A bizarre tale has emerged from Wellington of a man being blindfolded in a hotel sex meet-up with a 'mystery' woman, who turned out to actually be a man. After the sudden death of the man who was accused in the case, the Dominion Post has published details of a 19-year-old's claim that he turned up to a hotel thinking he was going to meet a woman he met online and allowed the person to perform an unnamed sex act on him. The teenager took off his blindfold as he was leaving and saw his hotel date was actually a man. The newspaper reports police investigated and found that the man who hired the room at the five-star hotel on May 17 had been a guest there about 300 times. The man was charged with sexual violation, but has recently died, reportedly from a heart attack. You can read the full story here
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 19th August 2011 - 6:21pm