Nikki Kaye (left) and Jacinda Ardern (right) are fighting for the Central Auckland seat Representatives from National, Labour, the Greens, Act, United Future, Mana and the Maori Party will speak at the Gay Auckland Business Association's Electoral Forum on Thursday evening. Central Auckland National MP Nikki Kaye and the Labour list MP running against her Jacinda Ardern will be among the speakers, as will National lesbian candidate Claudette Hauti and out Labour MP Charles Chauvel. Gay Green MP Kevin Hague will represent his party, while Peter Seymour will speak for Act, Damian Light for United Future and Sue Bradford for Mana, while the Maori Party is also expected to send a representative. The forum, which GABA has hosted for every major election for nearly 20 years, is an opportunity for Aucklanders to meet face-to-face with electoral candidates and discuss glbt issues. Speakers will be invited to address the audience for up to seven minutes before taking questions from the floor and being given a right of reply to any points raised by other speakers. GABA Electoral Forum The Langham Hotel, 83 Symonds Street, Auckland 7-9PM, Thursday 13 October, doors open at 6PM Entrance is by koha of $5 with any profits going to The GABA Charitable Trust Tonight Wellington voters will get their chance to grill party representatives as Rainbow Wellington hosts its forum. Chauvel and Hague will speak, along with National candidate for Wellington Central Paul Foster-Bell, United Future’s Peter Dunne and representatives from Act and the Maori Party. Rainbow Wellington’s forum is on Wednesday 12 October from 6PM at Wellesley Boutique Hotel.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 12th October 2011 - 1:37pm