) 15. Kiribati (male illegal, female legal) 16. Lesotho (male illegal, female legal) 17. Malawi (male illegal, female legal) 18. Malaysia 19. Mauritius (male illegal, female legal) 20. Namibia (not enforced) 21. Nauru 22. Nigeria 23. Pakistan 24. Papua New Guinea 25. Saint Lucia (male illegal, female legal) 26. Saint Kitts and Nevis (male illegal, female legal) 27. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 28. Samoa (Law Reform Commission has called for change) 29. Sierra Leone (male illegal, female legal) 30. Singapore (male illegal, female legal) 31. Solomon Islands 32. Seychelles (male illegal, female legal) 33. Swaziland (male illegal, female legal) 34. Tanzania 35. Tonga (male illegal, female legal) 36. Trinidad and Tobago 37. Tuvalu (male illegal, female legal) 38. Uganda 39. Zambia (male illegal, female legal) Unclear 1. Maldives, where the law does not criminalise gay sex but Islamic Sharia law could potentially be applied. 2. Sri Lanka, British-enacted sodomy law may apply, but has never been implemented Commonwealth nations where gay sex is not a criminal offence 1. Australia 2. Bahamas 3. Canada 4. Cyprus 5. India 6. Malta 7. Mozambique 8. New Zealand 9. Rwanda 10. South Africa 12. United Kingdom 13. Vanuatu GayNZ.com - 27th October 2011