Condoms packed and ready to roll Condoms and lubricant packs by the thousands are being rushed to Christchurch by Get It On! in a "rapid response" to the aftermath of the devastating earthquake. "Operation Condom" has already seen over two thousand condom and lube packs prepared by volunteers in Auckland and sent to the suburbs of Templeton, Cashmere, Linwood, St Albans, Riccarton, Mairehau and New Brighton, according to an announcement made this evening. They are being distributed through Christchurch’s gay social networks and by NZ AIDS Foundation staff and volunteers. Hamish Milne, a Christchurch-based Get it On! spokesperson and coordinator of Operation Condom, says tensions in the city are running high, "and that includes sexual tension. We’re undoubtedly indulging in stress-relieving sex. Maybe it’s just the presence of all the army men and rescue workers!” Before last week's devastating 'quake, for which the death toll is being tipped to exceed 200 and which has seen widespread destruction, the major outlets for the free condom and lube packs were the city's gay venues. But all, as well as the AIDS Foundation South/Te Toka office, have been extensively damaged and are currently out of operation. Anyone in Christchurch can get access to free condoms and lube or give feedback on "Operation Condom" by going to You can discuss this New Zealand glbt community news story in the Forum.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 3rd March 2011 - 9:16pm