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Scott (1) - Q12 [AI Text]

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I'm here with Scotch. Hello, Scott. Hi. Hi. How are you today? I'm good. Just for ok. Um, could you tell us a bit about yourself? Um, I'm Scott. Um, obviously, I'm gay, so I'm studying, like, pop music at uni. I'm a third year student. So, um, as a gay person, I I'm right now, I'm the only gay in the, uh, in the whole major. So surprisingly it I mean, my tutors and my classmates, they're really [00:00:30] supportive about, Like who I am. And my music, of course. I I in my music, I do show some, like, gay sides of me, but they they they really they really like being being supportive, supportive about my music and everything. So, yeah, I'm pretty kind of living a very good and and positive gay life, you know? Yeah. Ok. How old are you? I'm 20. I'm getting 21. Yeah? What gender [00:01:00] do you identify with or what culture do you identify with male and, um, culture. I mean, they mixed, like between a Asian and and Kiwi culture. And, um, and gay culture. Yeah. So, yeah, What is your sexuality? I'm homosexual. When did you realise that you were gay. Uh, when I was, um well, I didn't know the words gay when [00:01:30] I was a kid, but I'm pretty sure I was into Male like when I was seven or about seven. But later on, when I was 12 13, I realised I am gay. So I didn't because my family was, I mean, was Asian family. So they didn't have the concept of being gay as a sin. So I didn't notice being homosexual could be, like, a very shame. Shameful thing to do because my parents didn't notice I was gay. And no one [00:02:00] mentioned this concept. So I didn't really have too too much things. Um, I mean, too many things to just like struggle. So, yeah, when I was 12. 13, I Yeah. How did you realise? I realised, um, that that's who I am if I have been to that kind. Thanks. Yeah, you have to. I mean, accept accept you because, I mean, the the universe made you as I mean anything. I mean, universe Bond wants So [00:02:30] the only the only thing you can do just be who you are. Um, that's how and I realised that I since I was a kid, so I'm just keep keep doing what I'm doing. Yeah, OK, um, how did you feel when you realised that you were OK? Um OK. And, um not I mean nothing, really. Just like because to to my family and I was born in China, the environment is could be like anti [00:03:00] gay, but not super like obvious. Because I was in school, in high school or in primary school anywhere. Like I didn't see too much like things about anti gay bully. And even though I came here, it's like in high school I I came out just, um not too much gay. I mean gay. I've met because in, um maybe, uh, maybe I look different or somewhere somewhat. Um, but I do. But I do notice the anti anti gay [00:03:30] culture, like exists, so Yeah, So I realised I do realise, like, it could be tough thing to to come out to my parents family because I have, um, um, an Asian family. So it could be like con conservative conservative, both and in the school. I, uh maybe I could I could feel like my school could be like, a little bit up tied about who I am. But after after a while, I, I realised this. [00:04:00] I mean, if you don't like yourself, if you don't want to be who you are and they don't like you either. So I mean so, uh, after I came, I came out in school with family and everywhere. I actually I feel in my career and my life, I do feel better. The change really just, um my life. I can I can say like coming out changed changed my life. And it's still changing, though. Yeah. [00:04:30] When you first realised that you were gay, did you feel that you had to keep it secret? Shit. Any point? Yes. Um, at first I was a kid. I mean, of course, I. I kept the kid as a secret secret because, um I mean, um I don't want my parents to to know, um, a like a like boys in sexual. I mean I mean, it's pretty embarrassed, like, even even I'm straight. I don't want to talk about [00:05:00] with my parents, uh, in my but after when I after I went I've been to you, like in GQ group, as as for as a group for gay kids like So I went there, like when I was 16. 17, I and I realised being gay. I mean, they have so many gays out there, and they are. I mean, they are. They are pretty. I mean, themselves. And they love to be who they are, even at school. [00:05:30] I mean, they, um so after a while, I realised it's not. It's not a big matter to come. I mean, to come out. I mean, it could be, but for me, it's like, Yeah, I mean, my friends, they already came out. So why, Why Why? Why shouldn't I? Uh So I came out in the school, and when I was 17 or 18, I, um So So, um, so at first I kept a secret because I don't want to talk about sex, um, [00:06:00] with anyone. But after that, I feel like it is healthy to explore uh, who you are. And, uh, if you if you don't like to talk about sex with parents, just talk about I being gay. That's it for me. Did you like or ever talk to them about you being in a relationship or, um, like other boys? Yeah, um I don't have a relationship, like, longer relationship or serious [00:06:30] relationship, but the thing is, after after coming out, um, my mom is kind of like a fat cat. Could be, um she she like, she asked me about my boyfriends and stuff. I. I kind of embarrassed about tell telling her because I didn't have that kind of connection with her about I mean, my private life. I mean, but yeah. Hm. So I think so. What's the question again? Um, [00:07:00] have you did you talk to your parents about you being in relationships? Yeah, Um, not too much, because, um, kind of my private life I. I mean, I do want my mom to parents to know about that, but I feel like, and this is important because they they don't live here. So I pretty much live by myself here. I with my relatives. So So you're in the, um So you're obviously out of the closet, right? Yeah. [00:07:30] Really. I mean, my family, they all my friends, they all know that. So is that to everyone that you're out of the closet? Yes. I'm pretty sure that Yeah. How did you tell them? Um, my parents is the hardest part. When I was 18, I which is, which was two years ago. Um, I was in, uh, I came to China and I told them gay, But before that, I had, like, II I kind of told them that I joined some, like like youth and group, like, [00:08:00] kind of kind of kind of in a positive way, like they help people. Um, I mean, helping people is, um, helping gay. And my parents, my parents couldn't know, can notice that, like, the side of me, like I could be gay. But, I mean, if you're not gay, but you help gays, but it's not true, but my parents can notice that. So that's why I came to, um I went to China and my family like they I told my family that I was gay. And then at first, of course, they were like they were shocked [00:08:30] and they kind of feel they want they want to, you know, my parents. I mean, they wanted to keep, like, keep a secret secret. And But later on, my mom put black so she like, she told she told everyone in my family. So after all, and they all know kind of cry, Have a have a drama. But after that, I feel like I feel like it could be easy to deal with, because my family, they are they are, well, not being, um I mean, they're not [00:09:00] Christian, so they don't have the concept of like being gay is a I just feel like being gay being gay. Um, like, you cannot give me my give me grandchildren. But the thing is, I mean, we have a surgeon and those kind of technology that I I can promise and and do want kids in the future. So that's why they feel Oh, OK, it's OK. I mean, it's not it's not a big deal after, after all made me feel like, OK, um, I accept you because you live in living [00:09:30] like living in New Zealand, which is a country pretty open minded. You're pretty open minded to, um to I mean to gay people and they feel like, OK, I will support you as who you are because I mean you you're still my kid. I mean, if you if whatever, you I mean you are, I mean, whatever you wanna be or whatever you you can be will always support you. So [00:10:00] that's what family. My family. So but I in school, like when I was 17. I came out of school earlier, then came out, came out to my parents. So I I was out in school in college, Um, in field. So it was pretty good school. I mean, I came out in like, um I mean, in school ball. So kind of like I was I was I was dancing with my, uh, my and they all I'm gay, and [00:10:30] I that's why I want the best dancer. But I know people like people noticed III I was gay, and, uh, they can They didn't I mean, they didn't say any any any, any bad thing. And And because and I didn't receive any bad reaction from my friends Oh, yes, there's a girl she like. She thought I was straight, and she kind of had a crush on me. But after after that, Now she's my good friend. Yeah, it it is kind of Yeah, [00:11:00] that high school. And I went because in long field, uh, we had, um, kind of gay co co counsellor. Um, so that's why I went, Uh, I went to there, and the and the teacher can help me to, To to get through with this. And, um, I'm pretty sure, um, the school has had I mean, they they are they're, like, positive, and they are supportive. Um, and, um, my friends, they are pretty supportive, [00:11:30] and and also, I pretty I don't really care about the negative side of that. So that's why I didn't get gay bullet in my life. Yeah. So, um, how did you feel about the reactions and you coming out of the closet? A reaction of me, Um, of the people's reaction when you came out of the closet at first, like and coming out. I mean, to me, it has, like, two stages or [00:12:00] even more. It's like at first, like you were kind of scared of, like, people know you're gay, so you can try to hide them. It's like, uh so like, if unless they ask you, you have to say I mean, you're gay. So at first I was in school, I kind of I kind of told my be like best friends. And, um, I was I was gay and they they they They were fine with that. So? So after a while, I feel it's it's comfortable, comfortable to tell others. And, [00:12:30] uh so second stage is you You embrace who you are. You're so like excited about being who you are. Can I can I tell, can I? I told everyone gay. It's like, Hi, I'm Scott. I'm gay. That's how I Oh, well, li literally at uni at first year, like that's how I mean, meet people and get the I mean the I mean, they they kind of cracked up like you, but they it's a good way to make friends. Oh, it's true. [00:13:00] Um, I haven't heard that before. Oh, it it's It's kind of true, because I kind of feel excited about her being her. I can't wait to tell people. Um Well, I'm a musician, so I don't really mind to mind bully, but at the first stage is I kind of don't want to be this the guy who say those things, it's gonna feel OK, I'm gay. But I don't have to be so so out there because, um, I'm gay, so I'm not I'm being [00:13:30] gay. Doesn't mean you are. You're I mean, you're so you are more special than anyone else. You're still the like, a normal person. Like like everyone else because you're gay. Maybe Maybe you'll feel like I mean, you're still, like, normal, normal person. So that's why I feel like maybe I shouldn't be so, like, so, like, throw like gay to everyone's face. So if you if you think I'm gay, I'm gay I. I do have to tell I'm gay, but I still still like, hang [00:14:00] out with my friends like, normal person normal friend. So that's the like, kind of like post modernism. Um, yeah, being gay is like normal life. You don't have to hide it. Don't have to throw things to them. Yeah, um, what was your main support when you came out or when you realised? Definitely. Is RR youth? Because, like, um, because you want to get I mean, in high school, you want to fit in, But, [00:14:30] uh, so that's why youth and gave me the, like, the support and to to come out. Um and then I can I can. I mean, I met some friends there, and they they like they like they were like, my age like Like like I was in. So, um, so they were being supportive. And, uh, I mean, the facilitators there, they were being, like, supportive. So that's why. And school there as well. So my friends, So, [00:15:00] yeah, I think Rambo youth like, gave me the concept of being gay. It's fine. Coming out is better. So actually, I Yeah, it's you. Definitely. Yeah. Um, So now for the more personal questions Have you been in a relationship before? Um, no, I mean tech. Technically, um, I mean, you feel, uh I didn't feel that was a relationship, so I didn't I didn't count that. [00:15:30] Has, um you coming out affected your relationship at all. Oh, I came out and then Oh, no, uh, not too much, though, because by the way, II I mean, um, I hang out with my friends with benefits. Like the way I mean, we we I mean, when I was 18, I I realised one time, uh, we kissed and at the at the bus stop working like in a and holding [00:16:00] hands together and like on the street, I didn't kind of really brave thing to do. II I felt and also but But it's a really good thing to do because you feel like that's who I am. I mean, I'm kiss. I'm just kissing like a normal person. I mean, like everyone else, like straight people. So I mean, what I did was I thought it was fine. So So But it was kind of really I feel excited that, [00:16:30] I mean, I did that because it's such a huge step to do. Like to do that like kissing the public and to handing hand. I mean, two holding hands with someone else to be obvious, obviously, gay to strangers. It's a really big step for anyone, though. Yeah. So, um, how do you meet other people? Meet? Oh, yeah. Like meeting someone. Oh, yeah. They, um Auckland has so many. I mean, [00:17:00] not so many, but, um, a few, Like a gay like social group like groups like like uniq And, like, um, youth, Like have an ID group. And, um, and general Career GQ group for, like, kids under 18. So and there are so many groups, like there in, like, North Shore, a UT. Um So those groups like, kind of give you like this? Um, this environment to [00:17:30] meet other people, to meet other gays and in like, not like that is a friend not like in family, but I can meet people like that are not not that not like friends. They talk about things. So those gay social group that actually help me to To like to talk to other gay people like normal persons. OK, yeah. Yeah. Are you a virgin? Oh, no, I definitely [00:18:00] I wish I kidding. Yeah, Yeah. Um, I the last the last day when I was well, I feel it's supposed to be, like, 16, but kind of I met some, like, kind of that people. Or so last year when I was, um 10, 11, 12 I So Yeah. So it's supposed to be 6. 16? Yeah. OK, um, [00:18:30] have you had any experiences? Have you experienced any abuse or abusive behaviour because of your sexual sexuality or your gender identity? Oh, that's it, Um, I. I met some, like people like those, Like say, um or like, Homo or something to me and, uh, not too many, but I What? I what I what I What I did is just [00:19:00] just I mean, I mean, just I mean, I get you. I mean, I mean one way to ignore them. No idea, because they I mean, they like one time. I mean, on the screen street, a hobo called us. And, like, I mean, I just say, like, I didn't say anything, because I mean I mean, he is the one who who thinks I mean vocal vocally abuses abusing anyone else [00:19:30] is OK, but to me, it's It's I mean, it's not educated. It's not profession, I mean, not professional. It's it's really a professional. Still a professional. You mean you still don't do that? I mean, you have to respect people who give you money. That's why I didn't get this guy money, those kind of things. But usually if someone, like, do anything further, [00:20:00] like, I mean, physically abuse anyone like being gay like to to me, Uh, what I'll do, I fight. I'll fight back. I mean, if you do, I mean, I'm gay. It doesn't mean I'm weak. I mean, you have to you have to get I mean, stand up for yourself and for your community, because you represent gay and lesbians. Other people out there. So if they do something further than that. Or just say vocally [00:20:30] abuse. And I'll do what I do. What I supposed to do. Do you have any other comments or other questions you want me to ask for you to answer? Um, and I totally enough, though. Yeah, OK. Thank you for the interview. Thank you. Thank you.

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AI Text:September 2023