Glenn Mills As Glenn Mills was found dead in prison, it has emerged police were investigating claims of drug rape. And the allegations of non-consensual sex did not end there, or with his death. In part two of our look behind the scenes of the investigation, the officer in charge of the case Detective Sergeant Andy King reveals some of the even darker claims that emerged from Mills' shadowy world. The drug rape allegations Previously referred to as ‘the HIV predator', a 40-year-old man who was allegedly infecting men and women with the virus, Mills' name suppression was eventually dropped and the media was able to publish his name and pictures of him. The day the news filtered out, there was a flood of calls in to police and HIV support groups like Body Positive. Suspecting such an influx, the police investigation team set up a special 0800 number. One of the calls Detective Sergeant King took was from a tearful man, who told him he was driving from a lower North Island town to Wellington to get an urgent HIV test. "He didn't know what to do. He was beside himself," the detective says. "His words to me were that he didn't want to make a complaint, but he wanted me to be aware that not only was Glenn infecting others with HIV, but also that he was responsible for drug rapes as well.” It was the first time Detective Sergeant King had heard such allegations and he spoke to the man for more than an hour as the caller drove to the capital. The man explained he had been in a relationship with Mills and was still in contact with him after they broke up. He told the detective he was working at a bar which Mills and his friends often drank in. He says one night he drove Mills and his friends home to one of their houses because they were all drunk. “When they got there this man was handed an open can of beer by Glenn and he drank it then had another one, a second can. That was the only alcohol he had that night, no drugs,” Detective Sergeant King says. “A short time later he started feeling extremely strange and started losing feeling in his hands and his feet and his extremities. He went to lie down on a bed in a room and effectively went into a state where he couldn't move, he was conscious but he couldn't move. Then over the course of the night, over a period of what he believed to be eight hours or so, he stated that Mr Mills came into the room and sexually violated him anally about four or five times. “He said eventually he was left alone and the drug wore off and he was able to get up. He was haemorrhaging from his anus.” The man told Detective Sergeant King he bled anally for five days afterwards, but was too afraid to seek any medical help. The man came from a religious family and was not out to his parents. “That had happened quite some time before, about 2006 or 2007, and he said that he didn't want to make a complaint, he was just concentrating on getting and HIV test,” Detective Sergeant King says. The man arrived in Wellington and the detective's conversation with him ended. Not long afterwards Detective Sergeant King received a call from Wellington Central police saying a man had just walked in to say he had been drug-raped by Mills. "I said, yeah I know I've just been speaking to him, and we worked out the names and it turned out to be a totally different person. This other person was in a very similar type situation, said that he had met Glenn in a bar in Wellington and they had gone home together, he had been given a drink and felt the same symptoms and had been put into a bed and been raped by Glenn for a number of hours over the night." Both men made complaints to police, with the first driving from Wellington to Auckland overnight with a friend to do so. "Those investigations were underway at the time of Glenn's death," Detective Sergeant King says. Gang rape allegation In March last year, four months' after Mills' death, Detective Sergeant King was still receiving calls from people making allegations about Mills. One was a woman calling from Australia who was in a relationship with Mills in the later 1990s, who claimed he had arranged for her to be gang-raped by him and a group of male friends. "She fled to Australia after that and had never come back, until she decided to come back and visit her family. She was walking down Ponsonby Rd and saw Glenn Mills' face on the front page of Metro magazine, and she freaked out and fled back to Australia." The woman eventually called Detective Sergeant King because she wanted to tell someone her story, knowing that with Mills dead there was nothing police could do. "It eventually transpired as a side-note that she had been raped by her stepfather as an eight-year-old. And she eventually came to New Zealand, she paid for herself to come to New Zealand, and she made a complaint to my squad about that and he was arrested and charged and convicted of that." Reflecting on the case Detective Sergeant Andy King Detective Sergeant King says that from a police perspective the case was a unique situation, as the investigation unfolded extremely rapidly. “It was multi-faceted. We were under a lot of pressure. The police wanted to be seen to be doing the right thing and to be doing the right thing – the public health matter was of huge concern to everybody concerned. It was quite a difficult matter to judge when we should move forward on bringing Glenn in. "We needed to gather evidence to ensure that we were quite sure that he had committed these offences, and on the other hand we also needed to protect the public from further potential offending. From his text data we formed a strong belief that in the two years of Glenn being HIV positive, he'd been in sexual contact with somewhere between 500 and 1,000 people. He was extremely, extremely sexually active, which of course caused huge concern. "Insofar as whether or not we would have been successful in the courtroom, there were indications from Glenn's defence lawyer that he was planning on pleading guilty to some of the charges. We were actually negotiating that at the time of his death. He wanted us to reduce the charges down to lesser charges and we were saying that we were not going to do that, we owed it to the victims that were coming forward that we'd go forward with the major charges. "We were also looking, on the other hand, at increasing some of the charges up to full sexual violation. And the reason for that was very simple, insofar as we believed that the consent issue would have been negated, whilst these people had had sexual intercourse and intercourse with Glenn, if they had known that he was HIV positive then the consent would not have been given ... it was extremely serious offending." Jacqui Stanford - 4th September 2011