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Third reading of the Bill

Audio from the third reading of the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by the Justice Minister Amy Adams on 6 July 2017. It is the first expungement scheme to be created in New Zealand. The Bill unanimously passed its third and final reading.

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  • 0:00:00 - Anne Tolley (Deputy Speaker)
  • 0:00:15 - Andrew Little (Justice Minister, List, Labour Party)
  • 0:08:55 - Chris Bishop (Hutt South, National Party)
  • 0:18:10 - Grant Robertson (Wellington Central, Labour Party)
  • 0:28:03 - Maggie Barry (North Shore, National Party)
  • 0:33:51 - Darroch Ball (List, New Zealand First)
  • 0:39:10 - Andrew Falloon (Rangitata, National Party)
  • 0:41:42 - Jan Logie (List, Green Party)
  • 0:51:30 - Matt King (Northland, National Party)
  • 0:54:22 - Duncan Webb (Christchurch Central, Labour Party)
  • 0:59:10 - Joanne Hayes (List, National Party)
  • 1:01:03 - Raymond Huo (List, Labour Party)
  • 1:10:58 - Andrew Bayly (Hunua, National Party)
  • 1:13:58 - Louisa Wall (Manurewa, Labour Party)
  • 1:23:55 - Voting, Adrian Rurawhe (Assistant Speaker)
  • 1:24:52 - After the vote, the House moved onto the next debate. Jenny Salesa (Manukau East, Labour Party) made a brief reflection on the historic offences bill (included in the audio)


The abstract summarizes a significant parliamentary event in New Zealand where the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill reached its third reading. On April 3, 2018, a parliamentary recording took place, featuring prominent members of Parliament who contributed to the discussion and passage of the bill that addresses historical injustices against individuals convicted for consensual homosexual acts prior to the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1986.

The recording, which lasted 1 hour and 25 minutes, began with the call on government Order of the Day Number two for the third reading of the bill, moved by the Honourable Andrew Little. An overview of the bill states that its purpose is to right the wrongs of the past by creating a process for the expungement of these convictions from criminal records, acknowledging the deep prejudice, stigma, and negative effects suffered by those convicted.

Under the bill, the Secretary for Justice must be satisfied that the conduct which led to the conviction would not be considered an offence under current law, focusing on the age and consensual nature of the act. Eligible convictions are specified, and upon expungement, individuals are entitled to declare they have no conviction of this nature, and it would not appear in any criminal history check. Moreover, disclosure of expunged convictions by officials is prohibited. However, the bill specifies there will be no compensation as it goes beyond the scheme's intended purpose and historical convictions were lawful at the time.

The bill signifies New Zealand’s commitment to not only correct historical injustices but also fosters an environment that recognizes and celebrates diversity. Throughout the recording, there's a reflection on the impact of the debate and the transformation in societal attitudes towards members of the LGBTQ+ community. Importantly, the bill enjoyed widespread support and passed through the Parliament unanimously, marking a profound moment of bipartisanship and shared commitment to justice and equality.

The session included not only legal and policy-related discussions but also emotional addresses that paid tribute to those who have faced long-standing discrimination. Personal stories and apologies for the hurt caused by past laws were highlighted, and a sense of collective responsibility and apology emanated from the parliamentary members.

This summary is created using Generative AI. Although it is based on the recording's transcription, it may contain errors or omissions. Click here to learn more about how this summary was created.


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Record date:3rd April 2018
Audio courtesy of:Parliament TV
Location:Parliament buildings, Wellington
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004533).