Sat 5 Mar 2011 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The US Navy is trying to discharge a sailor found asleep in bed with another sailor. Navy Petty Officer Stephen C. Jones says a male sailor came by his bedroom to watch The Vampire Diaries and they both dozed off in the same bed. "That is the honest, entire story," Jones says. Navy officials disagree and have charged Jones with dereliction of duty and seeking to discharge him. "The subterfuge is, they believe this kid is a homosexual, but they have no proof of it," said Jones's attorney. "So what they've done here is to trump this thing up as a crime. This is not a crime." In December, President Obama signed legislation that will eventually allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the US Military for the first time. But the law will not take effect until 60 days after Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and other officials formally certify to Congress that the military is ready to fully integrate gays and lesbians.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 5th March 2011 - 8:21pm