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Police to crack down on sex at Kapiti beach

Tue 29 Mar 2011 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Police are going to take a hard line on people having sex at a Kapiti Coast beach following endless complaints from locals. The Dominion Post reports Sergeant Noel Bigwood of Otaki met with about 16 residents of Te Hapua Rd, Te Horo, last week and after hearing complaints about blatantly offensive sexual behaviour. He urged them to report such behaviour and write down descriptions and car registration numbers. "One or two people need to be made an example of so the sunlovers can get on with their discreet sunloving, the gay community can get on with being a discreet gay community and other beach users can use the beach without anything being shoved in their face," he has told the newspaper. "If we make an example of one or two, the rest will fall off the line and people will be able to go about their lawful business undisturbed.” Local residents claim gay men pop up the dunes “like meercats”. Te Horo beach resident BJ Whitaker said the Te Hapua dunes were like "an open outdoor brothel for gay men", while the beach was used by increasing numbers of naturists. Read the full Dominion Post story here    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 29th March 2011 - 12:45pm

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