is to locate its national newsroom operation in Wellington for the duration of the massive 2nd Asia Pacific OutGames to ensure the fullest possible glbt media coverage. Two experienced journalists, including's lead writer, Jacqui Stanford, plus an assistant photographer and stringer reporters will operate from central Wellington from March 11th through to the 20th to enable the fullest possible daily coverage of the event. "There are so many events and people to cover that we felt it was important to be on the ground at the OutGames to ensure the best possible daily reporting," says's Content Editor Jay Bennie. "While we won't be able to be everywhere at once we will be working hard at the venues to ensure that all the sporting, cultural and human rights aspects of the event are done justice," he says. "Our live reporting through each day and our background features will capture much of the colour and excitement of being in the Capital for the biggest such event ever held in our part of the world." News reporting from the OutGames will appear in this special news section and general news reporting will continue in Daily News. Background OutGames features will be posted amongst the site's usual flow of interviews, articles and commentary. Daily News staff - 2nd March 2011
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 2nd March 2011 - 8:34pm