Mon 14 Mar 2011 In: Out Games News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The police have a highly visible presence at the AsiaPacific Outgames through their Diversity Liaison Officers, who are recruiting new officers, handing out wristbands and nail files, plus information cards for visitors to Wellington. Today DLOs are heading off to the seven-a-side soccer at Te Whaea Park in Newtown, where fierce competition is raging between New Zealand and Australian teams. The DLOs have been handing out information cards to glbt visitors warning that while New Zealand is relatively safe, crime does occur and precautions should be taken. They urge anyone who needs help from police to contact a DLO. The police representatives, some sworn and others non-sworn, are also handing out the popular rainbow wristbands which read “Stand Tall, Be Proud, Safer Communities Together”. They also have a new addition, rainbow coloured nail files. They are also available to answer questions for anyone considering a career in the police force. Daily News staff - 14th March 2011
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 14th March 2011 - 9:45am