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Good evening and welcome to Radio Gala this Sunday, the eighth of July 1990. My name's Neil Access Radio Auckland [00:00:30] Tonight's programme is centred on the passing of the homosexual law reform bill. At the time, homosexuals in New Zealand felt that this bill meant much more to them than just legalising homosexual acts. It meant that all gays and lesbians in New Zealand could now live normal lives without the guilt and fear that came with their lifestyles and also our usual what's on in gay and Lesbian Auckland this week in gay history. And we will also be [00:01:00] giving away free passes to the West Side sauna. Stay tuned for details later in the programme. I go and listen to our Sunday show on just after 83. [00:01:30] Auckland Community Church offers a ministry to the people of Auckland, especially those who are gay centred at ST Matthew's in the city corner, Hobson and Wellesley Streets. Holy Communion Sundays at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. [00:02:00] This small piece of writing appeared in one of New Zealand's leading magazines soon after the homosexual law reform bill was passed, and we feel it's appropriate for tonight's programme as gays we have to create our own lives. And El Little is given to us in the sense that heterosexuals [00:02:30] are given and prepared for life. For us, there is no game plan, no certainties for us. The risks are great. The disasters many and the hurt is profound. But we gain often a compassion, an individual uniqueness and humour, which is extraordinary. And this we have much to offer. As part of the campaign in favour of the homosexual law reform bill. The familiar Ghostbusters song from the movie was rewritten and retitled bigot [00:03:00] busters in Wellington. Listen closely to the words. Yeah, [00:03:30] that strange. Yeah. You got a call. Butter and it Don't Look, boy, you got a call. Do I ain't afraid? No. Big. [00:04:00] I ain't afraid. No. Big. Who are you gonna call? Bad. Who are you gonna call? [00:04:30] No Bigger, Have you? Oh. [00:05:00] Oh, but great. No, big. Who are you going? [00:05:30] Yeah, Hope you [00:06:00] I ain't afraid of No, I ain't afraid. No big ass. [00:06:30] No, no, no. Let it come And through your dog. Better call. What? Hello? Think you better call? Where are you going to call [00:07:00] you? You better call there. Here you got a car and Buster, please. There you got a call, But think you better, Carl? Yes, [00:07:30] as all of this happened five or more years ago, many will remember these brief excerpts from protest marches and meetings [00:08:00] with nostalgia. And as far as I'm concerned, all I know is that I am a perfectly normal person now from eight kids got six of my own. And as far as I'm concerned, what I'm talking about and what this bill is abnormal sex between males, it's about sodomy. There's a front page picture of an eight year old girl who was given a petition opposing homosexual law reform at a Wellington church. Her mother told the Dominion she's seething about the incident and ripped up the petition. [00:08:30] The glass door was opened at the front of the Citadel, and several Army men came out. One pushed the press photographer's camera into his face, while another tried to keep him out of the way. Good life, an army the Iran has. So not only are salvation armies peddling petitions of hate, [00:09:00] but they're now assaulting reporters. My God, will anyone be safe? We didn't intend the real Shield campaign to be spent on this Salvation Army money being spent on persecution of people. Is that right? Well, where's the money coming from? Where's the money coming from? From this petition, there won't be a cent of Salvation Army money spent on who's paying for the petition. The Red [00:09:30] Right and Salvation Army get their money. They get their money from New Zealand. We get it from working for our living. If Jesus was given, Jesus was gay. He Jesus was gay. Oh, know, I know [00:10:00] that this meeting support the homosexual law reform bill. So we've got 100 and 50 gay here tonight. We've got 100 and 50 people supporting the bill. I I supporting the bill. OK, everybody that's supporting the bill isn't a gay. That's true. 51 parliamentarians are supporting it so far, they're not all gays. They [00:10:30] don't not all gay. I've got the suspicions about a few of them all the same. And now I'm telling the people of New Zealand that this parliament will not throw this bill out. The only way that the people the only way that the people of New Zealand can get it thrown out is to have a million signatures on a petition that would be thrown out. And it will be the first speaker this evening. [00:11:00] The first speaker this evening is Sir Peter Tate. He was the chief petitioner. I met this young man. You? Yeah. He said, come with me and we work around. We walked around to the front of the hotel and we walked along the street and he said to me, we talked about New Zealand and about America, and then he said [00:11:30] to me, I do know you, but I am attracted to you, an old man like me. And this is what he said. We said, Listen, listen. This is what this man, a man of about 30 said to me in the dark at half past four in the morning. [00:12:00] He said, Will you let me suck you? That is what happened to me in Hawaii a few months ago. Thank you. I off The last [00:12:30] speaker is Mr Norman. Come, You're not mine. So says where you come from, what we're looking at. I don't love homosexuals. As far as I'm concerned, you're the 95 per cent normal people. People stand up [00:13:00] and God bless the people so much We do homosexual legalise Children to be contaminated by the everything. Look at them. Look at them there upon them. They're looking for the They're looking up for homosexuals You might catch. All right, [00:13:30] thank you very much. All right, I do. We say concerned Christians, hiring town halls to discuss the problems of the alienation of Children of our society or violence within [00:14:00] the family. Right. And we do not see this happening and we question the motives for their concern. I believe their concern is founded on irrational fear and ignorance. Keith Hay is the organiser of the petition and has clearly stated in the New Zealand Times on the seventh of April that he does not know anything about homosexuality. [00:14:30] He says in fact, that he had not actually heard of it until a couple of months ago. However, this man is prepared and has ignorance to organise a nationwide campaign against a group of people whom he knows nothing about. He condemns such an action. We are citizens of this country. We demand our rights. [00:15:00] They're citizens of New Zealand. Support the bill, condemn the petition, the petition that is based on ignorance don't circulate it. Don't sign it. If you have already signed it spray enough to have your name removed. He's not too late. Support the bill. Support Human, Right? [00:15:30] I'm assuming that you're all gay here tonight. Are you You all gay, [00:16:00] Lao? Like I've got a petition here. Petition MB Is it you, Lao? Hey! Hey! Petition M me. Is that what it is? This petition here I got a million signatures on this piece of paper writer crab pin this hand. Now you take Jim McLay. There's a liberal minded man. Or so we thought, a defender of people's rights. So we thought, What's he trying to do? Does he want to prove [00:16:30] the rumours are right? One of the most important things is to be visible to be visible as lesbians and gay men. Those of you who are here tonight are making a statement by by coming out publicly, you'll have another opportunity on Friday to march in the Lesbian and Gay Rights March. You've got an opportunity to put your name in the newspaper. An ad is being run on Friday morning in the Dominion because the more of us who are visible, [00:17:00] the more visibility. We have, uh the safer, the stronger our community will be. So come out now. Be visible. Tell everyone you can be blatant. Be as gay and as lesbian as you can all the time. What right? Where do we want them now? What do we want? Do we want them now? [00:17:30] Just got straight. Just 3579. Let's be as the mighty five, 52568. K is just as good as 32468. But things are changing. We've been protesting the events [00:18:00] of this week. The rally on Tuesday and our fantastic march tonight are a sign that the counter mobilisation is underway by supporters of the bill. We demand equality. We demand the human right to be ourselves. The bigots have declared war. We give them notice that our counter offensive has begun. We tell them we will win. If this bill is passed [00:18:30] in its present form, homosexuals from overseas will come to New Zealand in their thousands. New Zealand will be looked upon as the mecca for homosexuality for sodomy. What an attraction it is going to be to them. The Minister of Tourism be able to advertise New Zealand to homosexuals throughout the world. Come to New Zealand for sun, for sun, for scenery and safe sodomy and safe sodomy. In the last few weeks we've seen the start [00:19:00] of a second round and a particularly nasty campaign. And whilst Keith Hay and Peter Tate may not be have international standing of the Orange Queen Anita Bryant, the campaign has been no less organised or vicious. And it's only a start to the campaign for a theocratic state in New Zealand, and we know that they mean it. The proposal to launch a moral minority organisation is no secret and their plans to attack issues relating [00:19:30] to abortion, uh, to women, uh, relating to sex education and even Darwinian evolution, to name a few, show us the sweep of their attention over the last few months when it comes to Christianity. I think I've actually gained, as someone once said, a lot more sympathy for the Lions because that's the worst thing New Zealand's ever witnessed today. You mark that well, [00:20:00] I'd never thought I'd see this happen in New Zealand. Marching to legal is sodomy, not homosexuality. Oh, your right set up all your right get up, get out there and die! Give up the fight to all you lesbians and gay men. It's heartening to see so many of you brave enough to throw open the closet doors and march tonight. In the past, we have been [00:20:30] easily silenced and we have been made invisible. Tonight we are saying we have had enough. The opponents of this bill have made their intentions quite clear. Consequently, none of us can afford not to be involved. At least on the streets. It's possible to see the opposition and meet them head on. Hidden away in a closet somewhere. You are easy. Pray don't be fooled. A closet is not a safe place. It will not protect you [00:21:00] in a closet. You are alone and vulnerable. So come out. Come out now and fight back. Um awkward Jo, right? No shot not coming from me. I will. And [00:21:30] the law love to go. Well, what Mhm has a football leather? God don't say. Is that wrong? [00:22:00] Oh, yeah. Jesus loved you. Hello, little girl. Can I? How old are you? I'm fine. I go to school so you can sign your I have a dotted line. Say that [00:22:30] Jesus loved you, child. Join the fight against human rights. Join the Salvation Army. Yeah, right, right. What do you think of the Salvation [00:23:00] Army joining in the March today? I think it was very good of them to come to our support. It's the first time they've given a public exhibition of support, and especially to provide the music for us was really helpful because we often have trouble maintaining our own rhythm. I noticed the Salvation Army people here were really joining into the lesbian and gay chants. Do you think they really support lesbian and gay rights? They were clapping in time with our chat more than in time with their music. It was pretty amazing. But from some of the conversations that are going on around about between gay men and lesbians and members of the Salvation Army, I wouldn't be under any illusion that most of them are still strongly opposed to lesbian and gay rights. [00:23:30] It was wonderful. It was very supportive of them to turn out like that. Especially in so many. I've always believed in them. I did all my friends said No, no, no. You've been naive. But I knew they'd come through in the end and their bans were lovely. And they've said they've promised us the band for our next march too. So I thought that was lovely. They banged in time. If you you've ripped up, you ripped up, [00:24:00] up, up, up and scream and shout Bye, I three No, I am drinking. I li the word of God. Here's our guys. We are proud to be called Bible bangers Love. We are not bigots [00:24:30] peaceful and we have righteousness on our side. This table has we have free speech In our society, we are a free and democratic society. What we are doing is trying to restrict our rights, all of our rights, not just the gay and lesbian community. This is what Hitler's Germany was like. [00:25:00] I want you all to sing when you do a national anthem because that is my song and your song. It doesn't belong to them. Can you sing it? Who can? Bye. Yeah, [00:25:30] boy. Ok, right. Drive a [00:26:00] OK that during Christmas I tried to make my own personal assessment of what we achieved during 1985. Um, public discussion of the nature of homosexuality was probably the most significant thing that happened. Uh, people were obliged to examine their own thinking [00:26:30] on the subject. And so much open discussion has not taken place before. Um, not in my recollection. Um, the greater an anti reform petition had its day. And although it had grown out of a massive superstition, it showed us in the end that New Zealanders don't all set in the face of such bigotry. I think it showed us where our friends were. Organisations, groups and individuals began to speak out for reform simply because of the petition [00:27:00] had angered them. Um, the group I represent tonight was formed when the Reverend Bob Wilkie and his wife got together with some parents of homosexuals. And by discussing with the media our personal stories, we were able to make people who had never thought about it realise that homosexuality is part of many families and is something to be accepted and understood. In 1985 when you think about it, it had its lighter moments, and I, for one am still waiting for an explanation [00:27:30] of just what our norm our norm Jones was getting at the morning. He said on the radio from parliament buildings that if the bill went through, they might as well close the place down. The reporter said. You mean there are gay in the Beehive? And Norm said, I'm not saying anything about that. I'm just saying there'll be no work done in this place. I'm telling you like Bill, I've also been asked to sign the petition. I was asked in Queen Street in Auckland and was one of the [00:28:00] lighter moments of the campaign because these two middle aged women were standing outside an office block in the middle of Queen Street on a corner. And I knew these women were there because I'd walked in and out a couple of times, and when I walked in again, they stopped me and said, Would you like to sign a petition? And I said, Oh, what petition? And they said against the bill and I said, What Bill? And they said I was actually a bill, so I said, Oh, what's all that about? And we went [00:28:30] through all this and they told me what the bill was about and one of them did, and the other one looked at me very suspiciously and finally said, I know who you are. She was right. Yeah, yeah, with AIDS in the bill. Although this 85 is being the bill The sweet So you could say it's been a gay sort of year from Happy Birthday. Sweet 60 [00:29:00] is the day we waited for when it's wonky, illegal any moment. I can't believe my eyes and you're just this teenage queen. Happy Birthday! 3 60 On the ninth of July, the homosexual law reform bill was passed after much debate and misleading statements. [00:29:30] Rightfully so. Here is the third reading and vote. The question is that the homosexual law reform bill be now read a third time. The eyes are 49. The nose are 44. It will be third time [00:30:00] right of the gallery. Homosexual Law Reform bill. Third reading on morning report The morning after the bill was passed, the news was rightly dominated by the victory [00:30:30] and the trumpets of morning report. Good Morning, Geoff Robinson and Kim Hill here in the programme today, the controversial homosexual law reform bill is passed in Parliament. We'll be talking to those who support and oppose the measure, starting with the news Peter Fry. Good morning. The controversial homosexual law reform bill was passed through its final stages in parliament last night. The bill legalising homosexual acts between consenting adults over 16 was passed by 49 [00:31:00] votes to 44 a margin much greater than many expected. The debate was bitter to the end. There was a stinging attack by the Whangarei MP John Banks and his National Party colleague George Gere, who finally announced that if there could be no compromise on the age question, then he would support the bill. As it stood, the bill's promoter, Wellington Central MP Fran Wilde, was cheered and applauded by her supporters. But one of the main opponents of the bill, Invercargill, Norm Jones, says it was passed because parliament is made up mainly of Looney Leftists and bleeding heart liberals [00:31:30] who don't understand what the public wants. The AIDS Foundation has praised MPs for what it calls their courage in passing the legislation. It's 16 months since Wellington Central MP Fran Wilde introduced the homosexual law reform bill, and it's been a passionate, lengthy debate. The original bill set out not only to legalise sodomy but also to remove discrimination against homosexuals. That part of the bill however, was defeated along the way, and the age of consent became the central focus in recent months. As late as last night, [00:32:00] Hawke's Bay MP, Bill Sutton, tried unsuccessfully to have the bill sent back to committee stages for consideration of 18 as the age of consent. Opposition deputy leader George Gere led off last night's crucial debate, explaining he could not vote against the bill but had struggled to vote for it because of the age of consent being set at 16. There are some aspects of abstention that are appealing, but in the final analysis, a vote for abstention, I reasoned, was passing the responsibility over to others [00:32:30] and that I'm not prepared to do so. I was presented with what I feel is a difficult choice between two two propositions, neither of which I like, but one of which I like less than the other. So, sir, I will when the vote is taken, votes for the bill. But I grant you with considerable reluctance. Mr. Gere's pro reform declaration led to an attack from one of his own caucus, WGA MP John Banks, whose response typified divisions [00:33:00] within Parliament, some shallow handbag and weak rhetoric from the member for North Shore and historical dissertation of negligible substance of negligible substance. The member, halfway through his speech that was a [00:33:30] abstain speech until 70% of it was delivered, said the sponsors of this bill are asking for too much are asking for too much. He has obviously had considerable difficulty with his own conscience. The final vote was 49 in favour of the bill, 44 against a majority of five. Francois, the [00:34:00] bill's promoter, says getting the bill through parliament has not won all the battles for the homosexual community. I think there has been a change of attitude during the bill. The HALO polls have shown increasing support for the bill as the uh last year or so have gone on. But there is still a proportion of New Zealanders who will vilify and hate homosexual people, and I think that as a community, that is not a healthy outlook, and we should try and educate people to respect [00:34:30] differences. You lost part two of the bill fairly early on, and that was the anti discrimination part. How significant was that? That was significant. It applied, of course, not just to gay men but to lesbian women. And I was very sad that we lost that. Um I suspect some people voted against it simply to provide themselves with a little bit of political insurance, so they felt they could vote for part one of the bill. The strain been like for you personally over the months. And where do you go from here? Well, it's been a terrible strain to tell you the truth, but I [00:35:00] go now back to being the member for Wellington Central and the Government. We've been trying to put a bit more time into other issues. I'm certainly not contemplating another exercise of this nature in the near future. Did you at any stage doubt that it was all worthwhile? No, I didn't doubt, but sometimes I wondered what insanity had caused me to actually decide to do it in the first place. I must admit there were times when I thought I must have been mad to take it on, but I didn't doubt that I should have taken it on. And [00:35:30] while there were champagne corks popping in some quarters, opponents of the bill were disappointed at the outcome. Hierarchy MP Graham Lee, I am confirmed in my belief that in fact the people of this country will themselves ensure that this bill is finally defeated. A million people out there are going to take this issue up from now on, and I don't think it matters what we do as parliament. Uh, they will have seen, I believe, the fact that parliament has betrayed them. And Parliament [00:36:00] has done a particularly bad job on a bill that should been withdrawn because its importance, its sensitivity, its unique implications. And I believe they will take that power back into their hands and we'll see that in several forms may be repealed, but it'll certainly be the ballot box. The bill has only to receive the royal assent before becoming law from Parliament for Morning Report Cleared a Law One of the main opponents to the bill, the Salvation Army, had little to say [00:36:30] about last night's decision in Parliament. The Salvation Army says its views have been well aired in the past, but spokesman Major Rodney Knight had this prepared statement. We respect the Democratic. We had thought petitions were a respected part of that democratic process that Parliament has acted and Major Knight says the Salvation Army may elaborate further on its position if this becomes necessary. But on the opposite side of the fence, the [00:37:00] AIDS Foundation has praised what it calls the courage of the politicians who voted for the bill. The foundation has always been a strong supporter of homosexual law reform, and Chairman Kate Lesley says they're delighted with last night's result. She says the foundation will now be able to carry out far more effective AIDS prevention education programmes. She says fear of identification has prevented many men seeking information one of the major projects. We have a small group of people meeting together [00:37:30] to discuss changes of behaviour and safe sex. For many people, the change in legislation will make that much more possible and safe because in some areas people have not felt even able to do that, Kate Leslie says. If the bill had failed, the foundation's work would have been hampered considerably. This is Penny ST John from Morning and with us in the studio now is a spokesman for the Gay Task Force, Bill Lurgan. Good morning. Good ruling. How does it feel to be legal? Well, it hasn't really [00:38:00] sunk in yet. I suppose it feels like a moderate step has been made towards a more civilised sort of country, looking at the margin of only five votes and the bitter struggle over the last 16 months. Has New Zealand been enlightened or grudging towards homosexuals? Five votes is a good margin. I was expecting one vote. Governments have ruled for three years on one vote, five votes is a fine margin and there's been a movement in public opinion from [00:38:30] seven from 57% of the population supporting reform up to 64% of the population supporting reform. This debate has started to change attitudes. It has started to make life better for gays not only in law but in attitudes and attitudes is what's important. But the failure of the bill's supporters to compromise on the age of consent has been criticised. George Gere's final vote in favour wasn't given wholeheartedly, He said the bill's sponsors were asking for too much. Why were you prepared to lose everything [00:39:00] for the age of 16? It was important to give the message that it is OK to be gay, to say that you've got to have special laws to prevent certain categories of people from being involved in homosexual relationships. People who would be allowed to be involved in heterosexual relationships would be giving a message which would destroy the ability of young gay men to develop a positive self image. And that's a very [00:39:30] important part of anyone who is going to play a role in society. But the second part of the bill outlawing discrimination was defeated some time ago. So is anything going to change? Things are changing, attitudes are changing. It's quite clear that we have got to move to a world in which it is illegal to discriminate against gays in respect of work, jobs, housing, access to goods and services because those have got to be changed. [00:40:00] But we're making progress. Graham Lee, one of the opponents of the bill, has promised that the law will be repealed. Are you worried? Any reform like this has got to be seen as tenuous reversible, but I'm glad that Graham Lee and his friends are continuing their struggle because it's their struggle which has educated New Zealand, which has allowed a process in which opinion is changing and so we welcome [00:40:30] their continuing fight again, Norm Jones, another opponent of the bill, has said that 15 government MPs on small majorities could lose their seats because they voted in favour of the bill. Do you think that it will become an election issue? I'm sure there will be attempts to make it an election issue. We welcome that. Thank you, Bill Logan. [00:41:00] If you're gay or lesbian and feel you're the only person with a problem and there's no one there to talk to, you need a friendly ear. The Gay Lesbian Welfare Telephone is always available. Call 303 3584. If you're wanting social information, what's on in Auckland or where to go for a coffee and a friendly chat? The gay Lesbian Welfare telephone is always available. Call 303 3584. Unable [00:41:30] to ring, then drop us a line at Post Office Box 3132 Auckland. The Auckland Gay Lesbian welfare Serving Your community. Yeah, Icebreakers is a new group for young men under 26 who think [00:42:00] they may be gay or bisexual. It is a group for men not out in the gay community who are questioning their sexuality. Anyone who thinks they're interested in icebreakers should phone gay line 3033584 That's 3033584 and ask for more information on icebreakers [00:42:30] this week in gay history. July 8th to July 14th July 8th Journalist Radio Laor lecturer and political analyst Dorothy Thompson was born in New York in 18 [00:43:00] 94. She became an overnight sensation when Hitler expelled her from Germany because of her critical reports on Nazism. Peter Orlovsky, the poet, was born on this date in 1933. His greater fame, however, is as the lover of poet Allen Ginsberg. In 1986 the Homosexual Law Reform Bill was passed by the New Zealand Parliament. The Crimes Act of 1961 was amended so as to decriminalise consenting sexual activity between males [00:43:30] over the age of 16. In 1987 Louisiana becomes the first American state to require HIV antibody testing of couples seeking marriage licences. July The 10th French writer Marcel Prose was born today in 18 71 Pro suffered from chronic asthma and wrote mostly at night in a cork ward room. His vast novel Remembrance of Things Past recounts the life of his hero [00:44:00] virtually pulsed himself. It has no plot in the usual sense, but is closely woven together like a symphony by the recurrent of the same characters and the same themes. In 1981 and more than 30 gays picketed a Chamber of Commerce dinner held in San Francisco in of Wellington's mayor, Sir Michael Fowler, who was in the city to promote a sister city relationship with Wellington. Fowler was confronted for opposing the right of the Wellington Lesbian Centre to advertise on City Council buses. [00:44:30] July 11th. Porno star Jack Wrangler was born today in Los Angeles. In 1946 Jack is every inch of star he has to survive. He has. He has survived the May fly world of Poor, a flex in which the usual rate of turnover is high. Vito Russo, author of the groundbreaking history of film's view of homosexuality, The Celluloid Closet, is 44 years old Today. In 1986 [00:45:00] the Minister of Health, Dr Michael Bassett, opened the first clinic established by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. The clinic was named in memory of Bruce Burnett, who was chiefly responsible for establishing the foundation, and he himself died from AIDS a year earlier. In 1987 Dr Tom Waddell, the man who brought into being the Gay Games, died in San Francisco aged 49 July, the 12th today in 1946. Benjamin Britton's opera The Rape [00:45:30] of Lucia had its first performance at Glen. Born July 13th in 1985 The Times of Harvey Milk had its first New Zealand screening at the Civic Theatre during the annual International Film Festival. The film covers the rise of Harvey Milk to the position of the first gay city supervisor in San Francisco before he and the then mayor George Mosconi were assassinated in 1978 July 14th. American playwright Arthur Lawrence [00:46:00] was born 72 years ago. Arthur wrote the Librato in both Gypsy and anyone can whistle. All gay people know what it's like to belong to a minority discrimination, funny looks, even abuse. We have to be tough, and [00:46:30] we need the support of gay friends who can understand because it's happened to them. There are people within the gay community who are not just part of a minority. They belong to a double minority. These people are not only gay, they also have a disability. And that at times means being super tough. Being disabled and gay can mean personal hassles that only other gay people with disabilities can really understand. We need to be able to talk to people in similar circumstances, learn from each other's experiences. Gay people [00:47:00] with disabilities need to support one another. If you are gay and have a physical disability and would like to be part of a support network, contact Phil through gay lesbian welfare. Phone 393 268. That's 393 268 and now for a free pass. Give way to [00:47:30] West Side now to qualify, you'll have to tell us the name of the singer coming up in this next record. Just ring up on 30202383020238! And Name the Singer. Now. This next song was brought out on a 45 on a label called Reso Records and was sold in gay venues. The proceeds went to support the homosexual law reform bill, now the name of the song is at the right time. By Judy Glenn. [00:48:00] Yeah, that and the win Welcome. Come on. [00:48:30] [00:49:00] [00:49:30] [00:50:00] [00:50:30] [00:51:00] [00:51:30] [00:52:00] [00:52:30] This week. What's on for gay men and lesbians. Team Auckland Gala Weekend, the final fundraising event and Bon Voyage. Three great parties to send off the team in great style. Thursday, [00:53:00] the 19th of July. A black and white party at Don't tell Mumma Saturday. The 21st of July is a party at Staircase with the outrageous Troll Dolls. And on Sunday, the 22nd of July, there is a grand finale at Alfie's with the Fabulous Bloomers. Tickets. $10 for the event, or $20 for all three tickets are available from Team Auckland members. Don't tell Mummers Staircase, Alfie, the Out Book Shop and other gay venues [00:53:30] come along for a great time and celebrate with Team Auckland. The Auckland Film Festival is here includes several movies of interest to gays and lesbians. They are on Sunday, the 15th of July at 1:30 p.m. James Baldwin and The Price of the Ticket, a documentary on the life of gay author James Baldwin. On Sunday, the 22nd of July at 1:30 p.m. common threads. Stories from The Quilt, a documentary on the AIDS Memorial quilt, started [00:54:00] in San Francisco and on Sunday, the 22nd of July at 5:30 p.m. and Monday, the 23rd of July at 2:15 p.m. Wild Flowers. The story of a woman and her lesbian daughter. Thursday the 26th of July at 5:45 p.m. Apartment zero aria where the conflict centres and the attraction between two men. And finally, on Saturday, the 28th of July at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. tongues untied and looking for Langston, [00:54:30] two documentaries that explore black American gay culture. But in the meantime, go and see Lawrence of Arabia on at the region in the city at 1:37 p.m. every day. The Lesbian Support and Social Group has been reformed and meets every Tuesday night at the Women's Centre 63 Ponsonby Road. This is open to all lesbian women and starts at 7 p.m. Contact Karen Care of Lesbian Support Group, PO Box 3833. Auckland, Gle. Gays [00:55:00] and lesbians in education as a group for everyone in education, from early childhood to tertiary institutions and Associated Fields. Contact Allen on 609 472. Or write to Isherwood Trust, PO. Box 5, 426. Well, Street or the Lesbian Ball has been rescheduled for Saturday, the 18th of August, at the university cafeteria at the same venue. The committee extend their apologies to anyone inconvenienced by the misunderstanding [00:55:30] and booking that caused the postponement of the last month's ball. Repeat. The Lesbian ball is now Saturday, the 18th of August. The Isherwood Trust invites you to join and support the Auckland Lesbian Gay Community and Health Centre Project. The costs are $25 waged or $15 unwaged or simply make a donation right. Two. The Isherwood Trust 5426 Wellesley Street, Auckland. One. That's PO. Box 5, 426 Wellesley Street, Auckland. [00:56:00] One or phone 302 590 Monday to Friday That's 302 590. A new leaflet for the Gay Man is Mr Wright. The idea of this publication is discrete ads in which to put you in contact with potential new partners and friends. Ads are free to insert, but cost. $5 to reply. Postal address is Mr Wright PO Box 6430, Welly Street, Auckland. That's PO. [00:56:30] Box 6430 well street in Auckland, Gay space Coffee evenings are brigades of all ages every Thursday. Eight till 10 p.m. 45 ANZAC Avenue at the Auckland Gay and Lesbian Welfare rooms on the third floor phone. Gay line. 303 3584. That's gay line 303 3584. For more information. This is a venue where you can meet new friends in a comfortable atmosphere over coffee. [00:57:00] On next week's programme, there will be an interview with the Metropolitan [00:57:30] Community Church about their new hostel and also looking at issues on gay parenting. Well, that's all for tonight. It's good night, from Owen on panel and Andy Algoa and Good Night from Jenny and Good Night from Neil. Good Night.
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