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Rugby player sports moko on gay mag

Sun 17 Jul 2011 In: New Zealand Daily News

As the Rugby World Cup draws closer, a French rugby player has shown he is gay friendly, but managed to outrage some in Maoridom, by appearing on the cover of a gay and lesbian magazine donning a fake moko. Fullback Alexis Palisson is shirtless on the front cover of Tetu and has a fake moko on his chin, Maori tattoos across his torso and is wielding a taiaha. "It is true that rugby, it is tolerant. I know I have no problem with gays. I have gay friends. They love rugby and support me fully," the fullback says in the magazine. "Look at Gareth Thomas: homosexuality has not taken away from his manhood. I can tell you that I would not mess with him! So no, being gay does not diminish virility." New Zealand critics have called the picture 'cultural theft', including broadcaster Willie Jackson who is reported to be outraged. Palisson said that while he regrets causing any offence, he sees tattoos as a tradition he respects. There is no legislation in New Zealand to prevent overseas "exploitation" of Maori designs and images, Auckland intellectual property consultant Murray Stott has told the Herald on Sunday. You can watch a 'making of' video below:    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Sunday, 17th July 2011 - 12:30pm

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