Wed 2 Mar 2011 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The Gay Auckland Business Association has been asked to convene a group to help liaise with Auckland Council's Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) organisation, to develop a representative lgbt body for the Auckland Mardi Gras project. National MP Nikki Kaye says the success of having a celebration that builds on the Big Gay Out will depend on the lgbt community and business involvement. "I believe there are a number of organisatiosn such as New Zealand AIDS Foundation and Rainbow Youth that may wish to be represented on the group," she has written in a letter to GABA President Glenn Sims. "The purpose of this group will be to assist with community engagement on a potential Mardi Gras project and consider potentially setting up an organisation that represents the community's views for the future." Kaye adds she has already had a number of individuals and organisations from across the community and businesses who are interested and supportive of the concept. The letter has been cc'd to the Chairman and Manager of ATEED, along with Green MP Kevin Hague and Labour MP Charles Chauvel. Kaye hopes a representative from both parties will step up so there is cross-party support for the initiative. She says she will attend meetings where possible, but will otherwise send a representative. "I have also made contact with the Office of the Lord Mayor of Sydney who is being very helpful in providing further information on Sydney Mardi Gras particulalry the history of ensuring strong community engagement with any potential event."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 2nd March 2011 - 4:45pm