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NY senate to vote on legalising gay marriage

Sat 25 Jun 2011 In: International News

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo 10.20AM: The New York Senate is poised to vote on legalising gay marriage, setting the stage for a breakthrough victory for the gay-rights movement in the American state where it got its start. If the conscience vote pases the bill New York would become the sixth US state where gay couples can marry, and the biggest by far. Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, who campaigned on the issue last year, has promised to sign it. Gay weddings could begin 30 days after that. The heavily Democratic Assembly has already approved one version of the measure and is expected to easily pass the new version, which contains more protections for religious organisations. The bill's progress has been slowed in recent times by Republican demands for stronger legal protections for religious groups which fear discrimination lawsuits if they refuse to allow their facilities to be used for gay weddings. Now, all 32 Republicans have approved stronger religious protections.    

Credit: Daily News staffr

First published: Saturday, 25th June 2011 - 12:41pm

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