Audio from the Auckland Pride Festival 2013. The festival ran for two weeks from 8 - 24 Feburary, and had sixty different events - including the Big Gay Out and the Pride Parade.
Alex Taylor
Alex talks about his life as a gay composer, and being part of the After Lilburn concert held during the Auckland Pride Festival 2013...
Published: March 2013
Auckland Pride Parade
2013 saw the first parade held in Auckland in over a decade. The parade also saw the NZ Defence Force march for the...
Published: February 2013
Julian Cook
Pride Festival Co-ordinator Julian Cook talks about some of the sixty events happening during the Auckland Pride Festival 2013. For more details about the...
Published: February 2013
Lesbian heritage walk
Miriam Saphira takes a tour group around some of the historic lesbian sites in central Auckland. A special thank you to the Charlotte Museum...
Published: February 2013