The Aotearoa Rainbow Alliance is encouraging people to learn about what it's doing, spread the word and get involved in the process of getting the umbrella body for glbt groups running at full speed. A six member board has been elected under the leadership of co-chairs Michael Stevens and Anne Speir. Stevens says a variety of community members came along to the first AGM in Auckland: "We even had people from Wellington in person and attending the meeting also online, so that was very encouraging." There is room to co-op more board members if need-be. Stevens says the ARA wants to be a grassroots-driven organisation so getting individual and group members is important, so it can build networks across the country. "We're looking to hold meetings, when we can, in different parts of the country," he says. "We acknowledge that we are a very diverse community and we have very different interests at times. Sometimes we have shared interests and sometimes they aren't the same, but there's a real benefit to having an umbrella organisation that can provide links for us all." To find out more about joining the ARA, go here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 1st August 2011 - 3:10pm