From Kamo to DNA, our photographer Andrea takes us on the journey from transforming one of Auckland's much-loved grand old gay dames into a brand new nightclub and cocktail lounge, which has its full opening night this Friday. Kamo at 382 K' Rd as it was, from across the street The Kamo doors and bar space Shots from inside Kamo before the punters arrived on its final night Relics from the building's former life as a hotel were uncovered in the men's bathroom, including this chimney and shaft A rather small cellar door and dumb-waiter were also found The new cloakroom being built, plumbing going in, and the new office and toilet block under construction The back kitchen has been cleared for a new dancefloor, while there are two bars being built, one in a cosy cocktail lounge The view through the ne front door The all-important DJ booth Hard at work! Check back soon for pictures of the completed bar. Andrea and staff - 21st September 2011
Credit: Andrea and staff
First published: Wednesday, 21st September 2011 - 6:01pm