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Hello. How are you today? I'm good. Thank you. That's good. Uh, what is your name? Royal Royal. I love that Russian royal. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Um, it's not really much to tell. I'm a very interesting person. Uh, I work as a waitress. I don't go to school anymore. And I basically do nothing every day because I only work on weekends. So what a great life. It's fantastic. [00:00:30] So, um, what about your personality? Can you tell us a little bit about your personality? Um, it's usually a bit up and down, but I generally I do try to be a bubbly person because I notice that it makes other people happy when I'm happy. So I generally like to be most often happy. But if something's bad, then I'm just like, Oh, I hate my life. Yeah. So what is what is your hobbies [00:01:00] and or do you have any hobbies or what is your likes? Um um, like, I kind of like bits of everything because my dad's a hunter fisherman and my mom's very artsy craftsy, So I kind of got both, but I love dancing and singing and playing guitar and hanging out with friends is a good thing that makes me happy. Like playing guitar. What's your favourite song? I don't have a favourite song. I feel like the other songs get left out. So I don't like favourites. Really? Oh, [00:01:30] that's so cute. I don't want to. You're leaving out all these bunch of the songs? I have feelings here pretty much. They're like my Children. I remember I. I think, um, I can't remember if this is a Madonna quote or anything like that. I can't remember who it is, but I remember something like that. Um, I think it was Madonna. She said that I cannot choose any of my favourite songs because it's like choosing. [00:02:00] Um, it's like choosing Which one's my favourite child, but we all know which one it is. It's Stephanie. No, no. Um, I think your favourite song is like like a prayer. Um, Anyway, what is your gender identity? Gender identity. First, what is your sex? I am a female. OK? Your gender identity. Um, it's kind of like [00:02:30] I'm asking you, Are you transgender? Do you identify your gender to be male or female or any other gender that I am a female and I identify myself as a female. OK? And what is your sexuality? I am bisexual. Bisexual? And what is? How do you express yourself? Do you express yourself feminine or masculine or any other way, but are both really but more feminine than anything? OK, so, um, when did you realise that you were attracted [00:03:00] to the same gender? Um, I think it was about two years ago when I was at girls high because I was surrounded by girls and I was like, Wow, Wow, she is She's really hot. And then I was like, Wait, why am I thinking that like, I was really confused for about a year and like, I didn't have I. I had so many friends I [00:03:30] like, but I didn't know whether any of them were gay or bi, so I didn't have anyone I could talk to about it. So I got really confused and I just pushed it aside and said, No, I'm completely straight. And then I found friends that I found out with and you know, gay and I was like, Oh, it's OK to be there, you know, like it's OK to be to have feelings for both genders like and so I was like, Ok, well, I'm gonna I'm gonna accept it. I'm you know, I like both [00:04:00] genders. I am. And it felt so good to accept it. Like, do you feel that you're bi or pansexual? Um, do you know what sexual? Yes, I do. I do. Um, I think, like I'd identify myself to identify myself as a pan romantic bisexual, like I would date a transgender like I have, but I don't feel sexually attracted to them, like, you know. So, yeah, I would date a a transgender [00:04:30] person, but I'm not sexually attracted to them, so I wouldn't I wouldn't identify myself as pansexual. I identify myself as a pan romantic bisexual, going all complicated here, getting real complicated going into details. How do you feel? I know, Um, So So when you first realised that you're, um obviously you already answer it. When you first realised, you kind of felt [00:05:00] that you had to keep it a secret. I was like, I didn't know many people that were in it. It seemed kind of wrong to me at the time because I was young. and I You know, I didn't know anything about it, and it just felt wrong and I didn't, like, didn't want to tell my friends how I was feeling because I'd scared the judgement and be like, Oh, you like chicks? You might like me. Oh, go away. You know, like so I was scared of like [00:05:30] about it. I didn't. I wanted to keep it a secret. And I just ended up pushing it out of my head and out of my mind. Have you ever thought that you could actually say to them like, Oh, you like males? And you never say that to them kind of thing? Not really. No, I don't think so. You're thinking that now. I was like, Hey, that's a good point. I should have said that. Whoops. Um, So you are you out of the closet or, um, the imaginary [00:06:00] closet, I wonder. Yeah, I guess you could say that. Like all my friends know, I'm very open about it. If someone asks me, I'll tell them. You know, it's not a secret anymore. The only person like the only people that don't know is my family. Like I'm not even sure if my mother completely knows, Like I hunt at things and I tell her that I'm coming here to group. But I don't think she completely understands that. Because I haven't, you know, said to her mum I'm by like, she [00:06:30] I think she just kind of guesses. Really? Yeah. And I haven't told my dad because he thinks I'm an angel, and I don't I'm scared about his reaction. Yeah. Yeah. So, um who have you told first? I can't actually remember how I told first. Do you remember the main reactions that people gave out? It was mainly just Oh, [00:07:00] OK, I didn't know that about you, but OK, I still accept you as who you are, because I'm fairly certain the people who I first told were by themselves or, you know, gay themselves. So they understood. So, like, it wasn't like, Oh, my God. What? It was like, Oh, that's cool, you know? So what would the grandparents think? Yeah, think about the Children when somebody please think about the Children. So [00:07:30] it's like that skit that I did before. It's like, um, gay parents when a gay, when a straight child came out to the gay parents. It was like Dad, Dad, I'm straight. Oh, no. Well, the guy. Oh, funny. Anyhoo, um, so they were all fine with it? [00:08:00] Yeah, they were really accepting, which was really good, because I was so scared of it, and so wanting it to keep it a secret, it was so good to have somebody who understood and accepted me. Yeah. Yeah. So I kind of got distracted because I was playing Crocodile Rock. Um, that's very hard to concentrate. Um, so yeah. So when did you join up with this group? The LGBT? [00:08:30] Well, I was talking to, like before it all first started. She's saying I'm going to start a G BT group, and I said, Oh, that's, you know, really cool and like And it all started, and I didn't end up coming to the meetings because, like, I just kept on slipping my mind. And only recently I started to, you know, regularly come to the meetings and like, it's been really good. I'm really glad that somebody started this and, you know, [00:09:00] and now we both friends and becoming like a family. Yeah. Yeah, pretty much like I met so many new amazing people like and I'm like, I found out so many people that I didn't know were that way inclined, Like people that I went to school with, I found out that they're bi or, you know, a lesbian, and I'm like, Oh, wow, I didn't know that about you, you know, like, they probably didn't know that about me either. So it's it's really I think it's a really good thing that they've done this. [00:09:30] Yeah. So, um, this has become your main support system in a way, hasn't it? Yeah, because, like, um, So you got a nickname, Mom? Oh, he's my son. Um, Facebook. So I call on my son because, like, he's like a son to me. I look after him, watch out for him and all that. So, um yeah, Theresa. It [00:10:00] pretty much has become like a support group for me because, like, I have so many friends that come to this group and that are my friends outside of this group. So I know I can talk to them about anything. I know I can talk to anyone in this group about anything, and they'll be there for me, which is a really good thing because I haven't had that before, but I haven't had a definitive people that I can go to and say, Look, I need your help. I'm going through a rough patch. I need to talk to somebody, and now I do. And it feels really good. [00:10:30] Yeah. So, um, you've been in a couple of relationships before? Yes. Were they both males or a couple of them? Females or transgender? I've generally been in relationships with males. I've been in one relationship with a transgender. Um, I've never been in a relationship with a female because I haven't actually found, like, I've been attracted to females. I've liked, you know, girls. [00:11:00] But I haven't found any of them that felt the same about me. Like so I haven't actually had a chance to be in a relationship with a girl. And a lot of people have given me shit about that, like, because people that know I'm by and a lot of people say to me, You know, Oh, you're not by because you haven't been in a relationship with a girl. It's like, Well, no, that's That's not right. Just because I haven't been in a relationship one doesn't mean I'm not, you know, attracted to them doesn't mean I don't like them. And like, [00:11:30] so, Yeah, that that was really it's been really tough on me people saying that like, because they don't have the right to say that. And so yeah, mainly guys, one transgender and no girls. So, um, being in the closet from your family has that ever affected your relationship with a transgender person? No, because I live with my mom. Um, I see [00:12:00] my dad every now and again, but I don't live with them. And, um, Mum just thought, like, because the transgender person there was a female that was wanting to be a guy and mom just thought it was one of my girl mates, uh, that, you know, she came around and hung out and, you know, had sleepovers and all that stuff, so it didn't affect family life in any way. Really, Uh, have you ever been [00:12:30] scared to be in a relationship with someone or try to get into a relationship and no, really? Like, I don't really see what this is to be scared of about getting into a relationship. You know, if you like somebody If you love spending time with them, then there's really nothing to be scared about. And if you're scared about something in a relationship, then obviously something's not right, because [00:13:00] there shouldn't be anything to be scared about. Really. OK, um, so what is your definition in virginity? My definition in virginity confused, elaborate On. A lot of people have their own definition of virginity, and it's a bit a lot of people. It's a big discussion that people don't even know what virginity is. Or some people don't even have meaning of virginity because it doesn't matter or [00:13:30] doesn't have meaning to themselves. To me, virginity is being like never being sexually active or to be. It's kind of like being pure in a way like like being completely pure and clean and innocent and like, when you're a virgin, you're just like, yeah, they like pure and clean. [00:14:00] But not I'm not saying like not being a virgin is dirty and gross and yucky, but it's like it's just that sense of purity, the experiences that you haven't had yet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, pretty much so, Um, how do you meet other people in the LGBT community? Just through the group or, um, a lot of people I've met in the LGBT community is like through my friends, because my friends have friends that are, you know, LGBT. [00:14:30] And so I meet them and I'm I'm a very outgoing person. Like when I meet somebody, I'll be like, Hey, how's it going? I'm royal, you know, and give them a hug and all that. So, like, I'm a very friendly person. So it's not like I have trouble making friends or anything. So it's just like, Yeah. Oh, thank you for the interview. That's all right. Thank you for interviewing me. Not a problem.
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