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Straight man complains about "gay gene" cartoon

Tue 27 Sep 2011 In: New Zealand Daily News

The Broadcasting Standards Authority has thrown out a complaint that an episode of Family Guy where a main character is infected with a "gay gene" degraded straight men by suggesting they get drunk and go out and sleep with women. In the episode of the satirical adult cartoon, Peter Griffin is sent to "Straight Camp" after his family learns he has been genetically altered to be gay. At the camp he is encouraged to drink, play full contact football, and "find loose women to have sex with". Complainant Roderick Young of Tokoroa believed Four breached broadcasting standards, alleging it was in breach of good taste and decency, discrimination and denigration, children's interests, and liquor standards. Aside from concerns about the denigration of straight men, he also referred to "youth drinking culture" and the need to raise children to "treat women with respect". The Broadcasting Standards Authority has ruled the episode was clearly satirical and did not breach any standards. You can discuss this gay New Zealand news story on the forum    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 27th September 2011 - 1:49pm

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