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A nō reira mā kuia tīmata a tātou nei hui. A nō reira tēnā tātou i runga i te kaupapa i whakapaiti nei tātou i tēnei wā. A hei tīmata a tātou nei ahui, a tēnei karakia mā tātou hei tīmata. Hei tau nei ki runga i tātou katoa te wairua ngā mātua tūpuna. Ngā rātou i whakataka tō te ara hei hikurina mā tātou ngā uri. I whakatōki a tātou nākau ki ngā tikanga hei arata ki [00:00:30] a tātou. Kia nākau nui ki te hapāi a tātou māhi katoa i rōto i te pono, i te tika, i te māramatanga. Me te aroha anō tētahi ki tētahi ko erā erongo, whakairi ake ki runga kia tīna. Haumi e hui e. Nō reira, tēnā tātou. Tēnā tātou i runga kaupapu i whakawhaiti nei mātou tātou i tēnei wā. Kia koutou, kua tāi tawhiti mai, nau mai, hara mai. [00:01:00] Whakatau mai ki runga i tēnei parirau o Te Atiawa, o te iwi kāinga. No reira ki roto nei ngā iwi o waho e noho nei, no reira nau mai haramai. Whakatau mai. Nau mai, mauria aitua e kore rātou e warawarutia. Ko e nei mātou. [00:02:00] They call. Tēnā tātou katoa. [00:02:30] Kahuri au ki te reo. Did he get that? Welcome everyone. I won't say much more. I'll leave it to our distinguished guests to talk about the kaupapa this afternoon. But, to give me a chance to settle down, I think it'll be a good idea to have a little bit of a waiata. Because I know I've got a few people here that can help with that waiata. So And I just raced to get the guitar, so I'm going to play it now anyway, [00:03:00] so, kapai? That's a tough one, right? Fakataka te o kiteru Fakataka? [00:03:30] Fakataka te o kiteru Kia matara tāra ki tāpū E [00:04:00] hiake anā te atakū E tio, e tio E hūka, e hūna E hau, e hau Tīre, mariona Mō te aiai, [00:04:30] hei? Kia ora, whakataau Whakapakateau, ki te uru Tīte toa Whakapakateau [00:06:00] It is my absolute honor in which to, um, help facilitate with Drew this afternoon. We are in the presence of incredible icons within the audience and on our panel. Um, for for [00:06:30] this session. I want your orders, , meet someone in the room. You have, you do not know. Introduce yourself, say your name. And share with them what brings you to this space today. We will give you two whole minutes to do this. Ready? Go! Kia ora e te whanau. Thank you for making time to connect with those who are in the room. [00:07:00] Over to you, Drew. So, yeah, thank you for that. And there will be time at the end of today's session to connect again. Kia ora everyone, I'm Drew, as Sv has mentioned. A brief, um, run through. We're going to hear from some of our icons here today. Um, we're going to listen to them share their memories, stories of Auntie Chrissy and of the Evergreen. And there will be toasties and special coffees. Um, then after [00:07:30] that we will go up to level 2 where the, um, the sign that used to be outside the Evergreen is exhibited here. And, um, we'll remember those who've passed, um, together up there. And then we'll come back downstairs, um, Kevin will close off for us. And for people that want to talk to your new friends some more, or just ask some questions, or perhaps share your own memories, there'll be a space for that. And, [00:08:00] um, Leilani will project an awesome slideshow here on the back wall, so we'll turn the chairs around. But, yeah, just, um, welcome. It's great to see. So many faces from the past. Um, but it's also neat to see some rangatahi here. Um, and it's neat to see people who will just potentially be hearing some of the stories of um, Aunty Chrissie who's so special to so many of us for the first time. So welcome. Kia ora, um, my name's [00:08:30] Kaylin Rianna. I'm from the later period of Evergreen. Um, for those who are familiar with Evergreen, it spans about 60 years. As I understand, when I sort of come out, um, and got involved with Evergreen and what was going on, the year I come out, I discovered that, um, that Evergreen Area was taking place when I was born, up north. And that was, yes, [00:09:00] 60 years ago. But I'd just like to thank, um, Some people have traveled from far away, and we have got someone here who is, like, from the beginning, so that kōrero will evolve eventually, and give you all of the background. But yeah, our kōrero is about, um, our time, how our community was, the trans community, what have you, sex workers, etc. But yeah, so, [00:09:30] thank you. Thank you Kayla. Okay. Um, yeah, I'm just here to celebrate memories of Chrissy and Evergreen and share our stories. Refuse, um. [00:10:00] 1983, when I first arrived on the scene, there were still things happening, but there was a long way to go, and we'll cover that once we get into the kōrero. So, kia ora. Kia ora koutou e nau mai, haere mai. Ka rau e te tai mai ki konei. So just a little bit of English. Translate that. I'm also from KA, [00:10:30] and on my mum's side, from the Gson Harbor, and it's wonderful to be here today. I've. So forward to and seeing people like you. Jackie, you are an icon of Admir, so Kura Jackie for coming and to all of you, too many of you to single out. But now I love you. I always love you Kura.[00:11:00] Uh, my name is Chanel Hatti and, um, I am of descent on my dad's side. On my mom's side, I'm, um, UA and I'm really honored to be here today and to see, um, and to see faces, um, [00:11:30] I haven't seen for a while. And young faces, which is really, really, um, really nice for me because, um, uh, you know. Young people want to know what it was like back in, back in the day and, um, it wasn't, it wasn't easy but, um, we're going to let you know those, um, that, that, that, that, that, that korero. So, uh, um, and, um, like you said, sis, it's really nice to see you here, Jackie. You really are truly an icon. Uh, and, um, ngā mihi nui kia [00:12:00] koutou katoa, nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa. Kia ora. Kia ora. Tēnā koutou. Tēnā koutou. Tēnā koutou. Tēnā koutou. I'm feeling that we need to invite Jackie into this space. Jackie, can you go live? I just, I would like to vacate my seat and I'll just take a side seat. If you would like to please join our panel, I feel you've got so many great stories in which to share. Thank you. Would [00:12:30] you like to introduce yourself, Jackie? Kia ora, I'm Jackie Grant, Ngāti Pākehā from Hokitika. Um, and I guess I came on the scene in Wellington about 1962, 63 when I met Chris. Um, so yeah, I've sort of been around on the fringes ever since. Beautiful. I'm just going to go a bit further with that, Jackie. In [00:13:00] 1962, take us through the streets of Wellington. What did Cuba Street look like? What did Vivian Street look like? And what were we wearing? Well, I can answer the wearing question, we were wearing very little on the road. But 1962, 63, it didn't look a lot different. Um, the cars went up Cuba Street. Um, it was a very free, [00:13:30] open place. Um, I came from Australia with, with three other, um, trans, or queens as we called ourselves in those days. Um, and for us it was total freedom. The only gay club that was going back then was probably the Purple Onion was the first one. Um, which was started off as a drag club, um, and then turned into a strip club. And Passy, who owned it, is still around in Wellington, so, [00:14:00] you know, they're all still around. But the street didn't look a lot different. Little shops, boutique y type shops. Um, people dressed Not a lot differently. Wellington's always been sort of fairly easy on the dress sense, I guess. High fashion was never, um, its forte, except for the glamour queens that were in the shows, that were in the clubs and things later on. [00:14:30] Um, well, we always tried to look a bit better than everyone else, I guess. Um, Can you tell us about the first time you met Chrissie, and what first experience has made you think of her? Well, first time I met Chris was at the Bistro Bar. And I don't know if any of you know where the Bistro Bar was, but it was the Royal Oak Hotel. And on the corner, uh, what's the street that the [00:15:00] Royal Oak was on? Dickson. Dickson Street. Um, there was the Meats Jewelers on the front. Then you came along that Long Dixon Street a bit and you got into the Tavern Bar, which was a gay bar. Um, it wasn't advertised as a gay bar, but it was. And two barmen there back in the 60s were Claude and Emery Toft. Um, they ran that bar. And then you went into the, I don't know how you would describe it, like a, [00:15:30] like a barn. It was, it was huge. Virtually half the block of Dixon Street right down to Pigeon Park. And it was called the Bistro Bar. And The queens were in one spot, the shipmoles were in another spot, the hookers were in another spot, the hoods were in another spot, the gays were in the tavern bar and they'd sort of saunter through every now and then to have a look at what trade they could [00:16:00] find. It was just this huge melting pot of different people. Um, there was the shipmole girls with Gwen and Sonia. And all her lot. And then there was Chris and her lot. Anyway, I'd got into there. I'd not long been, got here from Australia and, and sort of trying to find my feet. And when I met Chris, well I'd seen them in the bar. And um, I'd heard, I think Tarpany was there at that time. You could hear her, you didn't [00:16:30] see her, but you sort of heard her beforehand. Um, and I was out waiting for a taxi to go back to where I was staying. And Chris was there and she said, Oh, you're one of them. Australian Queens, aren't you? And I said, yeah. And she said, well come with us, we're going to a party. So off we went, um, to Geraldine's house. And that was where I met Geraldine. And Jerry Sheppard. And we had, we had um, boil up. And, and the guitars were out. And I'd been, coming from [00:17:00] Australia and totally different culture. I'd never seen any of this. And I was just absolutely fascinated with it. And, and I loved the culture. You know, I went back to Geraldine's many, many times over the years for that pot. And the pot was, in those days we were a community, and it's all way pre law reform and all those sort of, all those sort of times, so we had to be a community because it was sort of them against us, but it was more probably us against them [00:17:30] than them against us when you really boil it right down. But we did, we had a community and we all had each other's backs and looked after each other. And I think we've lost that these days. But yeah, that was sort of early Wellington and, um, I'm sure people will get into more things. Jackie. Should we, maybe, start here? [00:18:00] I was hoping to be last. Okay, there's a real conversation for us. Perhaps, you know, you could, um, talk to us about when you first met Chrissy, um, How the evergreen was so important, some of, any of your memories and stories you know. Well, yeah, well I think, I think, um, the evergreen, um, which is, which is, is when I came here. But there was also Carmen's Coffee Bar, which is the era before I came here. And these places are really important because, [00:18:30] um, they were, um, they function really, um, as safe spaces. You know, and, um, when, um, And when I came here, it was, um, you know, we, we, being, being trans, um, the girls were all out on the street, and You know, you'll find that anywhere where there are sex workers, there's always a little space for them to go when times get tough, and people get too torturous, and [00:19:00] the Evergreen was like that. So, um, it was a safe space for us, and Chrissy was, um, she was, she was, she was nice, but she was, um, she was strict. She was strict. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't go there with her, you know, but, but, but respect her. And, um, there were a few times I, I saw her toss people out. And sisters that were being naughty. But, um, you know, and, [00:19:30] uh, and saying that in those days, you had to be your own security. Because sometimes, because the police weren't there and, you know, and, um, you had to, um, yeah, just, um, just take care of your space and, and, you know, just let people, um, people know, especially the girls, this is for you. You know, this is your space. Don't disrespect it. Or you're not coming back in. And, um, there were a lot of good times, I remember. I remember it functioned, um, [00:20:00] functioned, um, as, um, early, early in the evening, it was, it functioned for the boys and the girls. So they had it in the evenings. And then as it got later and later, it would be a safe space for this, for all the girls out on the streets. To, um, to, to come, come in and have a coffee when, when, when, when, You know, because there were really torturous people out there and you just wanted to just get away from there and um, you know, the reason that we, um, all, that most of us girls came to [00:20:30] Wellington, well I know certainly for myself, is that um, when you come from a very conservative place, you're looking for like minded people, you know, and I think it's same for the boys, you know, you come to a place where, where it's a lot more acceptable. And that's why I came to, um, to Wellington, and I fell in love with the place, and I, and, and just, just the people, the people, how the, how kind the, the people were compared to Auckland and the other places that, that, that I came from. I mean, in, [00:21:00] in, in Auckland they had coffee bars, they had one called the Kedora, the Kedora that, uh, trans girls would go to, and that was, well, it didn't have the same feeling as the coffee bar that, that Chris had, um, you just, it was just a coffee bar, but, um, The police always had access to that, to the girls, you know, come in and they would just all disappear and take off to the toilets and change their clothes and it was quite scary times back there. And, um, I remember, um, I remember Chris had a few functions in her coffee bar, [00:21:30] um, I remember when she had her 50th birthday at the majestic, well deserved of course because when Carmen left, um, and therefore, um, Australia, her coffee bowl was in exactly the same place. So, it was like one, one girl was leaving and then another one was coming in to cater to the next generation that were coming, you know. And, um, yeah, the Evergreen lasted for 20, 25 good, good years [00:22:00] and had some really, really good times in there with, um, you know, and the people that worked there. Like, like, like Dears, you know, you know, Dears, you know, you'd go in there and there was always a smile and a smile. Rosa Patterson was another one that worked in there. She was, you know, just. Just, just a place where you could feel, feel at home, feel at home in a world where, um, where everything was, um, even for the boys, illegal, you know, and, um, [00:22:30] I can understand how, um, um, living in the 70s, you know, um, and, and, and Jackie's talking about where in that time you had to conform to a standard, and if you didn't, I, you know, like Carmen for example, you were stigmatized. Discriminated, and yet Carmen, she took all that with a smile, you know, and uh, but that was that era, and then Chris came along, but she was a little bit different, uh, Chris, she had a whole new [00:23:00] style about her, and um, yeah, I just found her, and it was really sad when she passed away, because the Evergreen would never ever be the same, even if somebody took it, uh, that, that, that whole. That whole atmosphere was gone. But just just just to know that there was a safe space for us. And today, with the with the young people, um, you know, with the creation of technology, people don't seem to talk face to face. [00:23:30] It's always online. And I think that's what Titan made us tight in those days is that we always saw each other. We didn't have phones and, you know, texting and all that kind of thing. And I think that's what What, what made everything tighter back in those days. Not saying that it does today, but that's the language of young people today. It's all about online and um, there's nothing wrong with that. And I think these young people are wonderful today, they're, they're, they're sharp, you know, they're, you know, they're very driven and um, [00:24:00] you know, and, and in a world where it's free but you're still, you know, you're still on, you know, you're still on your guard, it's good. It's good because back in our days we um, just had to take what comes. And that was that, but everybody has rights these days, so it's a lot easier. But um, I wish we had a coffee bar for, for today. And I would love to see what that would look like. With all the young people, it would be great. So yeah, so, thank you. Drew, can I just pick up on what Chanel said about [00:24:30] style? And back when I first met Chris and Gay, Gay will know what I'm going to talk about. Chris was so out there, it just wasn't funny. And, and, you know, early 1960s, Chris had bleached white, she's a Maori boy, bleached white hair, Um, a very feminine sort of top on, this is the first time I ever met her, Um, tights, sort of stopping tights, she was dressed as a boy, she wasn't in drag. Um, in the [00:25:00] 1960s, that was outrageous, and a Gladstone bag under, under her arm. And, you know where she worked? On the bloody wharf. She worked on the wharf as a, as a cook in the kitchens on the wharf. Um, and her friend Karina, who, who was also, um, Dressed very similar, wasn't it? And, you know, Chris said to me, Oh, this is my friend Corrina, she plays rugby. You know, we work on the wharf. But that, they were, they were so out there and so outrageous. And nobody [00:25:30] really cared. She just had that personality. But she was out before out was fashionable. That's for sure. Yes, I'm going to ask you a question. If you can take our audience through what the evergreen coffeehouse looked like. For all of us who've been in this place, had coffees, had toasted sandwiches, had other things, Um, we, we all know that whole space, right? From the beginning, to the toilets, to the [00:26:00] jukebox. So for everybody who has not been in that cafe, can you take them through the decor? Well, getting in through the door was the first trick. There used to be a little wee seat, and it was double lock. And you would have to pull the grid back. Middle window. Five dollar. No money, no joy. And this is what the security had to be. We were a [00:26:30] business, first of all. And then just the community and everything that was supported. So you'd come in through the door, that would be loft. And there'd be a little wee area where a heater would be. And then on the first table on your right in the window, and it was a huge window, literally from about four feet, I think, right to the ceiling. And you could see out onto the park, you could see down the road, you could watch people come back. For those who are looking for clients, yes, [00:27:00] they will go by. And everybody will be looking in. Because the milieu and the people that were there were just so interesting. There wasn't a night that went by that there wasn't something that caught your eye. And then we come through into another area. There were two more seating arrangements before you got to the bar. And there were mirrors strategically placed. I didn't need eyes in the back of my head. You could look straight ahead down to the toilet and know [00:27:30] exactly what was going on in that corner and that corner at the same time. It was really well, um, kind of decor was, ah, well, eclectic. I think that would be the word. It was just a real shock to the sense for the first time when you walked in. Yeah. And then when you thought you'd be used to that, you get your coffee, sandwich, and then you walk through into the back. [00:28:00] And as you go through the door, you walk into a little wee space, and then you open up the back door, and it was a totally different scene altogether. Black light, so neons and everything, the bright lights and everything would be going on, the posters that had been put up around. Um, advertising different kinds of events and venues over the seasons that had been through there. And then the back bar came around and there was a bit of a podium you stepped up onto. And there was trellising. [00:28:30] Um, and once again, wall of mirrors. So, from the back you could see the front, and from the front you could see the back. It was all about keeping people safe, being aware. Oh yeah, that one's had a bit too much to drink. Oh look out, that one's going to roll over there. This one's up to a bit in there. But, you did it in such a way that you weren't walking over people's maunga. It was there and it was really inclusive for the time. [00:29:00] And it was just amazing to just see people come in, and they'd sit at the bar, and they'd start talking, and of course I'd start pouring. And the more I poured, the more they'd talk, so hey, I'm on a win win here. Um, what else was there? Oh, out the back, the collages. Two private little tables. Well, yes, little private tables and they were sort of raised in one area so it would block off down the [00:29:30] back. And then you could go down and around and then past the jukebox and then into the toilets. Um, just amazing. And of course there were the exits. Which later on became Pretty well used. So we would lock off the front of the street, and if there were any problems, then we could get people out, and lock the problem in, should there be any cause to do that. So it was, um, yeah. Very, [00:30:00] very interesting kind of thing. And it never changed. It was almost like it was stuck in time. And yet it was still very progressive and relevant. It was like ageless. And intimate. It was amazing. Sympathetic lighting until six in the morning. Laughter Yeah, then everybody had Scarpa. Laughter Laughter So, lots of wonderful [00:30:30] times. Can you tell us about the first time you met Chris? Well, yes. The first time I met Chris, actually, Chris walked in. I was working with Rosa as an exotic dancer. Yeah, no, not a mousetrapper. I was an exotic dancer. And Chris had made a comment, because a few of the older school Quinta come through, and they were all testing [00:31:00] me out. What's the metre of this person? Oh, that's not a brooch, she's a girl, look at the way she swings those hips. This is the quiet here, I'm trying to focus on getting some kind of, be there. And um, Chris made an inquiry to Rosa, and then Rosa introduced me, and then slowly but surely I went through that one. And to this day, I still don't know what it was that Chris saw in me. It was just one of those unspoken things. We [00:31:30] clicked. It was just one of those things. Yep, we clicked. And that was the beginning of a lifetime. Uh, professional working relationship. And then later on It became more in becoming integrated into the family and working with the community. And so the Kahununi connection for the coast and everything was always through. We would go through and support however we could on the [00:32:00] marae. So you'd have all the girls out one corner cracking it, and everybody else out the corner doing something else. The money would come in, we're on, we're on the road, and then 6 o'clock on the marae, we'd just put the koha down. And as soon as Chris would arrive, and it didn't matter where she went, she was maung. It was amazing. They just had one person, and could whakapapa through to anyone and everybody. Very, very acute mind when it came to the knowledge and the history of the backgrounds. [00:32:30] And I think that was something that drew me closer to Chris because, having been adopted out of Māoridom and a culturalised and brought up in a European family, I didn't have any understanding of the reo. I knew nothing of, uh, te kao Māori. And that's Not too late, you young ones. You can get to be 56 and still learn. Yeah, so it's um, That was the kind of thing of how I met Chris. [00:33:00] Kia ora Des. Renee. Hello. Kia ora everyone, um, Wow. When I first met Chris, she asked me where I was from. I had to go on in and she goes, Oh, not another smart mouth. And I'm going, Oh, hell, it's not my fault you look like Paddington Bear. But we clicked straight away in that, [00:33:30] and she goes, And um, how I looked at Chris, to her, to me she was my matriarch. In that, because you know, I missed Carmen's era, I just called the farewell party for Carmen. And that was it, sort of thing, but Chris was always here. And I come down. And so she was my matriarch, and um, I really loved Evergreen, because whenever they did a bust on the streets and that, I'd just go and sit in Evergreen, sit in the corner there, by the window, and do my [00:34:00] business for her. And just look at the regulars, I was too scared the others might be undercover cops. And um, but yeah, it was a really, really cool place to go to, and um, I think we were just one big whanau there. And you know, and It was such a safe haven for us and um, yeah, saw a lot of things there, saw a lot of things happen but you never did it in front of Chris. And [00:34:30] the next night you'd go out and you'd knock on the door, am I 11? How long my bath for? But she, yeah, she was really cool to us. If you ever needed help, you just had to go to Chris. You know, she was always there for you, and that's why I looked so highly up to her. I just thought she was an amazing person, and what she did for us, you know, giving us that safe place, and [00:35:00] yeah, I think that was amazing. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have nothing. You know, so she did a lot of things for us. Do you remember when you first met Aunty Chrissy? Aye? Yeah, I told you. Oh, did you? I'm glad everyone's listening. Have another smoke. Oh my, oh my gosh. I'm so sorry for that. [00:35:30] Okay. I'll just like sit here and blush for a little while. Okay. How about we move on to Kayla then, aye? Kayla, no one's asked you yet, do you remember when you met Aunty Chrissie? Yeah, um, when I first met Chris, Chrissie, it's by coincidence because I was involved with something else and they said, well, you know, since she, well, I, that's part of the fair and he kicked out, so I didn't let [00:36:00] Kaka, so when I got to Wellington, um, they were telling me about this place. And they said, oh, these people, and they wear these amazing outfits. I said, I really don't want to be in a crowd of women. Oh, no, they can't. But, you know, I went down there, and the nightlife area, that's what they called it, and the Evergreen. They said, you've got to go there first. So I walked in the door, um, [00:36:30] Yes, I do remember that. You walked in the door, the table here, raised one there, one there, and the counter was here, where Des would be serving the coffee, taking orders, etc. And I walked in and Chrissie was there sitting in the seat, like this. Are you new? Hi! Yeah. But, like with Renee, we kind of, um, Um, [00:37:00] initial korero, we clipped, and she was like, she knew everything about what the girls do. Just been welcoming, she was very welcoming, very accommodating. Um, yeah, I actually have been barred from there. I think I was drunk because I can't remember. But um, to me, I had a different view of the whole place after like, Going there for so many years. It's like, [00:37:30] walk in and sit down, cup of tea. I'll sit there doing my work, go out on the rori. Um, the whole area, Evergreen was like the central part. You'd go in there first, then you'd go out. But see, and they had Marion Street, and now that, Marion Street's got all these apartment buildings. But before then, before they built them, that was an empty car park. And on the other side of Kerber Street was a [00:38:00] Sunset Strip Nightclub upstairs. They play the music so loud. When we sit there in Marion Street, we have our own nightclub. On the street there. And, um, We have some girls doing the poi, entertainment. We have some of the girls who sung acapella. Mariah. Yeah. Isn't it Mariah? There's Mariah. Jay. Jay. Joe. Joe Chanel. Miss Joe. Miss [00:38:30] Joe Chanel. Serena when she was drunk. Serena. But, I mean, yeah. That was in the community and it was like, people on the outside could see what we have. I don't understand, but as Chanel said like, they were torturous people. The longer I was out there on the area, it progressed, then we had gangs come in. But, [00:39:00] we had learned how to be ourselves, stand up. By going to Evergreen, seeing how things work there and , you know, chats with Christy and that and um, like you'd have a staunch gang member on one hand. Yeah. And a person working. What take would have it that would stand up. You have to stand up. So, and she'll, Shauna was right about the police. They like, turn a blind eye or pick on you. [00:39:30] But we did later on in the years have two. Constables. They're actually quite nice, like around Christmastime, I'd see you walking. Have you cracked it yet? No? Oh, there's a cloak down the road for you. Yeah, they're actually sociable. But, when everyone evolved through to what, as I said before, I was in the later stage, and it just become natural, and then we had the gay community moving in, and off the bar they set up, etc. [00:40:00] Um, I initially come out. To Wellington. And there's a place called the Dorian Society. For those who go back there. And um, there was that one part. And then they had Auckland clubs come down like Alfies and both Jangos, what have you. And the funny thing is, they were like, oh this is our club, blah blah, you're a visitor. Yeah, really? We'd go to every, and guess who would turn up there late at night? Everyone from those clubs would stop in there. [00:40:30] And it's just sociable. And in regards to um, early morning lighting. Once or twice I remember that place closing about 8 o'clock in the morning. It's just like, oh yeah, lock the door, sit in the back. But it was good. Uh, the front part was coffee and sort of business. Back part was socialising and um. There's certain ladies you knew not to avoid because [00:41:00] once they start you have to sit there and listen. But yeah, um, but that's why I actually got a sense of family and from that I learned to stand up to my own family. They knew what I was doing and they'll put me down as they did. And it's like, yeah, I guess you pay for this for you and that. It's like, you see, just try and normalise. But the good thing that come out of it from the girls. Is that we didn't go downhill. We went uphill. We [00:41:30] work at offices. We do this and that. So we blended, yeah. But evergreen, yeah. It's one of those things, it's like a steep thing to do. Always be there. And Chrissy was, yeah, I was at her 50th. That was funny. Because, um, I do catering and stuff. I was in the kitchen, passing a tray around, because I'm six foot something. And that's the carriage downstairs, so she said make sure they have something to eat. So I come out and there [00:42:00] was a big crowd of people going like this. All these people about this high say, and I was about this, and the train was up there. I went, ha ha. I went right downstairs and come back and, you know, it's good. The girls got together, they had a kapa haka group there performed, Chrissy was there regal as in her throne, but you know, it was beautiful, good, yeah, [00:42:30] like when you sit down and think about it, really emotional memories from that place. And yeah, not covering it, but yeah, the fights, arguments, gang members, the abuse, hidings, yeah, socialising, yeah. Being drunk. But yeah, no. But it was a good place. I mean, it's so good, I can visualize the entire layout. That's so good. So it must have made an impression on me. [00:43:00] Yeah. We'd love to hear your recollections of Chrissie, your time at the Evergreen, and also what was your favourite song on the jukebox? White A Shade Of Pale. Tell us about Evergreen and Chrissie. Um, Chrissie, as you fellas call her, is my relation, and um, [00:43:30] I first met her in Hastings. Her brother comes into a pub, I'm drinking at the age of 15. I've just left school. And he goes, You're like my brother. Come with me, I'll take you home to meet them. They've just come out. When we got to their place, she wasn't there. Her and Ella had come from Wellington. So I met her mum. And then her mum knowing our relationship, Oh, you're coming [00:44:00] to work for me. And that's how I got to know Chris. Initially when the Evergreen opened, It was after Carmen had given up the lease and it opened as the Owls Retreat, that was the name Carmen had on it. And me and four friends were the little hoots in the Owls Retreat. So we gathered together to [00:44:30] support her. She'd rung me to come down from Hastings to open it for her. She still had a contract with Doug and Sue Timms at the Sunset Strip and, um, Cuba Street. Yeah, so she had a year left on her contract. So I came down, gathered Ella Wilson, who is also from Hastings, Geraldine Shepard. Um, it was Pat Lambert at first, [00:45:00] and then we were joined by Kay from Porirua, I can't remember Kay's name. I remember little Kay. Yeah. And so that was our staff, and Serena came in during the day to clean the window, which was the most important thing to everyone in there. Yeah, and the mirrors. And they were spotless. If you knew Serena, she spent two or three hours just rubbing those mirrors down with [00:45:30] newspaper to get them sparkling clean, yeah. And they were well used. All the queens came in and that's the first place they headed to. Checking their makeup, checking their hair. You'll see me doing that now. I'm still in that habit, you know. It's tight. That was the evergreen and how we started out. After a year, um, Chris got released from her contract and then came in. In the [00:46:00] meantime, we were, um, renovating it. We had a, uh, CO for lower. For lower. He was our carpenter. And see, I built. We took the tables up, the mezzanine floors, both upstairs and downstairs, and did all the renovations in the club to change it. And we opened with the [00:46:30] coffee bar only at first, and there was a narrow alleyway with all this walled off space to go, to allow people to go down to the toilets. But that's how we started. Um, and of course, us. Being friends and family, we were volunteers. For that whole year, we remained as volunteers. We didn't get paid, because we were trying to build the club up.[00:47:00] Um, and we were all working girls. So, we built the business up at the same time. We opened the front window up and clients went past and see us sitting there, they started coming in. And that attracted other working girls and the working, to come in. And that's how the business built up over that year, by the time Chris come in, it was already a thriving business. Yeah. Um, [00:47:30] some beautiful memories, some beautiful people. Yeah. And you take the good with the bad, eh? And us Hastings girls. We're fighters. We come from Hastings when the mongrel mob was emerging in Hastings and we had to fight our way to be accepted in Hastings. So we hit Wellington with that attitude as well. Yeah. Me, I call the cabs. I go [00:48:00] Excuse me, I've called your cab. Are you ready to go? It's either the cab or the police, one of the two. I'm not a bouncer. So, yeah, so that's how we started off, uh, and along the way we got joined by Eunice and Violet and Hira did a stunt and I think even you've come in and helped out at times, Gemma. [00:48:30] So, yeah, um, and great to have you here, Jackie. Because Chris and I both worked for you in Willis Street. Yeah. I did a stint at the restaurant, but I wasn't a waitress. So, yeah, no, it's good to have you here, Jackie. Great memories, and you were able to share that era with everyone here. What was really [00:49:00] interesting was Chris had an incredible work ethic. And I think that rubbed off on a lot of other people along the way. She always had a job, and she said to me once, I don't care what I'm doing, as long as someone's paying me, I'll wash their dishes, I don't mind. I'm not out for the limelight, but she always, always had a job, always worked. And when I came down, they were on the wharf. Um, they were all in the kitchen down, just past down here further. There was [00:49:30] Ella, Tāpuni, Chris, Karina, Karina, and Rose. That's right. Yeah. So they all worked down here. Ella, Ella used to pack, This sort of, I thought it was a go kart, it used to carry the food trays around to all the different areas on the wharf, and you didn't get in her way because she never slowed down. That [00:50:00] was. We were lucky that Wellington was so close, eh? This is a beautiful city because everything is so close. It's unlike Auckland where you go miles to get across the city. So Wellington being compact, we had this club circuit going around at one stage when Down Down was going, Powderpuff was going. Those were all those clubs in that era. Yeah, [00:50:30] and People got, you know, tate a tate and all of that, and throughout the night we wandered from club to club, yeah. And so when one opened as the late nighter, or early morninger, everyone ended up there, from all those clubs, yeah. And um, the club owners got on, eh Jackie? There was a need to be able to, as a [00:51:00] community, support one another. So that's what happened, yeah. And the midnight movies on Sundays. Yes. Rats running across the gallows train. The Roxy Theatre. Des, could you tell us about Special Coffee? So people are hearing about coffees and toasted sandwiches. So for those who have never been to the Evergreen, tell us the ingredients of a coffee. [00:51:30] Okay, cats out of the bag people. Special coffees. This is back in the days before they had 24 hour liquor licensing. Six o'clock's, well, you get all the wharfs and all the bars and clubs in town shutting and it was after that. Either get to a speakeasy, or go to another supplier, or have your own supplier at home. And the special coffees were [00:52:00] traditionally poured out of a crystal egg cup. Chris was pretty onto it. She could tell within a drop whether or not you'd free poured or not. I soon learned how to free pour because of the way everything was happening. Um. It was Grant's Whiskey that was used. So I'm not too sure if that's any kind of thing. And A lot of homebrew too, tell the truth. That was later on in the history. Much later. [00:52:30] Um, yeah. So getting all of that kind of thing going, there was another little venture that we opened up and that was the Nutcracker Sweets. Which is now Valhalla, I think it is. Yeah. Yeah. And that was, um, an amazing venue. So very much we had a nice little wee coffee shop going on here. The regulars and everybody was in one thing. And then when the Nutcrackers opened, well, it just took [00:53:00] off. And from there we were able to get hold of low calorie beer. So for the beer drinkers coming in, at least they were still getting a taste. But there was always the special on the side. And then we moved from just whiskey, we had vodka, we had gin, bourbon, whatever was required. And, it was how you poured the coffee. Teaspoon first. Coffee. [00:53:30] Alcohol first. Alcoholic drink. Not licensed. Teaspoon, alcohol, hot water, coffee. Special beverage, didn't need a license to sell it, and that was the loophole. From long, long ago, right the way through until I think about the mid nineties, when they lost, yeah, and that was how the um, empires were built here. And that transferred over from [00:54:00] when Chris and Christine ran the coffee bar at the Sunset, uh, Sorrento. Sorrento. At the Sorrento place. They started serving the special coffees there. I know that the Igo Green, um, had some of the best toasted sandwiches and it became my favourite combination and still is today. And it's a beautiful segue. Because it is now time for karakia for [00:54:30] kai. And then you all can, um, join us to share in a special coffee and a toast. You know what, I've got one of her toasted sandwich machines at home. Aw, that's amazing. Hang on a sec, we're just going to do a karakia before we get into the special coffee. So, all. Uh, Matariki te tipua, Matariki te tawhito. Taumai i wairua, wairua i raatua.[00:55:00] Now, just before we start, I'm passing, my name is passing, and, uh, uh, the quiz couldn't be [00:55:30] that, that you guys, uh, came together, suffered, you know, with Chris. I didn't, uh, I met Chris and Carmen in those days. I'm the passing that on purple onions. It all started I just want to to share, so before, before you can go and have a cup [00:56:00] of cup of drink there with a liquor. Well, I came from Samoa and, uh, I opened, I didn't open anything. I worked at a tram in those days. This is during the 50s, you know. And then, uh, I, I, I danced rock and roll, you know. And I was the champion, Australasian champion, rock and roll dancing, you know, with my partner, Judy. And then I got married, went to Australia. [00:56:30] And, uh, for a while I met with these guys, and I work at Lake Girls. I work at Lake Girls at night time, doing drag at night, and day time I work on the buses. A foggy day in London town. Yeah, you place your life. And everybody, when my son was born, my oldest son is 62 years old now. When he was born. Then I gave it up and came back to New Zealand and went to Samoa. My second son was born in [00:57:00] Samoa. Then we came back to, to Wellington. And then I decided, I'm going to, because I work at the Purple Line, I didn't, I didn't need two, but five, those days I was slim and beautiful. Because I'm 88 years old now. So I'm older than most of these ones over here, I think. Anyway. I opened the club Purple onion and I brought a show. I brought most of the drag queens that I brought. They're all very well known in Australia. Beautiful. Lilac Hayes, Holly Brown, they [00:57:30] all came down and they work at my club. And I met Carmen, 'cause Carmen was working in Coffee Lodge. I think she was a, she was a waitress in this coffee place and working at the hospital too. Anyway, she was young. She was a boy then those days . So anyway, they used to really make me laugh. Used to make me laugh at Carmen when she said, when she said, uh, She said, oh, some of the guys were sitting over there. I said, oh, what's your name, honey? You look so good. I said, my name is Carmen. She said, [00:58:00] Carmen. That's how Carmen goes, you know. And I said, but Carmen who? And they said, Carmen Garrett. You know, I've never forgotten that. She's always been a friend of mine. She used to come, when I opened The Onion, Carmen used to, before she opened, her places were way after mine. But they all come around there. And I met Chris, too, in those days. But Chris, I think Chris works more with the gay community, the rainbows community. [00:58:30] Chris did more for that than Carmen. Carmen was always in the paper. She'd always She's a queen, a news queen. She always get into the paper. But anyway, she came and have coffees, serve coffees and drinks, hot drinks at my place, you know. Because in those days, the drag show was going very well at first to start off. And then most of the gay community didn't like the queens to dress up in girls clothes. They didn't like it because they were all [00:59:00] closet queens, you know. They used to write it outside of my place. Don't forget, I'm not a queen. So I write it outside my place. Queers, queers. And I was, I was encouraging boys to become drag queens. That's what they said. They write down on it. So I changed it to girls. They changed it to strippers and they went, Bop, bop, bop. And of course I got the strippers to start. Still I quit. Well, she started. She, no, she, she, She [00:59:30] was one of the old ones. She was there. But anyway, when I came, and then the club went on good, you know, and then there was a lot of drugs in those days, during the 60s and 70s. There was so much drugs going on. And my wife, Anita, and I was You She was dealing with a lot of drugs in those days, and I said, well, it's time for me. Back after two younger kids, because Mark was already working. My, my back was, I don't know whether you folks know, [01:00:00] uh, Ray Johns used to run all of the class. Yeah, Dr. Johns. Yeah, Dr. Johns. And Mark was, Moon Doc Mark. Yeah, yeah. That's my son. And then Mark was already working. So I took the two kids and went to America. I've always wanted to be in And I, I lived over there for 32 years. Then I came back when my sister died and, uh, and, uh, the, the niece was here, you know, you know, really layman. [01:00:30] Yeah, but she's my niece. She's my sister's daughter, and my other sister, my other, uh, my auntie's daughter, she's the Prime Minister of Sam , you know, and my other niece. All the girls got good jobs except me. You know, one, the world one. My father always. The Lord only takes good people first. And the rotten ones like you, you'll live forever. And sure enough, they all died before me. [01:01:00] My parents died, my brothers and sisters. I have one sister in Auckland. You've got all my life stories all in one time. But I had a good life, you know, I had a fabulous life. Really, I had, you know. And the gay communities over here were so, so good. You know, these were the old ones, I remember. I don't remember any of the young ones that have come out now. Of course, they weren't even around in those days, when I was around. As, as you can see, you know. I'm, I'm 88. I'm 88 [01:01:30] years old, you know, and I'm still kicking, you know. So anyway, I said, uh, then I opened a club, and I opened another one in, uh, in a hut because all the girls were so popular. I made so much money on those girls, on girls. You know, so I changed the club. The Permanente was a strip club. And then I opened another one, Playgirls. Where the tie to tie was. Well, yeah, that's it. In Lower Hutt, I had a fight with the mayor over there. He said, I shouldn't be bringing a strip show over there. I said, excuse [01:02:00] me? You're not allowed to do that? And then they all come. All the police and everybody. And in those days, too, we could sell, oh gosh, I used to make 500 dollars on one bottle of whiskey. All the Japanese sailors, they loved my whiskey. And they loved my girls, cause I had married girls, from, from, uh, what do you say? From , Janice Moroney did, they're all from Janice Moroney. Yeah. T they're from Hass. [01:02:30] All from Hastings. And a lot of those girls, they had nowhere else to go. So I usually, usually have Christmas. We used like a family, all my strippers, we always have a barbecue together and we go get mussel and powers and they all let go get together on Christmas days and things like that. They come to my house, you know, and stuff like. They were, they were good friends of all those years, you know. And I came back, I'm still remembered by some of the few people that are still around. Like Jackie and them. [01:03:00] And Donald just died. And of course Jenny just died too. But everyone, every one of them have all gone. Oh, I remember her, that one over there. That girl from Old Tuckey County. That woman from Old Tuckey. She's still a thing. All my, all the people, I used to see Carmen. I used to go, I used to, when I come from America for a vacation, I used to go. Stop [01:03:30] by in Sydney to see my friends and family there, because my wife is from over there. And I used to see Carmen. We always had a cup of tea together and talked. She had her own little flat. But Carmen wasn't all that bad. She was, she was a good person. I believe you have come into this space today to provide us with our next club uncle. Because, you know, what is clear about our kōrero today is we need a space. It's missing in our community, and you are the man who's going to [01:04:00] provide that for us. Everybody say, aye. Aye. Thank you, Uncle Pasi, and please have some toasted sandwiches and special coffee. We're going to have an intermittent, take a break. A lot of, a lot of people that does this kind of thing. My, my niece, Winnie. Was always with the gay community. She, she votes for all you guys. Yes, she did. And and me. I'm just old. Excuse. Excuse me. God bless. And I glad that I came. Anyway, Joe asked me to come,[01:04:30] he taught me to holler. Guy. Guy? Yes, it's a guy. How about you? How could I look over there twice a minute? You do that face. And when you get old you forget. I know Luana.[01:05:00] Um, my name is Fiona Lim Shang. We are on the second floor of the Wellington Museum. Outside the evergreen coffee house sign. And what a sign, it's all kind of illuminated, and then underneath it we've got some panels here. Yes, these panels take us back to yesteryears. They're a collage of old pictures, as well as business cards of establishments. that were around in the 80s and 90s. When you look through the [01:05:30] panels, um, do you see familiar faces? Absolutely. In the panels are, um, it's a collage of my youth actually, and a lot of icons of those people who used to be well known on the Wellington streets within our community. So how does it make you feel when you see those faces again? I feel really humbled to have spent a youth time with them and that I was exposed to great leaders at such a young age in a community that was [01:06:00] accepting, inclusive, resilient and Even though they didn't realise it, activists in their own right, created a space that was inclusive of all sexual preferences and a community that looked after each other just by default. I love that. I think we were lucky to live in a time where our communities were really important, because the struggle was real. Um, our preferences were illegal, therefore we had to really look after each other. I [01:06:30] think, when I'm being reflective, though the times were hard, the community was strong. We don't quite have the same feel now, because by rights, how we live, we have capacity, right? Everybody sees and recognises us. In the time when I was That was not so much the case. However, this community ensured that we had space. And we had safe, we had safe spaces in which to connect and meet other people. [01:07:00] One of the really lovely things for me today is looking at the audience and seeing there's such an age range in the audience from the young to the older people. Um, isn't that just wonderful? It really is when this kind of kaupapa can bring through so much diversity and people who are just curious about Wellington's history. So, um, the range of audience today has been quite nostalgic. It's taken us out into the past, but it also makes us look into the future to see what our young people today [01:07:30] have that's available for them to get this kind of connection and support. What's been your favourite moment from today so far? It's got to be all the stories of all of our people on our panel sharing of a time in the 60s. What that looked like for them, and even though it was hard, how much they enjoyed it. It has been a walk into the past, but joyful and has celebrated us and our community and where we are today. [01:08:00] My name's Jackie Grant and we're at Wellington Museum, I think, aren't we? I'm Pasi, Pasi Darius, I'm from Wellington, but I'm Samoan anyway. So, so we're here today remembering Chrissy and the Evergreen and all of those wonderful years. What is it like to be surrounded by so many people from the past? Uh, it's quite amazing because it's, you know, we, we sort of go off on our own life journeys. And, and we We [01:08:30] don't have as much contact as we probably should. Um, although we see people on Facebook and that, but it's not like being in the same room. It's not been so many people that we know. Jackie and I know. Because they've all gone. Most First, because I'm, I'm 88 years old, you know, that's the problem, but I don't know any of these, and yet I'm the one that started all that bullshit in New Zealand. I was the first club that opened in New Zealand, was the Purple Onion. And, uh, [01:09:00] apparently, the Over Green was right next door to the Onion, isn't it? The what? The Evergreen. The Evergreen. That's why two doors are from the onion. I've closed already. I took the kids and went to America. I took my two younger ones. And they worked with Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Lionel, Liza Minnelli. All my kids are working. Big time in America. And then I decided to come back home when Amy died. And it's nice to be here. Nice to meet people that I love. That I grew up loving them, [01:09:30] you know. But I was never ever one of them that goes to the pubs and stuff like they do. I never do that anyway. What is your favourite memory of Chrissy and also Carmen? My favourite memory of Carmen? She's always in the newspaper, she's always wetting her lips. Like this. All the time, you know. And, and, uh, she was, she was always very She's, she's like, she doesn't give a damn about business. I mean, I think when she left the, the, the, the, the [01:10:00] big, the nightclub that she had done, the strip club, you know, the, what you call that place? The barket. The barket, when she left the barket, she left with nothing. She had nothing to go. And all the other queens that were working for her, they all end up taking all the money, you know. That's the bad thing, that's, I felt sorry for her for that, actually. But Chris. Chrissy is the one that takes all, all the things that are to do with gays. Chrissy is the one. That, that opens all the doors and everything [01:10:30] else. Chris was never interested in the limelight and the pizazz and being the showgirl. She was sort of always just in the back being solid. Um, and there was a lot of Solid's not probably the word, but, but There was a lot of substance to Chris. where, where some other people, well, there was a lot of show, but not the substance, not the same substance. And I'm not trying to put anyone down. Um, it's just the way it [01:11:00] was. I think Chrissy was the one that, that encouraged and go with all the gay crowd over here. She wasn't care about whatever it is. She knows she was a queen and she, but she backed it. It's different. comedy, you know. But Christmas for the people. That's, that's my idea of it. But comedy I love too, please. She's a showgirl. Well, I like Jackie's because I owned it. [01:11:30] But we used to go to, we used to do the rounds, as someone said before, we used to go to the Sunset Strip, we used to go to the Powder Puff, which we called, of course, the Powder Puff. Um, we went, and that's way after the Purple Onion in those days. Um, I had a, Chris and I actually opened a restaurant opposite Parliament Buildings, which was the, The first, the first topless restaurant in New Zealand was called The Doodle Inn.[01:12:00] Um, I think the SIS, thanks darling, I think the SIS burnt us down at the end. Um, ha ha ha. But, yeah, there was, and we used to, everyone used to go to the midnight movies on a Sunday night and then end up at the hot bread shop at four o'clock in the morning. We were a community and we all sort of stuck together. And that was, that was the important part. We all had each other's backs. I don't know whether it's the same these days or not. And so where was that first topless [01:12:30] bar? That was in 1967, 68? And so it was opposite Parliament. Do you know which, um, whereabouts, what street? It was in Molesworth Street, and there was a fish and chip shop one side, and there was a grocer just up the road. It was right opposite the main gates of Parliament. And how, how, how did people respond to that, if that was the first to New Zealand? Um, It was interesting. We, we got away [01:13:00] with it because when we took it over, there was a, a, um, permanent booking for the, the, the Roundtable Association, I think they were called. It wasn't the Business Roundtable, but it was a group of members. Ministers from different denominations had a, had a permanent booking there, so we didn't tell them, but we introduced the topless restaurants to them that night, and the police were going to bust us and everything, but if they had, they would have had to have busted the Bishop of Wellington and half the different [01:13:30] clergy, so, so they let it go, but it only lasted about six months and it mysteriously burnt down one night. And what was it called? The Doodle Inn. Jacky to namesake that, uh, do good. I named the purple onion when I came back from, from over there. I work at the Onion Institute. Very famous one. All the shows there were fabulous. Choreographed. Proper drag queen show. Good costumes. Same as I started [01:14:00] with The Onion 2. I, I start, the girls were all wearing nice costumes. Then they go into larrykins and just get off with their dress they wear. And take it off. Those were those days, you know. Now it's now. But anyway, I came back to retire here. New Zealand is the best place to retire. Absolutely. Today is a very special occasion and they are serving toasty sandwiches and also special coffee.[01:14:30] What's in the toasty sandwiches? Mine's ham and egg, I think. Ham, egg and onion. It's got onion and, uh, something sweet. Pineapple. And how would you rate these toasty sandwiches compared to, say, um, Carmen's? These are better. Tasty. More tasty. They've got it wrong. They've got it totally wrong. What should be in there? There should be three slices of bread to make the sandwich for a start. Always. Wellington [01:15:00] Toasted Sandwiches had three slices of bread, butter on the outside, and then the filling between the two lots of bread. That sounds like a meal. They were like a meal. We lived on them at times. Hey Daz, I was just saying, he got it wrong. There's only two slices of bread, there's not three. I'm not passing any critique on this. Daz must have made hundreds of thousands of [01:15:30] toasted sandwiches at that coffee bar. He'd be the expert toasted sandwich maker in this country. Dears, how are the toasty sandwiches tasting? They're tasting good. Yeah. And yes, it would have been nice if there'd been that extra in there, but when you have a legacy that goes, and over time people forget, yeah, that's why it's good to be able to come back and go, OK, we definitely need to have some kind of resurgence with [01:16:00] what's going on, to keep things going. Um, thank you, everybody, for being with us in this space today. Thank you for remembering those who are not present with us, whether they have passed through or just cannot make it today. But just to close us off, let us say krisi wi toko three times in [01:16:30] memory of someone who changed the landscape. of Wellington for our community, for those who sit here who have changed the landscape for our community. May we always be resilient, may we always embrace each other in our journeys. So on the count of three, Chrissie, will you take over? Can we just add her life partner Andrew into that as well? I'd love to add Andrew, her life partner, into that. What is Andrew's surname? Well, why [01:17:00] don't we just go Chrissy and Anaru three times in memory of their brilliance for our community. Um, together now, whānau. Chrissy and Anaru. Chrissy and Anaru. Chrissy and Anaru. Kia ora koutou. I'll hand it over to our brother, Kevin, to close us out with karakia. Thank you. Tēnā tātou. Tēnā tōu. Tēnā tōu. Tēnā tōu. Reka ngā kōrero. [01:17:30] Ko kōrero here. Really awesome kōrero. Really awesome the legacy that still continues today, believe it or not, in terms of our whānau store. There are still places where we get together and where our whānau are the backbone of our community here in, here in Pōneke. So, tuku ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa. Ki ngā kaiwhakahaere te tuatahi, [01:18:00] uh, ki ngā kai kōrero, um, ki te audience, uh, tēnā tātou katoa. I'm going to, um, actually ask a part of our whānau who don't know this to come up and sing a waiata. Um, a happy waiata, and then I'll do a karakia straight after that. So whānau from Te Whanawhana, and if you've got a poi and if you've got spare ones, come up. And, um, and I know you've got it Rene, because you always have poi. [01:18:30] Come up here. Uh, and we're going to do a waiata, which was composed to invite people to come to To Paul, Nicki to come to . So order.[01:19:00] I don't know if you can see it, but we're going to sing a little bit of a [01:19:30] song called Ki te Whanganui a ta ra Whai a tu ra Whai a tu ra te waiwai o te peke E heke mai nei te mokai o Muturangi Ki aotearoa Ki aotearoa e[01:20:00] Ka rangatia rā Ka rangatia ki te taifakaunga rā Ka rangatia ki te taifaka rāua Haere mai Haere mai hi Haere mai Haere mai Tiwhana Tiwhana whana ae Ka hukura i te rangi Ke runa [01:21:30] Thank you. Okay.
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