New Zealand's favourite crossdressing lesbian twin entertainers will take a starring role in a promotion designed to entertain Rugby World Cup visitors a sample of traditional rural New Zealand. The Topp Twins, in the guise of their country bloke aliases Ken and Ken, will be commentators for a 'running of the sheep' event which will see 1,000 sheep shepherded down Auckland's Queen Street as part of the Cup entertainment programme. The sheep will take over Queen Street at lunchtime on Monday October 17, just a few days before the Cup final. The flock, which will be accompanied by shepherds and bikini-clad models on quad bikes, will start near Aotea Square and head for Quay Street, echoing by-gone days when such flocks frequently passed down the city's main street heading for the docks on the waterfront.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 14th August 2011 - 3:00pm