Jan Logie as at number nine on the Green Party list The Green Party is hoping to double the number of out MPs in its Parliamentary ranks in the November election, with two openly-gay candidates in the top ten. It has ranked sitting MP Kevin Hague third on its party list, and Paekakariki lesbian Jan Logie in 9th place. The Greens have a target of securing at least 15 list MPs on November 26. Logie stood for the Green Party in the recent Mana by-election, where she finished third. She is standing in the electorate at the general election and launched her campaign last week. The Invercargill-born 41-year-old is currently the Development Manager at the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities. She has an extensive CV, having previously been the Executive Assistant of former Green MP Sue Bradford, the Executive Director of YWCA Aotearoa, the Manager of Hutt Valley Youth Health Service, the Women's Coordinator of NZUSA and the Wellington Women's Refuge Coordinator. She was on the Out In The Square board in 2007 and has also volunteered with Youthline Dunedin, the HELP Sexual Abuse Crisis Line and the Wellington Rape Crisis Board. Logie's profile on the Green Party website states she is passionate about reducing inequality and promoting participation in society, locally and globally. Green Party list: 1 Metiria Turei, 2 Russel Norman, 3 Kevin Hague, 4 Catherine Delahunty, 5 Kennedy Graham, 6 Eugenie Sage, 7 Gareth Hughes, 8 David Clendon, 9 Jan Logie, 10 Steffan Browning, 11 Denise Roche, 12 Holly Walker, 13 Julie Anne Genter, 14 Mojo Mathers, 15 James Shaw, 16 David Hay, 17 Richard Leckinger, 18 Aaryn Barlow, 19 Jeanette Elley, 20 Sea Rotmann, 21 Michael Gilchrist, 22 Dora Langsbury, 23 David Kennedy, 24 Tane Woodley, 25 Joseph Burston, 26 Mikaere Curtis, 27 Shane Gallagher, 28 Saffron Toms, 29 Steve Tollestrup, 30 Jack McDonald.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 31st May 2011 - 2:03pm