Simon Randall GLBTI representatives of Auckland Council will meet with members of the community in Ponsonby next week. The next meeting of the Auckland regional gblti network is scheduled for Wednesday 25 May, from 4pm till 5.30pm at the Ley's Institute, 20 St Marys Rd, Ponsonby. "The network aims to be a place where gblti groups in the region can network, interact with gblti members of the Auckland Council, and gain an understanding of what the Auckland Council is doing, and how your group can influence this," says Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board member Simon Randall. He says the meeting will include a guide to the new Auckland Council and the current plans underway, and how they may have an impact on groups and the wider GBLTI community. It will also canvass what members would like to do at future network meeting and what times and locations suit people best for future meetings. All gblti community groups are welcome.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 18th May 2011 - 11:05am