New glbt rights lobby group LegaliseLove will this Saturday ask Wellingtonians to mark their opposition to homophobia. From 11AM until 4PM they will be at Cuba Mall be asking passers-by to write a short message against homophobia, or leave an outline of their hand, on the fabric it will have available. "The day is to commemorate all victims of homophobia, but particularly the nine teenagers who committed suicide in the space of a single month, September 2010, in the United States," LegaliseLove says. "Such an unacceptable and horrific number of victims within so short a time re-awoke the United States to the realities of homophobia, and led to the creation of October 20 as Spirit Day, now an international day of action," it continues. "Timed to coincide with the first anniversary of Spirit Day this year, Legalise Love will also be leading a peaceful rally at Parliament to raise awareness about homophobia in New Zealand, and the legal inequalities that queer New Zealanders face." If you want to volunteer your time on the day, or get involved in the wider campaign, email, join the Facebook group, and sign the online petition for universal marriage and adoption rights in New Zealand.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 28th September 2011 - 2:35pm