Production Metadata Fields
This page describes the metadata fields that are used on
Field Details
- irn - a unique numeric identifier used by the PrideNZ content management system
- master_filename - the filename of the master media file
- master_md5 - the md5 checksum value of the master media file
- master_duration - the duration of the master media file (h:mm:ss)
- master_sample_rate - the sample rate of the master media file (generally 44.1kHz)
- master_bit_depth - the bit depth of the master media file (generally 16 bit)
- master_channels - the number of channels in the master media file (generally 1, i.e. mono)
- media_reference - a six-digit number referring to a particular event. Note sometimes there are multiple recordings related to a single media_reference number, for example individual interviews conducted at the same physical event. Also note that only media items that have been recorded or processed by PrideNZ will have a reference number. Media from external websites will not have a number
- media_source - the source of the media item. This may (or may not) reflect the actual rights holder, but it is a good starting point for identifying rights information
- copyright_position - copyright status of this production (if known)
- copyright_ownership - copyright owner (if known)
- copyright_ownership_note - further information (if any) relating to copyright
- submitted_to_nlnz - date when this production was submitted to the National Library of New Zealand (DD-MM-YYYY)
- public_url - link to the public web page for this production
- metadata_url - link to the metadata web page for this production
- production_date - date of production (DD-MM-YYYY). Note sometimes an exact production date is not known. Approximate dates are noted in the description field
- production_day - day of production. Note sometimes an exact production date is not known. Approximate dates are noted in the description field
- production_month - month of production. Note sometimes an exact production date is not known. Approximate dates are noted in the description field
- production_year - year of production. Note sometimes an exact production date is not known. Approximate dates are noted in the description field
- recording_type - broad categorisation of this media item (event, presentation, performance etc.)
- series - over arching series (if any) relating to this production
- sub_series - sub series (if any) relating to this production
- title - title of this production
- description - description of this production
- summary_computer_generated - 300-400 word summary created by Generative AI from the audio transcription of this media item
- interviewer - interviewer (if any) relating to this production
- voices - voices identified in this production. Voices are delimited by a | pipe character
- tags - tags that have been manually associated with this production. Tags are delimited by a | pipe character
- tags_computer_generated - tags that have been automatically associated with this production. Tags are delimited by a | pipe character
- location_name - location name associated with this production, e.g. National Library
- location - location associated with this production, e.g. 70 Molesworth Street, Thorndon
- broader_location - broader location associated with this production, e.g. Wellington
- location_lat - decimal latitude coordinate for mapping purposes
- location_long - decimal longitude coordinate for mapping purposes
- precise_locality - true/false. Is the location a precise locality or more broader