All Tags
Here is a list of all of the tags used on this website. Click on any tag to see the related media.
- 1737 Need to Talk
- 1ZB (radio)
- 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force
- 2ZB (radio)
- 2ZM
- 3ZB (radio station)
- 41 South Motor Club
- 4ZZZFM (Brisbane)
- 91ZM (Wellington, radio)
- 95bFM
- ABI Rehabilitation Services
- Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
- ACON (New South Wales)
- ACT New Zealand
- Act Up
- Action Zealandia
- ActionStation
- Adhikaar Aotearoa
- Afterlife Memorial Trust
- Age Concern New Zealand
- Agender New Zealand
- Ahakoa Te Aha (Auckland)
- AIDS Memorial Quilt
- AIDS Support Network
- AIDS Support Network Trust
- Air New Zealand
- Akiko International
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alexander Turnbull Library
- All Blacks
- Allan Aberhart Fund
- Alliance Defending Freedom
- Alliance for Justice
- alQaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society
- ALRANZ Abortion Rights Aotearoa
- Amamus Theatre Group
- Amazons Softball Club (Wellington)
- American LGBTQ+ Museum
- American Library Association
- Amnesty International
- Anglican Church
- Animal Agenda Aotearoa (campaign)
- Aniwaniwa o Tairawhiti (Gisborne)
- Ansett New Zealand
- Anti Bigot Committee (formerly the Alliance for Justice)
- ANZ Bank New Zealand
- Aquarius Club
- Ara Taiohi
- Archives New Zealand
- ARISE Church
- Armstrong and Arthur Charitable Trust for Lesbians
- Art Gallery of New South Wales
- Artists Alliance
- Arts Access Aotearoa
- Arts Council of New Zealand
- As You Are (Auckland)
- ASB Bank
- Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand
- Assembly Of God
- Association of Women Academics (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Auckland AIDS Council
- Auckland City Council
- Auckland City Library
- Auckland City Mission
- Auckland Community AIDS Service
- Auckland Community Church
- Auckland District Health Board (ADHB)
- Auckland Gay Bowling Organisation (AGBO)
- Auckland Lesbian Business Association (ALBA)
- Auckland Metropolitan College
- Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra
- Auckland Sexual Health Service
- Auckland Stock Exchange
- Auckland Theatre Company
- Auckland University Press
- Auckland War Memorial Museum
- Aunty Dana's Op Shop
- Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)
- Australian Christian Lobby
- Australians for Equality
- Bay Area AIDS Support Services (BASS)
- Bay Area Reporter
- BBC World Service
- Be. Accessible
- Bear New Zealand
- Befriend (Christchurch)
- Bent Taranaki
- Bicycle Junction
- Black Ferns
- Black Panthers
- Black Power
- Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary
- Blenheim Musical Theatre
- Blue Diamond Society
- Blue Mountain College
- BMW cars
- Bob Scott Retirement Village (Lower Hutt)
- Body Positive
- Body Positive Canterbury
- Borders (bookshop)
- Bowen Trust Board
- BOX Events
- Box Oceania
- Breathing Space (group)
- Brownies
- Brunel University London
- Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (Canada)
- Builders Labourers Federation
- Buoy Salon and Spa (Wellington)
- Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
- Burnside High School (Christchurch)
- Campaign for Civil Unions
- Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE)
- Campaign for Marriage Equality
- Campaign to Pardon Gays in Aotearoa
- Cantoris choir (Wellington)
- Cartier Trust
- Castel Felice (ship)
- Catholics United for the Faith
- Celebrants Association of New Zealand (CANZ)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Central City Library
- Changing Minds
- Charlotte Museum
- Chorus
- Chrissy Witoko Memorial Trust
- Christ's College (Christchurch)
- Christchurch Boys' High School
- Christian Dior
- Christian Heritage Party
- Civil Union Bill Support Society
- Closet Space
- Club 41
- Club 69 (Christchurch)
- Club Sandwich (Onslow College)
- Coalition in Support of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill
- Coalition of Concerned Citizens
- Coca-Cola Amatil New Zealand
- Colombo Plan
- Colour Me Kitchen
- Coming Up
- Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
- Common Ground (Wellington)
- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
- Community AIDS Resource Team
- Community Centre
- Community HIV Team
- Community Law
- Community Law (Hutt Valley)
- Community Law (Wellington)
- Community Law Centre (Christchurch)
- Composers Association of New Zealand (CANZ)
- Conservative Party NZ
- Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
- Continental Hairdressing Academy (Wellington)
- Coronation Street (tv)
- Countdown supermarket
- Craig Potton Publishing
- Creative New Zealand
- Critical Resistance (USA)
- Cross Agency Rainbow Network (CARN)
- Crown Law Office
- Crunk Feminist Collective (CFC)
- Cyber Scrivener
- DANSS (Wellington)
- DEFGLIS (Australian Defence Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Information Service)
- Democrats for Social Credit
- Department of Conservation
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Foreign Affairs
- Department of Internal Affairs
- Destiny Church
- Different Strokes Wellington (DSW)
- Dire Straits
- Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League
- Diva Productions
- Diversity and Inclusion Council (St John)
- Diversity Group (Newlands College)
- Diversityworks Trust
- Dominion (newspaper)
- Dominion Post (newspaper)
- DOODS (Dykes Out Of Debt)
- Dorian Society
- Dorian Society (former site)
- Downstage theatre
- Dowse Art Museum
- Drodrolagi Movement (Fiji)
- Dutybound Bookbinder
- Dykes on Mics (Auckland)
- Dymocks Bookstore
- E tu (union)
- Eastman School of Music (New York)
- Education Review Office (ERO)
- Electoral Commission
- Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Embassy of the United States
- Emerging Artists Trust
- Endo Warriors Aotearoa
- Equal Justice Project (Auckland)
- EquAsian
- Ettie Rout Clinic
- European Union
- Evolve Wellington Youth Service
- Exclusive Brethren
- Exisle Publishing
- Exodus International
- Extreme Taupo
- Faith Communities United in Love
- Family First NZ
- Family Planning
- Faux Direction (musical group)
- Female Sexuality (FemSex)
- Fifth Season Garden Group
- Fiji Human Rights Commission
- Film Society
- Fingerprints and Teeth Productions
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand
- Fired Up Stilettos
- Flaming Dagger (gang)
- Fleetwood Mac
- Fletcher Building
- Focus on the Family
- Forge (Christchurch)
- Framelines film festival
- Freedoms New Zealand
- Fresh Fruit (Wellington)
- Friedrichshof Commune
- Friends of Friends
- From Scratch (group)
- Galaxies (Wellington)
- GALS (Nelson College for Girls QSA)
- GALS (Gay and Lesbian Singers, Auckland)
- GAP (Gay Association of Professionals)
- Gap Filler
- Gateways club (London)
- Gay Activists Alliance (GAA)
- Gay Activists Society (Christchurch)
- Gay and Lesbian Clergy Anti-Discrimination Society (GLCADS)
- Gay and Lesbian Narcotics Anonymous (Wellington)
- Gay Auckland Business Association (GABA)
- Gay BC (Wellington Access Radio)
- Gay Christian Network
- Gay Fathers group (Wellington)
- Gay Feminists Collective
- Gay Lesbian Welfare (Auckland)
- Gay Lesbian Welfare telephone (Auckland)
- Gay Liberation Auckland
- Gay Liberation Christchurch
- Gay Liberation Front
- Gay Liberation Front (UK)
- Gay Liberation Front (USA)
- Gay Liberation Front Auckland
- Gay Liberation Front Christchurch
- Gay Liberation Front Rotorua
- Gay Liberation Front Wellington
- Gay Liberation Wellington
- Gay Line Wellington Trust
- Gay Men's Health Crisis
- Gay Publishing Collective
- Gay Radio
- Gay Task Force
- Gay Teachers Union
- GAY University Students Association (University of Canterbury)
- Gay Wakeboarding Association NZ
- Gay-Aid (Wellington)
- Gay-OK
- GayBiNZ
- Gayline (Auckland)
- Gaylink (Christchurch)
- Gays and Lesbians in Education (GLE)
- GC2b Transitional Apparel
- Gender Flux (USA)
- Gender Minorities Aotearoa (GMA)
- Genre Books
- Girl Guides
- Gisborne Boys High School
- GLAD (Gays and Lesbians Against Discrimination)
- Glamourhead Sharks (Melbourne, Australia)
- GLBT Historical Society
- GLBTI Retirement Association Inc
- Glenfield College
- GLISA Asia Pacific
- Goethe-Institut
- Golden Bay Cement
- Golf New Zealand
- Green Cross Pharmacy
- Green Party
- Grey Power New Zealand
- Group Life Laboratory
- Hachette NZ
- Hagley Community College
- Hallensteins
- Halt All Racist Tours (HART)
- Hamilton Boys High School
- Harbour City Funeral Home
- Hares and Hyenas (bookstore)
- HarperCollins Publishers
- Harrods (UK)
- Hasting Boys High School
- Haus of Khameleon (Fiji)
- Hawke's Bay Equality Society
- Hawke's Bay Herald-Tribune
- He Taua
- Health And Disability Commissioner
- Health department
- Hecate Women's Health Collective Inc
- Hedesthia (Wellington)
- Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
- Herne Bay House
- Herne Bay Petanque Club (Auckland)
- Hero Charitable Trust
- Heroic Gardens
- Herstory Press
- Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays (HUG)
- High Commission of Canada
- Hocken Library (Dunedin)
- Hodder Moa Beckett (now Hachette)
- Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence
- Homophones (Wellington)
- Homosexual Electoral and Legislative Lobby (HELL)
- Homosexual Law Reform Society
- Homosexuals Anonymous
- House of LaBeija
- Housing New Zealand
- Howard League for Penal Reform
- Huia Publishers
- Human Rights Campaign (USA)
- Human Rights Commission
- Human Rights Review Tribunal
- Hurricanes (rugby team)
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt Valley Memorial Technical College
- Icebreakers
- Icebreakers (Auckland)
- IDEA Services (IHC)
- ILGA Oceania
- ILGA World
- INA (Māori, Indigenous and South Pacific) HIV and AIDS Foundation
- Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tahono
- Inland Revenue Department
- InsideOUT Kōaro
- Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft
- Inter-Parliamentary Union
- International Bolshevik Tendency
- International Committee LGBT History Months
- International Gay Association
- International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML)
- International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)
- International Socialist Organisation Aotearoa
- International Socialist Organisation Te Whanganui-a-Tara branch
- International Socialist Organization (ISO)
- Internet Archive
- Internet MANA
- Intersex Society of North America
- Intersex Trust Aotearoa New Zealand (ITANZ)
- Intersex Youth Aotearoa
- IRB World Cup
- Isherwood Trust (Auckland)
- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
- Island Bay Library (Wellington)
- Island Bay School (Wellington)
- IV League
- Jaycees
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria (Australia)
- Johnny Campbell and The Detours
- Just Desserts (Auckland)
- Just Speak
- Kāhui Irarau (Massey University)
- Kahui Wahine
- Kaimiro School
- Kaleidoscope Trust
- Kamp That Way Collective
- Kapiti Coast District Council
- Kapiti College
- Kapiti Youth Support
- Kapul Champion and Friends Frangipani Inc
- Kapul Champions (Papua New Guinea)
- Kava Club (Wellington)
- Kawe Mahara Queer Archives Aotearoa
- KG Club (Auckland)
- Kickass Wāhine Crew
- Kindle
- King's College (Auckland)
- Kippenberger Research Library (Waiouru)
- KiwiRail
- Knox Church (Lower Hutt)
- Kobo
- Kōkiri Marae
- Kōkiri Marae Hauora health
- Krazy Knights (Wellington rugby team)
- Lahmann Health Home
- Lambda Trampers
- Lavender Menace
- Lazarus and Orijah Marama (the First Children of the Trailblazing Kiki House of Marama)
- Learning Media
- Legacy Project
- LegaliseLove
- LegaliseLove (Waikato)
- LegaliseLove (Wellington)
- Les Girls
- Lesbian Action for Visbility Aotearoa (LAVA)
- Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand (LAGANZ)
- Lesbian Avengers
- Lesbian choir (Wellington)
- Lesbian Club
- Lesbian Coalition
- Lesbian Elders Village
- Lesbian Gay Media Collective
- Lesbian Line (Wellington)
- Lesbian Overland and Cafe Club
- Lesbian support and social group (Auckland)
- Lesbian support group (Palmerston North)
- Lesbians in Print (LIP)
- Lesbians Inside the System (LIS)
- Lesbians on Latte (Auckland)
- Letsbian club (sp? Wellington)
- Levin Intermediate
- LGBT Health and Wellbeing [LGBT Healthy Living Centre] (Scotland)
- Liberty Counsel
- Library of Congress
- Lightbox Online TV
- Lippy Pictures
- Living Wisdom School of Counselling (Stoke)
- London Missionary Society
- Longacre Press
- Love Life Fono Trust
- Love Your Condom
- LV Martin and Sons
- MacDiarmid Arts Trust
- Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Trust (MOSAIC)
- Mana Āniwaniwa
- Mana Party
- mana wahine
- Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health
- Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association (MALGRA)
- Māori Concert Party
- Māori Television
- Māori Women's Welfare League
- Marriage Equality Campaign (Wellington)
- Massey University
- Massey University Press
- Maxim Institute
- Mayhem Boxing
- McDonalds
- Medical Appeal Board
- Men Against Pornography
- Men Against Rape
- Mental Health Foundation
- Mercer New Zealand
- Mercury Theatre (Auckland)
- Meridian Energy
- Metlink Wellington
- Metropolitan Community Church
- Migrant and Refugee Rights Campaign (MARRC)
- Mika Haka Foundation
- Mills and Boon
- Ministry for Culture and Heritage
- Ministry for Pacific Peoples
- Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
- Ministry for Women
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Social Development
- Ministry of Women's Affair
- Ministry of Youth Affairs
- Minorities Trust
- Miramar North School
- Mongrel Mob
- Moral Majority
- Mother's Network NZ
- Mount Albert Grammar School
- MPI Primary Pride Network
- Museums Aotearoa
- Museums Wellington
- Naenae College
- Naenae Intermediate
- NAMES Project
- Naming New Zealand
- Napier Operatic Society
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Narukami Taiko
- National Council of Churches
- National Council of Women
- National Council on AIDS
- National Film Board of Canada
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (USA)
- National Gay Rights Coalition
- National Housing Commission
- National Library of New Zealand
- National Museum of American History
- National Party
- National Party Research Unit
- National People Living with AIDS Union
- National Socialist Network (NSN)
- National Telehealth Service
- National with Pride (New Zealand National Party)
- National Youth Council of New Zealand
- Nayland Alliance of Gays and Straights (NAGS)
- Nayland College
- Nelson College
- Nelson Provincial Museum
- Netflix
- NetSafe
- New Conservative Party
- New Zealand AIDS Council
- New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF)
- New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt
- New Zealand Army
- New Zealand Association for Adolescent Health and Development
- New Zealand Association of Counsellors
- New Zealand Blood Service
- New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (NZBC)
- New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU)
- New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF)
- New Zealand Film Archive
- New Zealand Film Commission
- New Zealand First
- New Zealand Gay News
- New Zealand Herald
- New Zealand Heritage Pouhere Taonga
- New Zealand International Film Festival
- New Zealand Labour Party
- New Zealand Law Society
- New Zealand Lesbian Social Group (Facebook)
- New Zealand Needle Exchange Programme
- New Zealand Nurses Organisation
- New Zealand Party
- New Zealand Police
- New Zealand Portrait Gallery
- New Zealand Professional Boxing Association
- New Zealand Radio Training School
- New Zealand School of Dance
- New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA Wellington)
- New Zealand Society of Endocrinology
- New Zealand String Quartet
- New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
- New Zealand Union of Students' Associations
- New Zealand Values Party
- New Zealand Womans Weekly
- New Zealand Young Labour
- New Zealand Young Nationals
- New Zealand Youth for Christ
- Newlands College
- Newlands Intermediate School (Wellington)
- Newshub
- NFU (National Film Unit)
- Nga Kaihanga Uku
- Nga Tamatoa
- Nga Taonga Sound and Vision
- Ngā Uri o Whiti Te Rā
- Ngā Uri o Whiti Te Rā Mai Le Moana Trust
- Ngati Kahungunu ki Poneke Community Services
- Nielsen BookData New Zealand
- Northern Region District Health Boards (DHBs)
- Nuku Ora
- NZ Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL)
- NZ Drug Foundation
- NZ Falcons
- NZ On Screen
- NZ Rugby
- NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)
- NZ Truth
- NZBC (New Zealand Broacasting Corporation)
- NZBS (New Zealand Broadcasting Service)
- NZDF Personnel Archives and Medals (PAM) - Trentham Military Camp
- NZEI Te Riu Roa
- NZEI Te Riu Roa Wellington Rainbow Network
- NZPC: Aotearoa New Zealand Sex Workers' Collective
- NZSO National Youth Orchestra
- Office of the Clerk / Parliamentary Service
- Open Brethren
- Open Collective
- OpenAI
- Operation Olive Branch
- Opportunity for Animals
- Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children
- Orchestra Wellington
- Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration (ORAM)
- Otago Gay Equality Society (OGES)
- Otago University Press
- OUSA Queer Support (Otago University Students' Association)
- Out and Loud (choral festival)
- Out at PSA Network
- Out at Work Network
- Out in the Bay
- Out Loud
- Out There! National Queer Youth Development Project
- Out Wellington Inc.
- OUT! empire
- Outerspaces (Wellington)
- OUTLine NZ
- OutRage! (UK)
- OutTakes: A Reel Queer Film Festival
- Outward Bound
- Over the Rainbow
- OverWatch (NZ Defence Force)
- Oxford Union Society
- Pacific Sexual Diversity Network (PSDN)
- Paediatric Society of New Zealand (PSNZ)
- Paekākāriki Pops
- Paekākāriki Pride Inc
- Paekākāriki School
- Palestinian Queers for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions
- Palmerston North GLITTFAB Wellbeing Network
- Palmerston North Women's Health Collective
- Papanui Technical College
- Paraparaumu College
- Parliament TV
- Parsons Bookshop (Wellington)
- Peacemakers Trust
- Pearson Education
- PeerZone
- PEN International
- Penguin Books New Zealand
- People Against Prisons Aotearoa (formerly known as No Pride In Prisons)
- People with AIDS Collective
- Petty and Vindictive collective (Auckland)
- PFLAG South
- Pharmaceutical Management Agency (Pharmac)
- Piki (PeerZone support project)
- Pink Triangle collective
- Pizza Hut
- Planet FM
- Playmarket
- Point 5cc
- Polari Fantabulosa (Wellington)
- Pompallier Catholic College
- Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition
- Popular Culture Assocation of Australia and New Zealand (POPCAANZ)
- Pordenone film festival
- Positive Attitude Inc (Melbourne)
- Positive Speakers Bureau
- Positive Women Inc
- Post Office
- Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)
- Powershop
- Poz Plus
- Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
- Pride Audio Collective
- Pride in Medicine
- Pride Network (ACC)
- Prisoner Correspondence Network
- Privileges Committee
- Problem Gambling Foundation
- Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA)
- Programmed Property Services
- Project Youth (Kapiti Youth Support)
- Project Youth (Kapiti)
- Proof of the Pudding (NYC)
- Public Service Association (PSA)
- Purple Passions (soccer team)
- Pussy Riot
- PwC New Zealand
- Q Bay (Napier)
- Q Youth (Nelson)
- Qhoir (Wellington)
- QSMV Dominion Monarch (ship)
- Qtopia (Christchurch)
- Queer at Council (WCC)
- Queer Endurance in Defiance
- Queer Trans* Fight Club
- Queer Zone
- Queers on Campus (Auckland)
- QUILTED BANANAS (Wellington Access Radio)
- Radio Active (Wellington)
- Radio Gala
- Radio Hawkes Bay
- Radio New Zealand
- Radio New Zealand Concert
- Radio Pacific
- Radio Windy
- Rainbow Auckland (formerly GABA)
- Rainbow Caucus (Parliament)
- Rainbow Collective
- Rainbow Diversity Club (Department of Corrections)
- Rainbow Greens - Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
- Rainbow Haven
- Rainbow Heroes (Auckland rugby team)
- Rainbow Hub Waikato
- Rainbow Labour Caucus
- Rainbow Labour New Zealand
- Rainbow Network
- Rainbow NZ Charitable Trust
- Rainbow NZ Parliamentary Network
- Rainbow of Hong Kong
- Rainbow Pages
- Rainbow Pride Auckland
- Rainbow Pride Foundation
- Rainbow Rendezvous (WelTec)
- Rainbow Taskforce for Safe Schools (PPTA)
- Rainbow Team Wellington
- Rainbow Tick
- Rainbow Wellington
- Rainbow Youth
- Rainbow Youth (Tauranga)
- Random House Books New Zealand
- Rape Crisis
- Raw Photography
- Raye Freedman Trust
- Read Publishing NZ
- Red Flag Union
- Red Mole (performance group)
- Reed Publishing
- Reformed Churches of New Zealand
- Regulation Bloomers
- Regulations Review Committee
- ReSew initiative (Wellington)
- Resist Gender Education
- Richter City Roller Derby
- Ringatū Church
- Rodney Area Rainbow LGBTQ
- Rotary Club
- Rotorua Lifelink Youthline Service
- Royal Academy of Music (UK)
- Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand
- Royal New Zealand Air Force
- Royal New Zealand Ballet
- Royal New Zealand Police College
- Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association (RSA)
- Rule Foundation
- Russell McVeagh
- Sacred Heart College (Lower Hutt)
- Safe Schools Coalition Australia
- Safe Space Alliance
- Salvation Army
- Samaritans
- Samoa AIDS Foundation
- Samoa Fa'afafine Association
- San Francisco AIDS Clinic
- San Francisco Bay Times
- San Francisco Sentinel
- Sapphic Star
- Save the Children
- School's Out (Lower Hutt)
- School's Out (Wellington)
- Scottish AIDS Monitor
- Scouts New Zealand
- Seahorse Society NSW
- Security Intelligence Service
- Serco
- Sexual Abuse Prevention Network
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)
- Shakti Community Council
- Shakti New Zealand
- Shanti Project
- Shirley Boys' High School
- Silver Ferns
- Silver Rainbow
- Simpson Grierson
- Sisters for Homophile Equality (SHE)
- Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
- SlutWalk Aotearoa
- Smithsonian Institution
- Social Credit Party
- Social Fruits (Wellington)
- Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu)
- Social Security Appeal Authority
- Socialist Action League
- Society for Promotion of Community Standards
- SOGII Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Coalition
- SouthTrans NZ (Dunedin)
- Spark
- Speak Up For Women NZ
- Spectrum (Nelson)
- Sprung! Productions
- St John Ambulance of New Zealand
- St Paul's Anglican Church (Christchurch)
- St Vincent de Paul Society (Wellington)
- St. Vincent's Hospital (Sydney)
- Stand Up For Love
- Starbucks
- State Services Commission
- Statistics New Zealand
- Steele Roberts (Wellington)
- Stitch n Butch (Wellington)
- Stonewall (UK group)
- Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies
- Strangely Normal (Auckland)
- Street Outreach Team (Wellington)
- Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR)
- Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD)
- Suffragettes NZ
- Super Ultra Rainbow Alliance (Wellington)
- Surrender Dorothy
- Sydney by Night (bus tour)
- Tai Tapu School
- Takatāpui and Rainbow Advisory Council (TRAC)
- TalkLink Trust
- Tamaki Housing Group
- Tāmaki Rainbow Network (NZEI)
- Tandem Press
- Tapatoru
- Taranaki LGBTQ
- Tasman Solutions
- Tautua Village
- Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (United Kingdom)
- Tawa College
- Te Awamutu College
- Te Herenga Waka University Press
- Te Kaha o te Rangatahi Trust (Auckland)
- Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects
- Te Manawa Museum
- Te Ohaaki A Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together
- Te Omanga Hospice
- Te Paati Māori
- Te Punawai (Auckland)
- Te Rourou - One Aotearoa Foundation
- Te Tiare Association (Cook Islands)
- Te Waka Awhina Takatāpui Tane
- Te Wananga o Aotearoa
- Te Wananga o Raukawa
- Te Whatu Ora Health (public health)
- Tectonic Theater Project
- Television New Zealand Archive
- Temple Sinai
- Tennent Brown Architects Ltd
- TERF Watch Aotearoa (Facebook group)
- Terrence Higgins Trust
- Territorial Force (army)
- Tertiary Education Union Te Hautu Kahurangi o Aotearoa
- Thames Publications Ltd
- The Advocate (magazine)
- The Ankali Project (Australia)
- The Beatles
- The Christchurch Foundation
- The Court Theatre
- The Daughters of Bilitis
- The Disinformation Project
- The Dixie Chicks
- The Drag Kings (Wellington)
- The Edge
- The Family Research Council
- The Film and Television School New Zealand
- The Fourmyula (band)
- The Freedom Shop
- The Gender Centre (Wellington)
- The Glamaphones
- The Integrity Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
- The Johnnys
- The Kiwi Concert Party
- The Muse
- The New Zealand Jewish Council
- The Opportunities Party (TOP)
- The Polynesian Panthers
- The Pōneke Promise (Wellington City Council)
- The Press (Christchurch)
- The Pretenders (band)
- The Queer Avengers (Wellington)
- The Reformation Project
- The Rolling Stones
- The Tiwhas
- The Trevor Project
- The Two Way Closet
- The Warehouse
- The Women's Bookshop
- Time Out Bookstore (Auckland)
- Timebank
- Tīwhanawhana
- Tīwhanawhana Trust
- Toi Whakaari (Wellington)
- Toihoukura (Gisborne)
- Toitū te Ao
- Tommy's Real Estate
- Tonga Leitis Association
- Topp Twins
- Trans* Body Reclamation Project
- TransAdvocates Health
- Transformation (group)
- Tranzform (Wellington)
- TraNZgear
- Travelodge Hotel (Wellington)
- Treaty Action Poneke Collective
- Truvada
- Tuesday Club (New Plymouth)
- Tui Concert Party
- TV3
- TVNZ (Television New Zealand)
- UltraViolet club (Wellington High School)
- UN Human Rights Watch
- UN Youth New Zealand
- UniQ
- UniQ (Auckland)
- UniQ (Canterbury)
- UniQ (Otago)
- UniQ (Palmerston North)
- UniQ Victoria (Wellington)
- Unitarian church
- United Families International
- United Future
- United Nations
- Unity Books
- Unity Books (Auckland)
- Unity Theatre (Wellington)
- Universal College of Learning (UCOL)
- University of Canterbury
- University of Newcastle (Australia)
- University of Otago
- Upper Hutt Rural Fire Force
- Upstart Press
- Upstart Press
- Urban Dream Brokerage
- Urge bar (Auckland)
- Usenet
- Valentino and Rita Of Knightsbridge
- Vibe (Lower and Upper Hutt)
- Vic Books Pipitea (Wellington)
- Village Collective (Auckland)
- Vision NZ
- VPrideFoundation (Vanuatu)
- Waiheke Island Rainbow Coalition
- Waihopai Ploughshares
- Waikato Coalfields Museum
- Waikato Queer Youth
- Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust
- Waikato Times
- Waimea Alliance of Gays and Straights (WAGS)
- Waka Hourua
- Walktours NZ
- Walt Disney Company
- Wanganui Newspapers
- Warren and Mahoney Architects
- Wavelength Creative
- Waves Taranaki
- Waxing Moon Archives Collective
- Wayward Masquerade
- We Are Who We Are
- Wellington Access Radio
- Wellington Batucada
- Wellington Binder Exchange
- Wellington Bisexual Group
- Wellington Bisexual Women's Group
- Wellington Boys and Girls Institute (BGI)
- Wellington Cats Protection League
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wellington College
- Wellington Free Ambulance
- Wellington Free Kindergarten Association
- Wellington Frontrunners
- Wellington Gay Switchboard
- Wellington Gay Task Force
- Wellington Gay Welfare Group
- Wellington Indian Pride
- Wellington Institute of Technology
- Wellington International Airport
- Wellington International Pride Parade (WIPP)
- Wellington Lesbian Centre
- Wellington Needle Exchange
- Wellington Pride
- Wellington Racqueteers
- Wellington Rape Crisis
- Wellington Regional Jewish Council
- Wellington Sexual Health Service
- Wellington Waterfront Limited
- Wellington Workers' Educational Association
- Wellington Youth Choir
- Wellington Zine Fest
- WelTec
- West Coast District Health Board
- Westboro Baptist Church
- WestCity Bible Baptist Church (Auckland)
- Weta Digital
- Whanganui Girls College
- Whitcoulls
- White Chapel Jak
- Whitireia New Zealand
- Window Gallery (Auckland)
- Winstone Aggregates
- Women Against Pornography
- Women Zone (Wellington Access Radio)
- Women's Action Group (WAG)
- Women's Anti-German League
- Women's bookshop (Palmerston North)
- Women's Centre (Auckland)
- Women's Centre (Palmerston North)
- Women's Centre (Wellington)
- Women's Flat Track Derby Association
- Women's International Boxing Association
- Women's National Abortion Action Campaign (WONAAC)
- Women's Refuge
- Women's Studies Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (WSA)
- Work and Income (WINZ)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Xero
- Young Greens of Aotearoa
- Young Pacifica
- Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
- Youth Infusion (Hutt City)
- Youthline
- Zeal (Wellington)
- Zoom (online video conferencing)
- Zumba (fitness)
- 14 Stations (composition)
- 1972: a year in focus (book)
- 30 (exhibition)
- 5 Tips For Being An Ally (youtube)
- 6 on 6 peer support group
- A Boy's Own Story (book)
- A Day Without Art (radio)
- A Death in the Family (1986)
- A Fire in your Belly (book)
- A Guest at the Wedding (short story)
- A Little Life (book)
- A Long Undressing (play)
- A Man's Man - a daughter's story (book)
- A New Zealand Crisis (2013)
- A pictorial history of the talkies (book)
- A Queer Existence (book)
- A Rainbow in the Village
- A Streetcar Named Desire (play)
- A Thousand Toilet Ladies
- A Thousand Voices (2014)
- A Walk In The Sun (manuscript)
- A Way of Love (book)
- About Face: Jewel's Darl (tv, 1985)
- About Face: My First Suit (tv)
- Absolutely Positively Wellingtonian Awards
- Abuse in Care - Royal Commission of Inquiry
- Act Your Age!?
- Adoption Act (1955)
- After Lilburn (2013)
- AIDS at Home (exhibition)
- AIM Best First Book Award
- Alan Turing law
- All About Eve (tv documentary)
- All Of Us (education resource - Australia)
- Alley (opera)
- And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic (book)
- Angels in America (play)
- Anna Karenina (book)
- Annie (musical)
- Another Country (book)
- Antiques Roadshow (tv)
- Apollo 13 (theatre)
- Are You Being Served? (tv)
- Are You Ok? (Mia Farlane)
- Art AIDS America (exhibition)
- Art New Zealand
- Assume Nothing (film)
- Assume Nothing (photographic exhibition)
- At Home: A Century of New Zealand Design (book)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Back to the Future (film)
- Bangs (book)
- Beacons of Hope (documentary)
- Beautiful Flowers and How to Grow Them (exhibition, 2024)
- Beautiful Thing (play)
- Beauty and the Beach (tv)
- Beauty and the Beast (film)
- Benseman and Ting mural
- Best Mates: Gay Writing in Aotearoa New Zealand (1997)
- Beyond Rainbows (series)
- Bi-lines (newsletter)
- Bibliography on Homosexuality in New Zealand
- Bigot Busters
- Bigot Busters (song, 1985)
- Bill of Rights Act (1990)
- Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 2021
- Bitches Witches and Dykes (magazine)
- Black Faggot (play)
- Black Paintings (Derek Jarman)
- Bloodline (book)
- Bloomers Review (Alfies)
- Blue (film, Derek Jarman)
- Blue Is the Warmest Colour
- Blueprint for the Provision of Comprehensive Care for Trans People and Trans Communities in Asia and the Pacific
- Book of Leviticus
- Book of Leviticus
- Book of Remembrance
- Bootycandy (play)
- Boy (film, Taika Waititi)
- Boy (film, Welby Ings)
- Boys Don't Cry (film)
- Boys in the Band (play)
- Brave (song)
- bro'Town (tv)
- Broadsheet (magazine)
- Brokeback Mountain (film)
- Bud
- Bulibasha: King of the Gypsies (book)
- Butch (2017, photographic exhibition)
- Butch is a Noun
- Butch on Butch (exhibition/series)
- Cabaret (musical)
- Call Me by Your Name (book/film)
- Calling the Fish and Other Stories (book)
- Canzona (CANZ)
- Capital Gay (London)
- Capital magazine
- Captive Genders
- Carmen (tv documentary)
- Carmen Dances
- Carol (film)
- Casting Off
- Centenary of Cinema (radio)
- Change for the Better: The Story of Georgina Beyer As Told to Cathy Casey (2000, book)
- Circle (magazine)
- Civil Union Act (2004)
- Clause 28 (Local Government Act 1988, Great Britain)
- Cleopatra (film, 1963)
- Close to Home
- Close Up (television)
- Cloudburst (2011)
- Club Phoenix
- Coal Flat (book)
- Colette (film)
- Collective Thinking (magazine)
- Compass (television series)
- Confessions of a Drag Queen
- Consenting Adult (1985)
- Considering Matthew Shepard (oratorio)
- Continuum (magazine)
- Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act (1977)
- Conundrum
- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel; Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979)
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (UNCERD)
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990)
- Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill (2021)
- Corner 4am and Cuba (play)
- Cosmopolitan (magazine)
- Counting Ourselves (survey, 2019)
- Courage Unfolds (film)
- Craccum (student magazine)
- Cracked (short story)
- Crimes Act (1908)
- Crimes Act (1961)
- Crimes Act 2013 (Samoa)
- Crimes Amendment Bill (1974, Venn Young)
- Crimes Amendment Bill (1979, Warren Freer Bill)
- Criminal Code Act (1893)
- Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act (2004)
- Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Act 2018
- Crossed Wires (book)
- Crossing the Lines (book)
- Curve (magazine)
- Dan Carter: My Story (book)
- Dancing with the Stars (tv)
- Dangerous Desires (1991)
- Dare Truth or Promise (book)
- Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbian Women During the Third Reich (book)
- Dear November
- Death Comes for the Archbishop (book)
- Death in Venice (opera)
- Death Note (anime)
- Declaration of Independence
- Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (1967)
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)
- Degrassi (tv)
- Delphinium Days (exhibition)
- Derek Jarman's Garden (book)
- Desire Without Content (book)
- Desperate Remedies (1993)
- Devotion the Magazine
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
- Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
- Diggers, Hatters and Whores: The Story of the New Zealand Gold Rushes (book)
- Diva (magazine)
- Do You Really Want To Hurt Me (song)
- Domestic Violence Act (1995)
- Don't Let It Get You (movie)
- Downfall: The Destruction of Charles Mackay (book)
- Downton Abbey (tv)
- Drawn Together (tv)
- Drum Drag
- DSM-5
- Dunedin's Warehouse Precinct (book)
- During These Days (composition)
- During These Days (poem)
- Dyke News
- E oho! Mana Takatāpui (event)
- E Te Matua (waiata)
- E Tu (waiata)
- Edith Collier: Her Life and Work 1885-1964 (book)
- Ektachrome Archive
- Electoral Act (1893)
- Elementary (tv)
- Employment Relations Act (2000)
- Ending HIV (campaign)
- Enough Rope (book)
- Equal Rights Amendment (USA)
- Equality Bill Campaign (1980-1983)
- Eurovision Song Contest
- Evening Post (newspaper)
- Evil Queen (Derek Jarman)
- Express (magazine)
- Eyewitness news (television)
- Fair Go (tv)
- Faking It (tv)
- Family Portraits
- Feel (2012)
- Field Punishment No.1 (tv)
- Fight Song (song)
- First Lady: From Boyhood to Womanhood (book)
- Five Go Mad (tv)
- Foolish Things (1980)
- Footnotes to Sex (book)
- For Someone I Love (book)
- Foreshore and Seabed Act (2004)
- Four Artists with Cups (poem)
- Frances Hodgkins: A Private Viewing (book)
- Free and Equal (UN campaign)
- Friends (tv)
- Friendship is the Harbour of Joy (film)
- From the Hutt Valley to Hawaii (documentary)
- Fruit Punch
- Fucking Martin (book)
- G.B.F. (Gay Best Friend)
- Galathea: Into the Bush (play)
- Gay Morning New Zealand (Gay BC)
- Gay Power Gay Politics
- Gay Straight Alliance
- GBF (film)
- Gender and Sexual Diversity At Work (2013)
- Gender Identity Bill (2004)
- Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act (2015, Malta)
- Genderless
- Gentleman Jack (tv)
- Georgie Girl (2001)
- Ghostbusters (film)
- Giovanni's Room (book)
- Girl on a Corner (play)
- Girls Own Show (95bFM)
- Give Us a Kiss (William Dart)
- Glee (tv)
- Gobsmacked: Showbiz and Dating
- God and the Gay Christian (book)
- God's Own Country (film)
- Good Intentions (1989)
- Goodbye Pork Pie (film)
- Governor-General of New Zealand
- Gracefully Grayson (book)
- Grapevine magazine
- Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey As Told by Christian (book)
- Grey's Anatomy (tv)
- Greymouth Evening Star (newspaper)
- Grim Reaper (advertisement)
- Guardian of the Dead (2010)
- Harpies and heroines (book)
- Harry Potter (book series)
- Haunting Douglas (documentary)
- He Takatāpui Noa Ahau (waiata)
- He Tohu (National Library exhibition)
- Heavenly Creatures (1994)
- Hello Darkness (book)
- Hello Darlings with Pamela Hancock
- Hero Magazine
- Hold Tight (campaign)
- Holding the Man (book)
- Hollywood Wives (book)
- Holmes (tv)
- Home (magazine)
- Homelessness Inquiry (2016)
- Homemade Happiness (book)
- Homes People Can Afford: How to improve housing in New Zealand (2013)
- Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986)
- Homosexual: oppression and liberation (book)
- Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic
- Honour Project Aotearoa
- House of Cards (tv)
- House of Memories
- How Do We Make It Better (report)
- How Safe Are Our Schools (report)
- How To Be A Complete Bitch (book)
- How to Survive a Plague (documentary)
- Huakina (performance event)
- Hudson and Halls (television)
- Hudson and Halls Live! (theatre)
- Human Rights Act (1993)
- I Am Woman (song)
- I Have Loved Me A Man (song)
- I Know (1994, poetry book)
- I thought people like that killed themselves : Lesbians, gay men, and suicide (book)
- I'm Coming Out (song)
- Ia (research portal)
- Idle No More
- If I should die (book)
- Ika
- Iliad (poem)
- Imagine Me and You (movie)
- Imogen (poem)
- Implicated and Immune (exhibition)
- In the Pink (95bFM)
- In the Rainbow (tv series)
- Indecent Publications Act (1963)
- Inky Pinky Ponky (play)
- Inside Out (Rainbow Youth resource)
- Interference (documentary)
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976)
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1976)
- International Human Rights Day
- Intersexion (film)
- Irma la Douce (theatre)
- It Gets Better
- Journey to a Hanging (book)
- Justice Denied
- Kapiti Gay (Coast Access Radio)
- Kaput! (book)
- Kawa (film)
- King of the Ball (title)
- Kinky Boots (musical)
- Kinsey Reports
- Kitsch in Synch
- La Bamba (film)
- La Cage aux Folles (film)
- La Comedie Humaine
- La Ronde (play)
- Lady Chatterley's Lover (book)
- Landfall (journal)
- Last Chance (2012)
- Lavender Islands: Portrait of the Whole Family (2003)
- Legend of Korra (anime)
- Lego
- Lesbian Community Radio Programme
- Lesbian Feminist Circle
- Lesbian Newsletter (Wellington)
- Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence
- Lesbian Sex (book)
- Lesbians from Outer Space (comic)
- Letters to Lilburn (book)
- Lew Pryme - Welcome to My World (documentary)
- LIFE (magazine)
- Life of Pi
- Lights and Shadows of Colonial Life (book)
- Like Sex (play)
- Lily of the Valley (short story)
- Listener (magazine)
- Little Earthquakes (album)
- Little Queen (short film)
- Local Queers (zine)
- Long Loop Home: A Memoir by Peter Wells
- Looking (tv)
- Lore Olympus (book)
- Lost (2014)
- Lost Intimacies: Rethinking Homosexuality under National Socialism (book)
- Louie Neale artwork
- Love Patrol (tv)
- Love Sonnets of Michelangelo (composition)
- Love Your Condom (LYC)
- Love, Cover, Protect (NZAF)
- Lovelock's Dream Run (play)
- Lovelock's Dream Run (play)
- Luncheon (play)
- Maiden Voyage (book)
- Make It 16: Lower the Voting Age
- Make Me (book)
- Make Visible Te Whanganui-a-Tara project
- Makereti: Taking Maori to the World (book)
- Making Schools Safer for Trans and Gender Diverse Students (2016, resource)
- Man on Man (magazine)
- Mana Takatāpui (art work)
- Mana wāhine Māori (book)
- Manly Affections (book)
- Manu Tuturu (book)
- Manukau City Council (Control of Street Prostitution) Bill (2005)
- Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill (2010)
- Maori Boy: A Memoir of Childhood (book)
- Maori Sovereignty (book)
- Marae in the Sky (Auckland)
- Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011
- Marked Men (book)
- Marriage Act (1854)
- Marriage Amendment Act (2012)
- Mates and Lovers (play)
- Mates and Lovers: A History of Gay New Zealand (book)
- Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (2009)
- Mayor of Carterton
- ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Mean Girls (movie)
- Media Take (tv)
- Mein Kampf (book)
- Mellow Yellow (zine)
- Memoirs of an Undercover Angel
- Memory and Desire (1998)
- Men Alone - Men Together (book)
- Metro (magazine)
- Milk (film)
- MindOUT LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Project (Australia)
- Misjudged (short story)
- Modern Family (tv)
- Montana Sunday Theatre (tv)
- Moonlight (film)
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
- More (magazine)
- Mouth Wide Open (film)
- Mozart Fellowship (University of Otago)
- Mr Bear New Zealand
- Mr Gay New Zealand
- Mr Gay Syria (film)
- Mr Gay Wellington
- Mr Gay World
- Mr Right (personals)
- Munted
- My Antonia (book)
- My Body, My Business: New Zealand Sex Workers in an Era of Change (book)
- My Heart Beats Strongly (poem)
- My Lover Moves (poem)
- My Name is Gary Cooper (play)
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Naming Ourselves (poem)
- Nanette (tv)
- National Youth Health Conference (1990)
- Neighbourhood Watch (book)
- New Country: Plays and Stories (book)
- New York Native (newspaper)
- New York Times
- New Zealand at the Front (book)
- New Zealand Heritage List / Rārangi Kōrero
- New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Society petition (1968)
- New Zealand Journal of History
- New Zealand National (NZNBF Version) Light Heavyweight title
- New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards
- New Zealand Post Office Directory
- New Zealand Security Intelligence Service Act (1969)
- New Zealand Tablet
- Ngaio Marsh: Her Life in Crime (book)
- Nights in the Gardens of Spain (book)
- Nightswimmer (book)
- NZ Idol (tv)
- O Pioneers! (book)
- Ockham New Zealand Book Awards
- Offences against the Person Act (1867)
- Officer 27 (play)
- Old School (Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 10)
- Older Gay Men
- Older Lesbians
- On the Corner (play, 2007)
- On the equality of orifices (leaflet)
- Once Were Warriors (book)
- One of Ours (book)
- One of the Boys: Homosexuality in the Military during World War II (book)
- One of Them! (1997)
- Ora Nui (journal)
- Oracles and Miracles (book)
- Orange Is the New Black (tv)
- Orlando (film)
- Orphan Black (tv)
- Otaki electorate
- Other Women (book)
- Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986)
- Our Forgotten Epidemic (series)
- Our Wāhine - 125 Extraordinary New Zealand Women (book)
- Out (magazine)
- Out and About (film)
- Out Front: Lesbian Political Activity in Aotearoa 1962-1985 (journal)
- Out on the Fields Study On Homophobia in Sport
- Out Proud
- Out there: portraits of the Hero Parade (book)
- Out Walked Mel (book)
- Out Walked Mel (book)
- Over the Rainbow (song)
- Overdrawn (poem)
- Panorama (BBC televison)
- Pansy (2001)
- Parallel Hell (book)
- Pardon Me Alan Turing (play)
- Paris Is Burning (film)
- Paris Principles
- Parker and Hulme: a lesbian view (book)
- Part of the Whanau: The Emergence of Takatāpui Identity (thesis)
- PatchwerQ hui (Wellington)
- Patu! (film)
- Peanuts (comic)
- Perfectly Natural: The audacious story of Iris Florence Peter Williams (book)
- Peter Grimes (opera)
- Peter Pan (character)
- Philadelphia (movie)
- Pictorial Parade (short films)
- Pink Triangle (magazine)
- Playboy (magazine)
- Playgirls (revue)
- Pleasures of the Flesh (book)
- Poems to Lesbia
- Police Offences Act (1927)
- Portia Faces Life (soap opera)
- Portrait of a Marriage: Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson (book)
- Pose (tv series)
- Positive Health scheme
- Pot Luck (web series)
- Poutokomanawa (artwork)
- Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation (exhibition, 2019)
- PRISM: Human Rights issues relating to Sexual Orientation; Gender Identity and Expression; and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Aotearoa New Zealand (2020)
- Privacy Act (1993)
- Project Employment Programme (PEP)
- Promised Land (book)
- Proposition 8
- Prostitution Reform Act (2003)
- Public Records Act (2005)
- Pulp Comedy (tv)
- Punch (film)
- Pushing Daisies (tv)
- Puzzy (play)
- Q12 (series)
- Q4 (Queer Coffee at Four)
- Queen and Country: Same-Sex Desire in the British Armed Forces, 1939–45 (book)
- Queen of the Whole Universe
- Queen's Scout Award
- Queen's Service Medal (QSM)
- Queen's Young Leader award
- Queer As Cat (youtube)
- Queer as Folk (tv)
- Queer Domesticities (book)
- Queer History 101
- Queer history of New Zealand research guide (web resource)
- Queer in America (book)
- Queer Objects (book)
- Queer our Schools (campaign)
- Queer Politicians
- Queer Stories Our Fathers Never Told Us (2011 oral history project)
- Queerlesque
- Rainbow Community Collections at Te Papa (document, 2018)
- Rainbow Touchstones
- Raven Wild (book)
- Re-Draft
- Ready to Roll (tv)
- Reality Bites (film)
- Red Spill (installation)
- Refugee Convention (1951)
- Regenerate Magazine
- Relationships (Statutory References) Act 2005
- Relationships and Sexuality Education Guide
- Resistance: An Indigenous Response to Neoliberalism (book)
- Resource Management Act (1991)
- Return to Lesbos (book)
- Rhona Haszard: An experimental expatriate New Zealand artist (book)
- Ride a Hard Cock (book)
- Roastbusters
- Rona Barrett's Hollywood (magazine)
- Rooster Tails
- Ruby's Round Table (tv)
- Running Backwards Over Sand (book)
- RuPaul's Drag Race (tv)
- Rūrangi (web series/film)
- Sage tea: an autobiography by Toss Woollaston (book)
- Salient (magazine)
- Salon Mika
- Satyricon (1969, film)
- Secret Life of Sausages (play)
- Sestina (poem)
- Seven Lesbians and a Bar of Soap (short story)
- Seven Sharp (tv)
- Sex Poems With No Bra On (poem)
- Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (book)
- Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (book)
- Shanghai Boy (book)
- Shark in the Park (tv)
- She Is Gone (poem)
- Shopping and F**king (play)
- Shortbus (film)
- Shortland Street (tv)
- Sings Harry
- Skin Hunger (book)
- Skins (tv)
- Sleeping Arrangements (exhibition, 2018)
- Snapshot 2000
- Snorkelling the Abyss: One woman, striving to survive, fighting for survivors (book)
- So Far from Kansas
- Socialist Action (newspaper)
- Society and the Homosexual (G Westwood, 1952)
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- Songs of Dances and Desire: In Memoriam Carmen Rupe
- Songs to the Judges (Mervyn Thompson and William Dart)
- Sons (play)
- Sophie's World: Journey of the Lost Soul
- South (series)
- Southern Men: Gay Lives in Pictures (book)
- Spanish Steps (short story)
- Sparrow (film)
- Speak, Memory (book)
- Speaking From the Heart (poem)
- Spectrum (radio programme)
- Spiral (journal)
- Squeeze (1980)
- Standing up to be counted (homosexual law reform newspaper advert)
- Starlight Express (musical)
- State Highway 1B (poem)
- State Sector Act (1988)
- State-Sponsored Homophobia report (ILGA)
- Steps to Freedom
- Stonewall (film, 2015)
- Strictly Ballroom (film)
- Stuck at the Lights (poem)
- Suddenly, Last Summer (play)
- Sullivan Birth Certificate Bill (2013)
- Summer Camps (theatre)
- Sunday Supplement (Radio New Zealand)
- Super City (tv)
- Supergirl (tv)
- Sweet Bird of Youth (play)
- Takatāpui: part of the whanau (booklet)
- Take Me to Church (song)
- Tales of the City (books)
- Tamaki Makaurau Lesbian Newsletter
- Tangerine (film)
- Tangiwai - A Love Story (tv)
- Tatou (e-magazine)
- Taxi Zum Klo (Taxi to the Toilet)
- Te Mahana Homelessness Strategy
- Te Puna Wai Korero (radio programme)
- TED Talks
- Teen Vogue (magazine)
- Telethon (1976)
- That's So Gay (play)
- That's So Raven (tv)
- The 5 Love Languages
- The Adolescent (book)
- The Adventures of Jonathan Dennis (book)
- The Adventures of Pinocchio (book)
- The Adventures of Priscilla; Queen of the Desert (film)
- The Adventures of Vela (book)
- The Archive is Alive (zine)
- The Blackwater Lightship (book)
- The Block (tv)
- The Blossoming (art work)
- The Blue Lawn (book)
- The Body of Man (poetry book)
- The Bone People (book)
- The Boy, The Queen and Everything in Between (tv)
- The Boys on the Rock (book)
- The Case of Katherine Mansfield (play)
- The Children of Harvey Milk (book)
- The Children's Hour (film)
- The Crystal Quilt
- The Danish Girl (film)
- The Day After (film)
- The Devils Pit (aka Under the Southern Cross)
- The End of History (book)
- The Eternal Queers (play)
- The Exquisite Wound (2017, Rebecca Swan)
- The Famous Five (book)
- The Female Eunuch (book)
- The Fosters (tv)
- The Front Runner (book)
- The Fruits of Our Labours (book)
- The Gay Liberation Show
- The Gay Life
- The Great Wrong War: New Zealand Society in WWI (book)
- The Greatest Showman (film)
- The Happy Hooker: My Own Story (book)
- The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries (tv)
- The Hippopotamus (book)
- The History of Sexuality (book)
- The Honour Project (Canada)
- The Hours (film)
- The House Beautiful (lecture)
- The Hungry Heart: Journeys with William Colenso (2012)
- The Imitation Game (film)
- The Insiders Guide To Happiness (tv)
- The Joy of Sex (book)
- The L Word (tv)
- The L Word: Generation Q (tv)
- The Lady in the Van (film)
- The Laramie Project
- The Line of Beauty (book)
- The Little Red Book
- The Lumiere Reader
- The Masked Singer (tv)
- The Mortification of Henry James (short story)
- The Naked Civil Servant (film)
- The National Curriculum
- The New Jim Crow
- The New York Times Best Sellers list
- The O.C. (tv)
- The Open Accounts of an Honesty Box (book)
- The Pajama Game (musical)
- The Penguin Book of New Zealand Verse
- The Persistent desire: a femme-butch reader
- The Personal Is Political (1968)
- The Price of Salt (book)
- The Professor's House (book)
- The Project (tv3)
- The Pursuit of Love (book)
- The Regents Canal
- The Return (composition)
- The Right Time (song)
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Search for Anne Perry (book)
- The Second Sex (book)
- The Shining City (book)
- The Silent Migration: Ngati Poneke Young Maori Club (book)
- The Sound of Music (musical)
- The Strip (tv)
- The Topp Twins: an exhibition for New Zealand
- The Tragedie of Macbeth (play)
- The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male
- The Triumph of Hope (short story)
- The Twilight Zone (tv)
- The Uncle's Story (book)
- The Well of Loneliness (book)
- The Wellbeing Budget 2019
- The Winding City
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Woman in White (book)
- The World of Suzie Wong (film)
- The World's (Unofficial) Shortest Pride Parade
- The Young Have Secrets (book)
- Theorem: A Dream of Change (film)
- Thin Edge of the Wedge (film)
- This is a Femme Slam (poem)
- This is Me (song)
- This Is Not For You (book)
- Three Words: An Anthology of Aotearoa / NZ Women's Comics (book)
- Time (magazine)
- TM2025 (Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and History)
- To Be Who I Am (2008)
- To Wong Foo - Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (film)
- Tomboy (song)
- Torch Song Trilogy (play)
- Torrens Fund
- Towards the Day We Are All Free
- Trans Past, Trans Present: Making Trans Histories
- Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
- Transamerica (2005)
- TranScribe (magazine)
- Transgender Dysphoria Blues (album)
- Transgender Studies Quarterly
- Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman
- Transgressive transitions (research, 2023)
- Transparent (tv)
- True Colours (song)
- Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi (waiata)
- Twenty Years On: Histories of Homosexual Law Reform in New Zealand
- Twilight Women Around the World (book)
- Two Ticks Campaign (2011 Census)
- Two-by-Two: Men in Pairs (book)
- Ugly Betty (tv)
- Uncle Adam Shot a Stag (short story)
- Uncle Vanya (play)
- Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U, campaign)
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
- Until Proven Innocent (tv)
- Untouchable Girls (song)
- Uplifting Takatāpui and Rainbow Elder Voices
- Urban Numina
- Utu (film)
- Vietnam / American War
- Visible - 60 women at 60 (book)
- Vogue (magazine)
- Vulnerable Children Act (2014)
- Waiata Wahine
- Wallace Arts Trust Prize for Short Fiction
- War Cry (magazine)
- We Don't Have Any of Those People Here (2010)
- We Don't Have To Be The Building (2016)
- We Shall Overcome (song)
- We the Ones
- Wedlock: A Drag Wedding (2024)
- Whale Rider (film)
- Whanau Ora
- What's Happening To Me? (book)
- Where Did I Come From? (book)
- Where's Waari? (book)
- Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity
- Who Was That Woman, Anyway? (book)
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (film)
- Whole Earth Catalog
- Why Suicide? (book)
- Willa Cather: A Life Saved Up (book)
- Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship
- Wolfenden report
- Woman or Girlfriend (poem)
- Women in Love (book)
- Women in Love (film)
- Women's suffrage petition (1893)
- Women's Weekly (magazine)
- Word is Out (film)
- Work in Progress (tv)
- Working girls : women in the New Zealand sex industry talk to Jan Jordan
- World Boxing News
- Yellow Face (play)
- Yogyakarta Principles (2006)
- Your Ex (magazine)
- Youth 19 Survey
- Youth 2000 National Youth Health and Wellbeing Survey
- Youth'07 survey
- Youth'12 survey
- 2000 Summer Olympic Games (Sydney)
- 2021 Summer Olympic Games (Tokyo)
- 40th anniversary of the Holocaust
- 48Hours
- A-Camp
- AIDS Memorial Quilt conference 1995
- AIDS roadshow
- Alternative Bindings
- anti Vietnam War protest
- Anti-Homosexuality Bill (Uganda)
- Armageddon Expo
- AROHA Festival
- Asia / Oceania Powerlifting Championships
- Asia Pacific Outgames
- Asia Pacific Outgames (2011)
- Auckland Pride Festival
- Auckland Pride festival (2018)
- Auckland Pride festival (2019)
- Auckland Pride festival (2020)
- Auckland Pride Gala (2015)
- Auckland Writers and Readers Festival
- Auckland Zinefest (2015)
- Awaken Gathering (2021)
- Bastion Point occupation (1978)
- Bastion Point occupation (1982)
- Battle of the Somme
- Beacons of Hope (Wellington)
- Beautification project (2021)
- Beyond conference (2013)
- Big Gay Out (Auckland)
- Bigot Busters conference (1985, Wellington)
- Bigot Busters rally (1985, Wellington)
- Biohazard: a Hyper-Queen Drag Show (Wellington)
- Bisexual Awareness Week
- Boer War
- Butch Femme Queer Feminist Elders (2012)
- C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013
- Candlelight March
- Candlelight Memorials
- Canterbury earthquake 2011
- Carmen Rupe's 70th birthday
- Carterton Daffodil Festival
- Castro Street fair
- Cavaliers tour (1986)
- Chechnya Vigil (Wellington)
- Chorus Corner of Drag (Wellington Pride)
- Christchurch Pride festival (2018)
- Christchurch terror attack (2019)
- CoffeQ (Dunedin)
- Commonwealth Games
- Compton's Cafeteria riot (1966)
- Courage Day (15 November)
- Cricket World Cup (2015)
- CubaDupa (Wellington)
- Dais dance party (Wellington)
- Day of Silence
- Day of the Imprisoned Writer (15 November)
- Devotion (party, Wellington)
- Devotion (Wellington)
- Devotion Festival (Wellington)
- Devotion parade
- Dewey's lunch counter sit-ins (1965)
- Disability Arts Festival
- Disney Youth Ball (Wellington, 2019)
- Doncaster Pride
- Drawing it Out
- Dunedin Writers and Readers Festival
- Easter Rising (Ireland)
- Enough is Enough (2004, Destiny Church rally)
- Fabulunch
- Featherston Pride Festival
- Feminist Futures: Transforming the 21st Century (2013)
- First National Bisexual Conference (1990)
- Foreshore and seabed hikoi
- Freedom dance party (Christchurch)
- Fringe Festival (Wellington)
- GABA Gold Charity Auction
- Gay and Lesbian Fair (Christchurch)
- Gay Blue Jeans Day
- Gay Games
- Gay Games and Cultural Festival 2002 (Sydney, Australia)
- Gay Liberation week
- Gay Pride Week
- Gay Ski Week
- Gay Space coffee evening (Auckland)
- Genderless Clothes Swap (Outerspaces)
- General election (1984)
- GiveOUT Day
- Glastonbury Festival
- GLITCH Youth Decolonisation Hui (2015)
- GLITTFAB Symposium (2016, Palmerston North)
- Golden Stiletto Awards (Auckland)
- Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp
- Haka Party Incident (1979)
- He Tangata (performance)
- Hell for Leather (Wellington)
- Hero (Auckland)
- Hero dance party
- Heroes Out West (Auckland)
- High School Diversity tour (2011)
- Hikoi to Out in the City
- Hikoi to Out in the Park
- HLR30 Hands On
- Homisexual (Box Oceania)
- Hui a Tau
- Hui Putahi (2012)
- Hui Takatāpui
- Hui Takatāpui (2014)
- Hutt Valley Pride
- IGA World conference (30 June - 7 July 1985, Toronto)
- ILGA World Conference (2019)
- ILGA World conference (24 June - 3 July 1994)
- image+nation (film festival)
- Impulse conference (1973)
- Interfilm Festival (Berlin)
- International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Intersexphobia (IDAHOIBT - 17 May)
- International day of action in support of homosexual law reform (August 1985)
- International Gay Solidarity Day
- International Women of Courage 2016 Awards
- International Women's Day
- International Women's Year (1975)
- International year of the family (1994)
- KAHA Youth Hui (2007)
- KAHA Youth Hui (2009)
- Katherine Mansfield Short Story Awards
- Kazam Youth Hui (2011)
- Korean War
- Ladies Litera-tea
- Lambda Literary Awards
- Lesbian and Gay Dances (Wellington)
- Lesbian and Gay Fair
- Lesbian Ball (Auckland)
- Lesbian Ball (Wellington)
- lesbian gay masquerade ball
- Lesbian Summer Camp
- Lesbian Visibility Day
- Let's Talk About Sex (hui)
- Living in Colour - Pride (2022)
- Love Life Fono
- Love parade (Wellington)
- March against sexual violence (2017, Parliament)
- March for Trans Rights (2023)
- Marriage Equality Conference (2012)
- Matariki Poetry Slam
- Mental Health Awareness Week
- Michigan Womyn's Music Festival
- Midsumma Festival (Melbourne)
- Midsumma Festival (Melbourne)
- Miss Capital Drag (2014)
- Miss Capital Drag (2017)
- Miss Galaxy Pageant
- Miss New Zealand
- Museums Aotearoa conference (2017)
- Naked Girls Reading
- National Conference of Lesbians and Gays in Education (Wellington 1986)
- National Gay and Lesbian conference (1972)
- National Gay Liberation conferences
- National Gay Rights Conference
- National Lesbian Studies Conferences (1993,1995)
- National Poetry Slam
- National Schools Pride Week
- Nelson Masked Parade
- New Years Eve
- New Zealand Lesbian Conference (1974)
- Next Big Thing (Auckland Theatre Company)
- North American Outgames
- Nuremberg Rally
- NXT:14 Youth Leaders Conference
- NXT15 - LGBTIQ Youth Leaders Conference
- Occupation of Bastion Point (1977-78)
- Olympic Games
- Operation 8
- Orlando mass killing (2016)
- Out in the carPark (Wellington)
- Out in the City (Wellington)
- Out in the Park (Wellington)
- Out in the Pool (Wellington)
- Out in the Square (Wellington)
- Out Loud
- Out On Film (film festival)
- Out on the Shelves
- OWeek (university orientation)
- Pacific Human Rights Conference (2015)
- Pacific Region Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting (2015, Samoa)
- Paekākāriki Pride
- Patchwork hui (2013)
- People of Colour Decolonisation Hui
- Pike River Mine disaster
- Pink flight (Air New Zealand)
- Pink Shirt Day
- Play It Strange
- Playwrights b4 25
- Poetry Idol Slam
- PoetryLive at the Thirsty Dog (Auckland)
- Positive Women family hui
- Pride
- Pride (Christchurch)
- Pride (Hamilton)
- Pride (Nelson)
- Pride 101 (Te Papa, 2019)
- Pride parade
- Pride parade (Auckland)
- Pride Parade (Wellington)
- Protest against the Salvation Army
- Proud 2016 (Wellington)
- Proud Mary
- Proud to Play NZ (2016)
- Queer Arts Festival 2022 (Wellington)
- Queer History in the Making (2015)
- Queer History Month (September)
- Queer the Night (Wellington)
- Quilter case (1996)
- Rainbow Elders Panel (2018)
- Rainbow Election Forum (2017)
- Rainbow Pasefika (2020)
- Rainbow Pride Community Honours (Wellington)
- Rainbow Studies Now: Legacies of Community (2023)
- Rainbow Youth Alternative Ball
- Rally for Marriage Equality
- Reclaim the Night
- Recreation festival (Wellington)
- Safety in Schools for Queers (SS4Q)
- Samesame But Different
- Samesame But Different (2016)
- Samesame But Different (2022)
- San Bernardino mass killing (2015)
- School Strike for Climate
- Security intelligence protests (1977)
- Sesqui 1990
- Sex Worker Pride Day
- Shed 6 (Wellington)
- Shift hui
- Shift hui (2015)
- Shift hui (2016)
- Shift hui (2017)
- Shift hui (2018)
- Shift hui (2019)
- Shirts and Skirts (Box Oceania)
- Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
- Solidarity with Orlando Candlelight Vigil (Wellington)
- Spirit Day (20 October)
- Springbok rugby tour (1981)
- Stonewall 25 (1994)
- Stonewall riots (1969)
- Stop AIDS campaign
- Suffrage Day For All Women (2021)
- Sydney Gay Solidarity Group march (1978)
- Sydney Mardi Gras
- Sydney WorldPride (2023)
- Te Māori exhibition
- Te Matatini
- Tea Cups (poem)
- The Holocaust
- The Women Learning Weekend (1981)
- Transgender awareness week
- Transgender Day of Remembrance
- Tuia Encounters 250
- UN World Conference on Women (Nairobi, 1985)
- Vietnam War
- Vigil for Zena Campbell (2018)
- Waihopai spy base protest (2008)
- Wellington Pasifika Festival
- Wellington Pride Festival
- Wellington Pride Festival (2016)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2017)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2018)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2019)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2020)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2021)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2023)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2024)
- Wellington Pride Festival (2025)
- Wellington Pride Parade (2024)
- Wellington Pride Parade (2025)
- Wellington Pride Stage (2019)
- Wellington Trade Fair
- Wellington Writers and Readers (Wellington)
- White Night riots
- Wigs On Waterfront
- Women's Conference
- Women's dance (Christchurch)
- women's forums (1984)
- Women's Studies Association of New Zealand conference (Hamilton)
- Women's Suffrage Day, Fight for our Rights! (2021)
- World AIDS Day
- World Congress of Families (2013)
- World Outgames (2009)
- World Powerlifting Championship
- World Pride 2023 (Sydney)
- World War 1
- World War 2
- Young and Hungry Festival of New Theatre
- Young Nationals conference (1984)