It's Maori language week. So, if you want to mouth something genuinely Maori, Maihi Makiha of the Manu Dolls has suggested a few useful everyday words and phrases suitable for a variety of settings to start you off... (Advisory: Women many want to be a little selective in which of the suggestions they choose to use! And to raise the tone we've followed this list with some pics of just a few of our communities' favourite Maori glbt stalwarts.) Aroha - Love Whakahiamo - sexy Purotu - handsome Ātaahua - beautiful We! Karihika ana tō āhua! wow! - You look hot! Hōmai ō ngutu! - Give me your lips! Kāti te pekepeke moenga! - Stop slutting around! Katahi ka paratī te ure - And then he ejaculated! Kua tū tana ure - He has an erection Me miri taihemahema tahi tāua - Let’s masturbate together Vic Biddle Kevin Haunui Richard Tankersley Anika Moa Manu Doll Maihi Carmen Rupe Georgia Beyer John Kingi Tamati Coffey - 6th July 2011