A former Labour MP who was one of the most fervent opponents of the Homosexual Law Reform has conceded that 25 years on: "Half the fears I had have not come to pass." Geoff Braybrooke, who was one of the most vocal campaigners against the Bill and brought a controversial 800,000 signature before Parliament, has told the Dominion Post he has to accept the gay community now. Braybrooke says the 16 months while the bill was before Parliament were a tough time. Bricks were thrown through his window, and he found the pro-bill campaigners "very intolerant", which just made him more determined to defeat the legislation. He says that if he knew his views would soften he would not have fought so vehemently. Though he doesn't support civil unions, because he doesn't see the need for them, he's prepared to "live and let live. I'm 76 now and I'm much more tolerant", he has told the newspaper.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 9th July 2011 - 12:28pm