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Seamas Gormley - Queen of the Whole Universe [AI Text]

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I'm Seam sc here. Um, I've been involved in two, queen of the whole universes. Um, the first one in 2010. November 2010 and then again in Wellington March last year. Um, I felt quite to the queen of the whole universe by accident. Um, a friend was doing it, and he got he was getting emails to go to this thing and I went, Oh, that looks interesting. Maybe I'll just go along and help help out back stage preferably. And I went to the first meeting, and [00:00:30] before I realised I was actually involved and they were telling me to choose which country I was doing. So, um, shortly after that, I became Miss South Africa. Um, first Miss South Africa and my dad, and I've actually decided to, um, take part again this year. It's for the final show, so I'm looking forward to doing that. Um, going into this show was absolutely exciting. Terrifying, lots of different emotions running through my head. Um, but mainly it was [00:01:00] just, um I did it for two particular reasons. Nothing to do with, um one to, build up a new friends and all the rest and associates and also to have a bit of fun and just do something outside outside the square and achieved that in both accounts. I had a wonderful time. Um, initially at the start, I had no idea what to expect. It was all very OK. What's happening now? And as as as time passed, I started to get them a wee bit more feel for the actual thing and [00:01:30] realised that other people, even though they had done it on a number of occasions where not that far on as I was, you know, not any different from me. They were still nervous, too. And I said about what they were doing. But it was a really wonderful experience. Um, and I would never not done it. Now I'm glad I did do it again. That's the way I want to participate in the final show just so I can do a little better, like the first show looking back on it. Now, I just know that I could have done it better, you know, the [00:02:00] inexperienced show. But, um, I gave it a good effort and had a really wonderful time before the Queen of the whole universe. Had you done any kind of performance? Uh, no. I did a school play back in my teenage years, which wasn't a very big success, but that was it. So I had no really experience at performing, and it was just terrifying, you know? And But I really And the part of the show I really enjoyed was just was really supportive. And they said, Oh, you'll be all fine. [00:02:30] Once it all starts and the music starts, she'll be It'll go. Really? Well, Well, so and I did like, you know, I was really impressed. I just I just impressed myself. I was quite surprised I was. Yeah, you did. You know, um, but I just couldn't help it with all the do it without all the support of the people in the show. You know, they were really, really wonderful. Initially, I had my doubts, you know, um, and I did speak to Jonathan, and I said, I don't know any of these people. I knew two people when I first started. So, um, and he said, Oh, once you [00:03:00] get into the rehearsals and get into the rehearsals proper, you'll get to know them. And because you're so interacting and doing all the practise for the dancers, it'll be easy. You know, it'll be good. And I did you know, I was really, really surprised. Initially, I thought I found them. I My initial impression was that they were all very cliquey. And all these people knew each other from the previous years, and they know each of them. I don't know anybody, you know. So, um, but it takes a little bit of time to get to know them. And, um, again, I. I learned a lot of, um a lot of skills. [00:03:30] And I've met heaps and heaps of people and some of them I'll be friends forever, you know, just really. And that's really what really surprised me. It was a whole life and enhance the experience, you know? I must say, you know, so, yeah, I really enjoyed it. I did it. And so in the first time that you were involved, were there many new people in that year? Um, I think there was two or three like, you know, And so that helped that that I wasn't the only new person. There was a few new people um, And again, they were [00:04:00] on the same par as me, like So it was good to have that acknowledgement that there were other people there who were new to the show as well. And they had their own reasons for joining the show and taking part. But yeah, it was a really good experience, you know? So had you done drag before? No, no, I'm not a very pretty one, I must say. But no, it was it wasn't to to dress up or perform. It was just to be part of a big show. And I had a good [00:04:30] reputation. I had been on the go, um, go for eight or nine years. So I had built up a good reputation. A lot of people out there knew about it. Um, and to be a part of, that was just the main thing. It wasn't dressing dressing down, or it was more of being a part of a big show and, you know, and say like, Oh, I did that, you know, or be a part of that. It wasn't No. I had no idea of dressing up in drag or whatever. I was quite I don't know how I was going to look at, um, But I remember one time on just before one of the shows [00:05:00] was passing somebody in in the corner at the back of the show and they said, Is that you and I had to take a double take after I'd got all my make up and all the other stuff on they were like, Oh, is that you? You know, so, yeah, total transformation. You know, if my mother could see me now sort of thing, you know, But, um, I think it's important to give it, give it a go, and, um, just give yourself that comfort. And that was the really thing. I learned from it, you know, And most people got out of me just that I'd done something I totally hadn't [00:05:30] done before, and yeah, yeah, it's always good to, um, go beyond those boundaries, you know? So can you take me through that process of having never done Dr before? You know, in terms of like, how does one start initially? Because, um, I was one of a few people who hadn't done it before, and again, it was even, like, um, one of the nights Kevin and John took us out to another evening and actually practised walking like a woman. [00:06:00] And that was that seems really weird, like, you know, Ah, you know, they do walk differently. And it was actually just going around in a circle or whatever, just and practising, um, walking like a woman and just different. Just different steps. What is the difference? They set their feet down differently than us guys. So even just simple little things that you had to adjust, how you walked and how you and then actually getting yourself in high heels. That was another experience altogether too. So, yeah, I'd [00:06:30] never done that before too. Like, I think I might have dressed up when I was a cater on or, you know, as you do, um, a long time ago. But nothing, um, that, um right there. So, yeah, that was another new experience, because initially, the the you know, we were practising the dances in the hall like, you know, and we were all in our ordinary clothes and trainers and all the rest and shoes. And then gradually, you know, when you get to that stage, you actually have to come with shoes on as well and practise the routines. [00:07:00] It was Oh, my God. Like, you know, they weren't ladies shoes. Um, but most people are actually quite surprised that I had to knock on them quite easily, As if I had been doing it for ages. So, OK, no, no, I assured them I had. I had I was new to this sort of thing, but did you have, um, any kind of, like, drag mother or somebody that was helping you to kind of take you down the path of actually a transformation Going from yourself to a persona? Um, not [00:07:30] as such. Like, um, I think it was just a gradual thing. Um, and I think just be whenever else wearing Drago, if it's just a gradual process, I don't think there are actually any sets that will, you know, do this and do it this way. I think I just walking was the main thing. And once that master that, um, it wasn't too bad, you know? Um, no, I don't think there was. I don't think there was such You know what you do. But I think I was just learning all the dance routines and high heels and a dress, you know, and it was OK in the hall [00:08:00] environment there. But once you got moved to the actual fear, like it so big, you know, you know, it's just, um it's just that step further. But it was, um it's scary, but it's exciting. At the same time, I think, Oh, wow, Look, we're here, and it's as it got nearer the time you got more and more excited about it and think, Oh, cool, it's finally happening, you know? And it was just he just got carried away in the buzz of a lot of people as well. They were getting excited about it, too. Like so it was really just [00:08:30] there was he had those little nerves at the back, you know? But at the same time he had Hey, this is going to be cool. This is really enjoyable. Like so, um um, yeah, I really enjoyed it. And I did part two. that, too, as well Again. Rather than just do a part of the show, I wanted to really launch myself into the show and no keep busy, you know, as it were. And, um and I just I loved all the people on the show. I think I think the one thing that I really enjoyed was just just before [00:09:00] you were about to go on stage. I was out of the bag and I was Oh, good luck and well done, and you'll be fine. And it was just that sort of. We were all part of a big, huge team rather than just individuals. It was just We're all doing it together, and we're all going to have a good time and give the give the people a good show like So That was a really good thing, too, as well. So, yeah, Can you take me through step by step, The kind of formation of your country persona? Yeah. Well, as I say, I think the hardest part was actually to, [00:09:30] um, choose which country to do. I think Ireland, um people say, Oh, do Ireland. And I think somebody was already doing Ireland. And the only other one I wanted to do was France, because French, um and somebody was doing France and oh, my God. And my friends, one of my friends was South African, so they said, Oh, what to do because we initially checked. Um, what countries are available? Like, you know, two South African. So they said, Oh, do South African South Africa. OK, Why not? Um, [00:10:00] initially, the main main dress that we were on, um, at the start of the show, Um, that was the colour Red have been chosen. So that show was purple this year. I think this year it's going to be red and gold or whatever. So once and you could really dress, um, choose a dress any, you know, I, I think I had I had to split up the state or something so you could walk easier. But, um, when you actually got to the show and all the different varieties of dresses, you know, you've got a colour. But, you know, everyone had their own idea of [00:10:30] how did you choose your address? Um, initially, I got Well, I got the material. I got lovely material, shiny material, and I think it was in hawick. And once I got the material, um, I went to a designer. Well, actually, I had problems because I had two people actually had it back out of doing the dress. Helped me do the dress. So I was a bit like, Oh, what am I going to do? Um, So once I got this, he was a friend of a friend. Um, she said, Oh, yeah, and she just I think she had the really idea [00:11:00] of how it would look on me. So she had a really good idea and, yeah, quite a good dress, Having never been in a dress before. Did you have any idea about how to describe what you were looking for to a designer or how How did that come? Well, I had an initial idea, like, you know, length and what it looked like. And, um, I think she had a lot of suggestions to to have a little sort of glove sort of type things. Um, and I sort of went with it and thought, Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. [00:11:30] And not that I was being easily led, but her ideas were quite I think she was had a lot of experience making dresses for guys as well, So I think she had a lot of ideas, and I said I went along with a lot of her ideas and yeah, that sounds good. And you know, within reason, as long as it made me look. OK. Um, so that was the dress and then natural. Um, um, natural concrete and the head gear. We had a lot of problems with the headgear. That's it's probably something I would probably do better the next time. [00:12:00] Um um, because it was quite a lot of people had a lot of good ideas for, um, their head gear. Um, depending on what country they had chosen, if it was kind of, like Spain that it was pretty easy or China or whatever. Um, and I had a few ideas with South Africa to more traditional and spears and sort of South African flag, And they had recently had the soccer World Cup in Africa, too. So I had a few soccer balls there as well, like so, um, just going with it. But, um, it was modified near then, but, [00:12:30] um, yeah, it went well. And I had a a little two piece, sort of like safari type design, whatever. And looked ok, you know, um, what was it like? Um, having those kind of discussions about kind of fabrics and designs. If you've never done this before actually going into a shop and saying I want this kind of thing or Yeah, it was, Yeah, there are bars and mum because, um, actually, um, I don't know if you obviously don't know me. Um, I used [00:13:00] to was married at one stage, and I've got a 12 year old daughter. So, um, she was actually with me when I was actually bought the shiny material purple, shiny and a bit embarrassed for her. But, um, I just said to the lady, like we're doing this. I've never done this sort of thing before And they were all quite excited. Oh, yeah. You must bring photographs of it again and let us know how you get on. So they were really, really excited at me doing this. And I I don't know if they were aware of what the show was or what, um, audience had catered for, but, um, I just, um they were quite excited. You know, something coming [00:13:30] in, buy material to make a dress, you know, But, um yeah, it was, um there was a lot of things I hadn't done before. Even buying shoes. I hate shoes And a shopping like that was an experience too, you know. OK, One other thing in me, but, um, you know, you learn to overcome those little obstacles and get on with the show and just yeah, it's just all life skills, like doing all those things that you haven't done before. Were there specific shops that a lot of [00:14:00] people from Queen of the Universe went to so that people, the shop assistants already knew what? Yeah, there was. And the shop I went to, I think it's called Ronnie's. And there was especially if they hadn't done that before. Like, you recommend Oh, have it going here. Like not just for the people who like Jonathan. I recommend certain shops, but even people on the show, they say, Oh, go here. Oh, I got them here, you know, Try here like, you know, I think it just and that's as you got to know, the people on the show. They they were full of ideas themselves, like So, [00:14:30] um, but the the people I did get the shoes off. Um, they had been to the show, and they were used to people coming in every year to do the show, and they were aware of the show, and I think they actually went to the show themselves like so, um, they were very supportive. And it's good to have a lot of people out there supporting the show and who are aware of the show and what it involves, Um, to be part of that as well. So yeah, that's that's encouraging. What about your daughter? How did how did she react? Um, well, she's [00:15:00] still getting to know sync. Um, she's learning. Um, but she's got a very special dad, and he does things, um, like that. But, um, I think she's she would have come to the show. Only my friend couldn't come to the show. So, um and it would be nice if she come to the show in July. Um, I think I think it's important to be open. I I've always been open with my daughter, and whatever I do or choose to do or not to do, Or, um, I'm pretty, [00:15:30] you know, this is me, you know, And, um yeah, she really had a good time. And, um, she saw photographs of me and all the rest, and she even shot me a TV because they film part of the the rehearsals or whatever. And what was it? Close up. Sorry. And she said, Oh, Dad, I saw you on TV. I was standing. I was writing. We're sort of this sort of permanent formation. Of course I'm right at the front. Um, so she's Oh, and there was me dancing with high heels on socks. A nice combination. [00:16:00] Not very fashionable, but, um yeah, she she had a good laugh at him. Dad, I saw you V last night. We recorded it. OK, so, yes, I I'm a TV star now, you know, But, um yeah, it must be quite fun going shopping with her. Yeah, she's, um Yeah, I think she's, um, getting to Yeah, some different. And, um well, I, I don't regard myself as different. I regard myself as an individual. You know, it's I think I know that's what I like about people. Just, [00:16:30] um yeah, just like, you know, everybody's everybody's different. And, um and it's the one thing I learned from the show and all the rest, And I really my sort of philosophy in life is to allow other people to accept who you are and your individuality but at the same time learn to accept them as well. They're different. We're all different. And I don't like that word different. We're all individual. I think it's, um I just like every individual and that's yeah, that's my philosophy and and life as it is, you [00:17:00] know, just everybody's different and just accept people for who they are and all the rest. So, yeah, had you ever been in an environment of a large group of gay and queer people before? No. And it's probably shielded initially, but, um, I didn't really look at it in that sense, um, of this as a a gay environment show or it's majority of people who were gay, lesbian or whatever. I don't really I just looked [00:17:30] at them as you know, it sounds really naive or whatever. There was people like, and there's people on the show and some people look, I don't know if the lesbian, straight or whatever they were friends. They became friends, and that's, you know, it's I have no, you know who's straight or, you know, it's all just people like, you know, I see them as people I don't and I don't see people as in being in the gay environment or the straight environment, or I think we're all [00:18:00] part of the bigger picture. Like, I don't see myself being in a gay environment as such. Like even though I am, Um I'm just an individual. And my gayness is only a certain aspect of my character. Like, I have lots of horror qualities like, you know that again. This is just part of it, you know? And that's just part of my makeup or character like, and that's part of what makes me me, you know? So what was it like the first time you [00:18:30] were transformed into a diva? How did you feel? Um, is that me? I don't know. Um yeah, I think, um, I did. Initially I transformed myself gradually at home without actually, you know, showing because I'd got the shoes and the dress and all the rest. OK? And I think I showed my neighbour and she went, Oh, my God. You know. So I did initially [00:19:00] before launch myself on the general public. Um, but yeah, um, I think it's good. It's good to see yourself in a different way or, um, yeah, a really good experience? Um, um I don't know. Some people didn't even recognise it. But I think after the show, when we had done the show in Auckland, um, we were able to come out after because they were after after show entertainment. And this guy I used to know, like, a long time ago. I said, How are you going? I said, I know who [00:19:30] are you had no idea who I was like, you know, I said, Oh, remember me, You know, da da da da. Oh, really? It was like that was the transverse man. You know, if you didn't know me, you wouldn't have known. It was. And then afterwards I came out with my cities on, um and then Oh, ok. Hey, I was just hearing a little bit, you know, I was totally Yeah. It was good to see that people's reaction. Oh, really? You know, it's, um Yeah, I think it's good to, um, do something different. Show [00:20:00] yourself in a different light. Just just get out of your comfort zone, like you know. So I think, Yeah, I think it worked. Do you think that your personality changes as you transform into this? Um I don't I don't I don't know. That's a difficult question, Um, to a point. But, um, I think we can all change a personality. We can change a personality depending on what group of people around. You know, um, we may act differently at work than [00:20:30] we do a night out in the toilet on Friday night or whatever. We'll act differently with our family. You know, I think we all act differently. You know, we all have different personas. Um, depending on the environment, we're operating in, like, you know. So, um, will that guy female change? Um, I probably did change a little, but not too much. Like, I hope. I still think I had my own personal. You know, I think my own personal has to come through. Obviously, you look, you look [00:21:00] slightly different, like obviously, but, um, yeah, I think I'm still I still showed me as a person. I think that's what I It's important, you know? So flash me forward to, uh we We've done the rehearsals. We're just about to or we're just moving into the theatre. What is that like? Have you ever been in a theatre backstage before? And not, not as as being on a show like I've been in a theatre when it's empty and been in a big theatre. Um, that that's a whole [00:21:30] different step, because it gets one thing. It gets serious like you have. Oh, my God, this is it. You move away from that comfort of rehearsing in the hall every week or whatever, and then suddenly they're saying that final week before the show, it's like you going to the centre, um, on the Monday and it's like all week, like, um, that's a whole new step, you know, Um and it's quite, um, I wouldn't say scary, but yeah, it sort of brings it home. It's Oh, it's coming. [00:22:00] It's the show is about the, um, not a few days the end of the week and we'll be on. We'll be live. Um, yeah, it's quite exciting. Yeah, it it's a whole new step. Um, but, um, yeah, just It's just again. It's learning to be backstage and seeing how that, um, the rehearsals transport themselves to a huge auditorium. And, um, yeah, good experience, like, you know, and yeah, it's just a lot bigger. And you realise how big a thing is Oh, my God. It's so big. [00:22:30] Oh, my God. You know, um, but, um, yeah, I think, um, again, it's this experience. I've just It's like you just learn new things and keep learning. And that's the day I stop learning, You know, it's time to go. I want to learn new things and just, um Yeah, I think I think. And that's the advice I give anybody. New people wouldn't mind doing that. Yeah, I I'd really encourage any new people to do it. Um, because I can do it. You can do it. You know, I would be, um, offering new people, [00:23:00] um, taking part and building up that new I saw a bit building confidence, like will, you know, and really performing and and getting people to enjoy what you're what what show? You're performing, you know, So it must be such an interesting experience. Um, in the rehearsal where you were performing to a wall, and then suddenly you're on the stage performing to 1500 seats. Yeah. That first time being on stage would be Yeah, yeah. Um, [00:23:30] yeah. And I think it is you. You do. Once the music starts, you do sort of because you have done really work really hard at the Behe. And and I have to, um, really put my hand up for the the lady who did the the choreographer. Um, like she did a really good job like we were just a lot of us were just novices and no idea of dancing at all. So she really put us through our pieces like and I was I worked really well [00:24:00] at the end, and at the end, we just knew exactly where to go and what to do and all the rest. But as you say once that music you don't realise, I think it's just once that music starts and that familiar music, you just you just get on with it like, you know, it's just, um I know you're aware of the audience, but it's you're performing. You're enjoying the show. You're just getting into the show and you forget to worry. Oh, what are they going to think of what they say? Um, and sometimes it's like see [00:24:30] your faces like, Oh, God, no idea who they are. But, um, I think it just you just get into the show and Um, yeah. Just just it carries you away. Like, really? And just having the fun with your fellow, um, performers? Um, yeah, I think it's It's just enjoying it, like, you know, And that's what John's Jonathan's always impressed on us. Just enjoy yourself. You know, just forget you know where you need to be and all the rest. Just enjoy yourself, and that takes over and you need to remember [00:25:00] where to go and where to stand and all the rest. But, um, yeah, it's just I really you spark off each each other in the show, like and that's that's how you really get to enjoy, like, you know, Yeah, it does make the most of it, you know? Yeah. So throughout the whole experience of queen of the whole universe, what has been the most memorable part for you? Um, just the people just, um I'm a people person, and I love people I love. [00:25:30] I love talking as well, but, um, I think it was mainly just the people that II I got to know on the show. Like, you know, um, and I've taken a lot of happy memories away, and there'll be a certain amount of those people will do the show again. But just just the camaraderie behind the show and just even those down down time while we were free to, um, you know, it was just just they just felt part of the one family. And that's what I liked about it. Just the whole behind [00:26:00] stage and just being part of the one team and just that's their excitement. And, um, lots of different lovely people, just lots of personalities there. But yeah, we all, um, move forward for the one focus, you know, and, um yeah, it worked really well, and I'm looking forward to doing it all again. Well, coming up as the as the last queen of the whole universe. What? What do you think about that? Um I don't know if I can say I'm sad or whatever, but it's just, um [00:26:30] I think some things do take their natural course. And I think you can, um, over, um, play a certain role or, um, show whatever. I think things do need to come to a natural end, and and and I've just been lucky enough to be a part of the second last show and the last show? Um, yeah. Um, I think you can carry things on too long. You know, Um, and it's probably was AAA reason a good decision to say, OK, [00:27:00] this will be our last show. Like, um, so, Yeah, I, I I've just been I've been glad to be a part of it. Do you think you will continue on with kind of theatrical or or dr Performances? Uh, I don't know. I don't know the answer to that question. Maybe, maybe not. It depends. Um, if things, um something comes up that, um, entices me to, um But, um, I'm not averse to say that the last time I'll be on stage, I've really enjoyed it, and I've got a lot out of it. And I think [00:27:30] I've developed my character and, um, a lot of in that short period of time, so yeah, I can I can rule it out. We wait and see.

This page features computer generated text of the source audio. It may contain errors or omissions, so always listen back to the original media to confirm content.

AI Text:September 2023