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Kilda. Um, Kevin, Honey is my name. I'm the chair of the Trust for the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand. And today we have a community event, uh, could show and tell. And it's about celebrating community, I guess. And raising, um, discussion about what is history and so forth. And where did the idea come from? The the idea has come from [00:00:30] actually over the last couple of years, has been looking at establishing a Queer History month and so having events during that month of September or October to, um, uh, look at issues that we might be able to raise with our community about celebration of of history. Um, I guess it's a celebration of history. Um, understanding who we are. Uh, what are the things that actually bring us together? And I guess [00:01:00] the the common factor however we choose to to identify ourselves is that we are, uh, uh, our people or communities, um, who have been either marginalised because of our, uh, differences around sexuality and around gender, or else we're being generalised, uh, so that our differences aren't apparent. Uh uh, in our society [00:01:30] today, So I think it's a it's a great thing for us to to explore that notion of why it is that we do have a community, uh, and then to to understand what we do with those differences. Um, and it is certainly about celebrating it. But it's also about discussing those differences and that distinction that, uh, that marks us as and we ourselves as a as a community. So this event is is about, um, highlighting [00:02:00] to our community group groups out there. You know what part they actually play? Uh, in that, whether we are conscious of that or not, um, as a community, as community groups, um, but not only community groups, I think, also individuals out there that do the same thing. So in my mind, um, that's the That's a real underpinning message, I think, um, from a point of view from the Lesbian and Gay Archives New Zealand point of view, it's an opportunity [00:02:30] for us to outreach and to involve ourselves in the community. Uh, and hopefully to provide some relevance to our community, but also to get them to think about well, why are we here? And how else can can this, um, group look after the interests And what are those interests and things like that? So I think it's a It's a really, uh, interesting, interesting space and time for us to be in. So, uh, as we celebrate the differences that we have within the [00:03:00] wider society as we celebrate the differences, uh, within our own society that that, uh, keep our distinctiveness. Um, I think alive. I was also talking to someone the other day about I think, how it's, uh, useful for us to think about. How are all the things that are being archived around Wellington, whether it's in the lesbian and gay archives, whether it's in te Papa, whether it's in Archives, New Zealand, [00:03:30] whether it's in other institutions, how do we know what's out there and and how can Is this something that lay in, um, should be being, uh, should be considering in terms of some lens being applied to to highlight the resources or whatever it is that's out there, um, for our community to make it easier to access. Uh, the other thing I wanted to say also is that the, um in terms of our younger audience, our youth [00:04:00] audiences, uh, what do they see as the the issues for them. What do they want to keep for prosperity or they think should be recorded? And how should that be recorded? Uh, and then finally, how accessible is all that to everybody, whether you're younger or older, whether you're an academic researcher or just somebody interested in finding out about their history, how accessible is that information? And I think it'd be great to get some feedback, uh, during the day or [00:04:30] in response to this event, about those sort of issues. It's quite a It's a lot. It's a quite a broad issue, but I think it's something that, at least this event gives us the opportunity to think about. There are quite a number of groups set up, uh, in in the ground floor of the National Library, um, showing the diversity of the communities. Um, can you describe some of the things we're seeing so we can see the Overwatch? Uh, the defence force, um, community [00:05:00] group of of, uh, queer. I call it queer People. I can see a whole lot of, uh, sports groups, uh, setting up, um, rainbow Wellington front runners. I can see movie. Uh, outtakes. 2015 So the community that celebrates movies and stuff like that I can see also, uh, a number of groups from from the representing the lesbian side, so to speak. So the Armstrong and Arthur charitable trust, Uh, [00:05:30] I can also see advocacy groups such as W Wellington youth groups here. I can see, um uh, Maori, um, groups. Um, setting up here, there's a whole range. It's amazing the the diversity and the response that we've had, um, to to this event just to start off the event today, we're just going to have a sung in the form of a [00:06:00] um And then following that, I'll say a few words of welcome [00:06:30] [00:07:00] [00:07:30] [00:08:00] [00:08:30] [00:09:00] [00:09:30] mhm rush over to say, Welcome to everyone today to queer history in the making of show and tell [00:10:00] community event The thing that, uh, I think brings us together, uh, as a community, are those things that, uh, we either feel marginalised about so in terms of our sexual or, um, gender or our identity, our cultural identity or things that we are generalised about in terms of being made to be normal. And of course, those are the things that distinguish us because we are looking at those distinctions all the time. Today's event is about [00:10:30] celebrating, Um, the history that, uh, we have as a community to celebrate the diversity within our community, uh, to celebrate outside our community who we are. And, uh, on behalf of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand. Uh, we welcome you to this event. Thank you very much. Uh, to all those community organisations that have come along today, close to 30 organisations have responded to this call. Once again, we [00:11:00] welcome you. So it's an opportunity to share uh, what we're doing. It's an opportunity, an opportunity to share what we think, uh, and it's an opportunity to celebrate. Um, And on that note, I just want to acknowledge, uh, the National Library, the National Library Public Services Programme for hosting us today. I'd like to acknowledge the Alexandra [00:11:30] Turnbull Library. Um, with whom the Lisbon and Gay Archives collection or collections are held by, um, I'd also like to acknowledge all the volunteers that have, uh, assisted us today in particular, um, the our colleagues from Mercer who have organised some volunteers to assist on that note. I think we've got a really busy programme. But I do hope you take the opportunity to to enjoy [00:12:00] the occasion, have a think about the occasion, stimulate some discussion in terms of where to what if all those things that are are really, uh, great things for us to be to be thinking about a, uh [00:12:30] yeah. Come on [00:13:00] [00:13:30] in. [00:14:00] Yeah, [00:14:30] [00:15:00] we're gonna hand you over to our master's, uh, ceremonies or mistress of ceremonies or MC. Uh, Jack Lynch. Uh, thank you, Kevin. Um, we've got a quite a busy programme today, and I hope that all of you think about actually staying for the whole day because there's there's a lot going on a lot of deaths of, um, different groups here. 30 groups are here. A few few more tried to squeeze in, but I think they might have to [00:15:30] wait till next year. It is that, um yeah, get in quick. Sort of, uh, one of those events, and it is a very special event for us. It is, in fact, queer history in the making that we've been able to come together in the National Library like this. Um, my experience of us all getting together like this is more, um out in the park. And perhaps we're not so focused on our history, as in, um, having a lot of fun, which we will have today as well. Uh, we we have a If you've [00:16:00] got the programme being able to access the programme, there's a series of eight minutes. Let me stress eight minute presentations. Could be less, um, but not more. Uh, presentations from the different groups during the day. And, um, there's sort of a morning session the afternoon session, but, um, parallel to those, uh, presentations. Uh, Linda Evans and Roger Swanson from LA will be, um, presenting the curd collections, [00:16:30] um, in the programme room, which is sort of just behind us over here. The room itself will be locked when they're not doing those presentation presentations. So if you can make it to one of them that it's a similar presentation in the morning and then one in the afternoon. The first one that they're doing starts at 11. 20 it's about half an hour. The second one is about 1 40. So you've got two chances to have a have [00:17:00] a look at the presentations to to listen to Linda and Roger and have a chat with them about it as well. Um, really important archives for our communities to start collecting and centralising and protecting as well for the future. And I understand that if people have bought along things this morning, um, that they want to donate to that they can have a chat to Linda and, um to Roger, Linda and Roger can you put up your hands? And as if we didn't know who they were. But, you know, [00:17:30] just like making people put their hands up, Um, the I'd I'd like to, um to open. Uh, well, so my section of it is as MC around, um, thanking for bringing us together like this. This is no small undertaking savings, many, many people involved in it. And if you need to ask anyone during the day about what's happening on the programme, please look out for someone [00:18:00] who is wearing the gans, um, badge with their with their name tag on it. I'm gonna stop. Stop talking now, because we need to keep to time. And we've already gone a minute over. Um, so the we're we'll just set up, and then we'll be hearing from Karen uh, Harris and Adrian Girl or to to many of us, um, who are the chairs of out in the park, and they'll they'll be doing their presentation. So we'll just set up, bear with us. Don't go away or come [00:18:30] back soon.
This page features computer generated text of the source audio. It may contain errors or omissions, so always listen back to the original media to confirm content.