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Nate (b) - Q12 [AI Text]

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Hello. How are you today? I'm pretty good. Yeah, that's good. Who are you? I'm Nate. Hello, Nate. Uh, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Um, like what? Anything personality wise. I'm nice. I'm a pretty laughable guy. That's about it. So he likes hobbies. Music, um, hobbies and interests. Like I like music a lot. I play guitar. Um [00:00:30] Ah. I really like art and things like that. And I play a lot of sports and stuff like that. So So where are you from? I'm originally from Auckland, but I moved to Wellington about 10 years ago. Yeah. Whereabouts in Wellington. Um, up. So what is your sex? The sex that you were born with? I'm female. What is your gender [00:01:00] identity? Male. Uh, what is your sexuality? Uh, by And how do you express yourself in a masculine and feminine way? Both. It's kind of both. Really? It's kind of both. You have your moments where you just walk down the street kind of thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, something like that. You know, the random moments, the random moments. I mean, I do wear a pink shirt, so I think it's all about the pink shirts, you know, pink shirt day or in [00:01:30] drunk case? Red Shirt day. Yeah. When did you first realise you were bisexual? Um, quite later on, actually. Quite. Later on what happened first, Um well, I knew that I like girls a lot, but I didn't really know anything about guys at all. Um, uh, then I kind of met someone on the way and Yeah, I guess that happens. So I mean, I knew that [00:02:00] I liked guys. Like what? I kind of did. I mean, I from like, Oh, let's see. 12, 12, 12 ish, maybe 14 ish. Um, I would like, watch things and things like that, but then I wouldn't really think anything of it, but, um, then I kind of thought something of it when I met this person. So yeah, and things went on from there. Yeah. OK, how about when you first realised that you [00:02:30] were Trans? Um, it took a really long time because, um, I think first I had to go through, um, my sexual identity first, because that was quite weird. And, um because originally I wasn't I didn't come out as Trans. I came out as gay in my sex. And then, um, that lasted for about two months [00:03:00] before I realised that that's not who I was. And, um and then I partly came out as Trans, and, um, it wasn't really a good time. Um, because so far in the trans community, it's not as accepting as the gay community right now because the gay community is way further down the track than the trans community right now. Did you ever went [00:03:30] through a stage of denying your sexuality or gender identity? Um, yes. A lot of the time. Sometimes. Sometimes it happens a lot, actually, even though I am out, um, and I tend to deny it a lot, but, um, yeah, I think it happens with a lot of people as well, though. Do you have go through stages where at the moment where you deny it at the and then [00:04:00] you say that you are like, you're just jumping in and out of the closest? In a way? I guess so. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And denying it to yourself in a way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, That's it. Yeah. Things happen like that. Yeah. Have you ever felt like you had to keep it a secret from other people. Yes, both sexuality. And but mostly it was because of my own safety. Sometimes it was uncomfortable for me. But in order to keep myself safe, I had to [00:04:30] keep that on the down. Look, why is that? Because again, it's not the also. The place that I live in is not really that accepting of people of that identity or whatever so. But, you know, if you go further into Wellington, the more accepting it gets. But then again, it's just, you know, the people that you're around. So what? So have you heard of anything that's happened bad in the trans community in the [00:05:00] upper hut? Specifically, Um, there is no trans community in Upper Hut. Um, so you are the community? Yeah, I guess I am the community, Um, but it's more of a gay community in upper heart, and it's quite large. I underground we call it because everyone seems to know them because it's it's quite a small town, but it's like an underground gay community. It's quite funny. So when you first came to realise about your sexuality and your gender identity, [00:05:30] how did you feel? Um, sad. I kind of that, you know, thinking that, um because from here on out that it'd be quite hard depending on if people know or not. But, um, being me, it's quite actually easy. Easy to pass through the day because I I really look like my identity. And, you know, I quite get through the day quite well. Except I look quite young. Which [00:06:00] goes along with it, though, but it's fine. Um, yeah. There's a lot more people as well. Yeah, Yeah, I do. Does that annoy you a bitch or, um, I don't think it annoys me III. I find it quite flattering sometimes. I think so, Um, I think everyone should this randomly hit on you. Oh, yeah. Anyway, um, so you're out, Obviously. Um, partly, I guess. [00:06:30] Yeah. Um, my, um my parents tend to deny it, so, um, it's like it's, like, really basically coming out every day. So but, um, I'm out to my friends and and stuff like that, and, frankly, they they they are the most open minded people that you would ever meet. And, um, half of them are basically straight, and they completely and utterly love me. So it's amazing. Yeah, out with your sexuality as well. Um, halfway as well. Yeah. Some of my friends [00:07:00] say that they don't care either. Some of them couldn't really grasp it. Some people can't grasp it either. They'll they'll ask questions. And, um, you know, asking questions is good, because then they understand, apart from the occasional question where you just go. What? Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, um, when did you Oh, two part two part question. When did you come out as, um, for gender identity? Um, [00:07:30] after I two months after I had come out as gay. How old were you? 6. 16. So who did you come out to first? My friends and they had positive reactions. Yeah. What about your parents? No, no, no. Um, of course. I think that you know, parents, they have this. They have this picture of you and they're never going to, you know, um, they're never gonna It's never gonna [00:08:00] change. They, um they kind of just want you to be the person. They kind of want you basically to be like them in a way. And my parents are very old fashioned, you see, and, um, they're quite old. They're, um middle age. Um, and they grew up. Quite. Uh um, how do you say, um, reserves. So because my mother was she was, um, she was [00:08:30] orphaned. And my father, he, um he grew up just very reserved as well. So they weren't really open to this kind of stuff. They didn't think that they'd have to deal with it. It was a new territory for them. Oh, completely. Yeah. It's a bit of a shock for them. Yeah, completely and utterly. So, um, what were the general reaction from people that that you came out to? It really depends on who you're talking about. Because it [00:09:00] my parents the general reaction was Well, we swear. Yeah. Yeah, I swear. Um fuck no. Um, and my friends, basically, they were more open minded because this is basically 2012 and you in, um, in the environment that we grew up in, it's more like OK, well, can I ask you some questions about it? You let me understand, and then, you know, I'll think about [00:09:30] it. And basically, that's how my friends reacted to it. When if you look at my parents' reaction, it was more like I'm not going to listen to you. You're a child. You don't understand anything. You don't know what you're talking about and things like that, because back then it was more it, um it was classed as, um, you know, there's seriously something wrong with you. Yeah. How did you feel about your friend's reaction? I thought it was lovely. [00:10:00] How about your parents? I thought it was shit. Obviously. Can you expand on that? Um, I just didn't like it because it's still going on. Frankly, um, so it's just gonna take them a damn long time. Frankly, they don't think that they're ever going to get used to it, so Yeah. So, um, do you have any support [00:10:30] or ever had support? Yes. Yeah, I do. A lot of your friends. Yes. And yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, do you have you joined, or are you part of a QS A or LGBTI Q group? I am indeed. Um I am part of three, actually. I'm part of the, uh, the Huq S A. Um oh, it's it's in. It's in with schools out which, [00:11:00] um is all through, like New Zealand and things like that, and mostly in Wellington. So and then the Wellington, um, schools out as well, and they're great. And then we're also setting up a QS a at my, um my, uh my high school. Hopefully next. Uh, yeah, my other one. Yeah, I'm helping those kids with it. So, um, do you know the process that you need to go through for being a trans person? Yes. Yes, it's quite hard. [00:11:30] Would you like to explain? Um, it really depends on what you want to know. How about for yourself? For myself. Um, so really, it starts off with hormones and things like that, but it takes a long process to get those hormones and, um, things like that. Um, I have been on blockers lately. Um, So what does that mean? The blockers, um, they basically block, um, hormones in [00:12:00] your body that you don't want. So, um, for me, I actually can't remember what the hormone is right now, but, um, it's not testosterone. It's the, um it's the other one. Yeah, for, um, a female. So that's how you it basically blocks that. So things like that. Yeah. So what else is there? Um, and then, uh, there's also top surgery, which I plan on getting, which costs a shit load. Um, yeah, it depends where you go. And, [00:12:30] um, you can my friend, he got it. He just got his and he got his in Auckland. So, um, hopefully if I ever have the money in the next what, five years, then that will happen. And, um, basically, when they do that as well, they, um or they also take out parts in your body which you don't need anymore. So because it's, um so basically the female organs and things like that, because, uh, you can seriously hurt yourself after being [00:13:00] on testosterone for an amount of time. Um, because the rest of your body is like, What the fuck? I don't need this anymore. So they just get rid of them. Yeah. Yeah. So do you have a support person that's gonna be helping you through that? Um, yeah. Um, so far, um, I have my boyfriend. Yeah. OK, so well, that answers the next question. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Um, so [00:13:30] how many relationships have you been in? Um, a lot. Um Well, I wouldn't really call them relationships, because, um do we have to say that? Um, that's to say a lot. I didn't really constituting that. Relationships last longer than a month and there's fling that [00:14:00] last. OK, so I've had, like, one relationship, then, um, your current or Oh, no, No. Ok, well, then two, then Or like, 0333 relationships that last more than a month ish. And the rest were just flings. And there's many of those. So as you do, Yeah. So, um yeah. So you've had a lot of links? Yes. Would you like to tell us some of your experiences [00:14:30] that you've had with one of your relationships? Um Well, how so, Uh, in any What's your relationship, like with any of them or anything? Ok, well, um, I can talk about two, I guess. I mean, um, see, I had, um I had a relationship when I had just come out of being Trans, and, um, they took to it quite. [00:15:00] I don't know if you would say like, well, but, um well, well, OK, yeah, they took to it quite quite well, which is quite nice. And I just like seeing people's reactions because I pass quite well. Um, and it's very hard for people to tell that I'm Trans. Um, so because of my face? Yeah. Um, [00:15:30] so, Yeah, it was quite well. And then my boyfriend right now he, um he took to her quite well as well he took to her. Really? Well, do you ever go through days where you don't pass? Very well. Yes. Actually, I had this one day that really pissed me off, and I didn't understand why I wasn't passing. And I thought it was quite funny. I had my friend with me and I had this hat, which was quite really, really weird. And whenever I put it on, [00:16:00] someone would think that I was a chick and it was really pissing off. And every time I take it off, they wouldn't think I was chick. So it was It was really weird. So it's a disgraceful hat. You know, I never use that hat, but I these days I actually pass quite quite really well, so that's good. Um, how do you meet other people in the LGBTI Q community? Just walk through the streets? Um, no. Just randomly start touching on you. Um um [00:16:30] Well, there's the obvious one, which is the Q SAS basically. But then you can't say that because we also have straight people coming in as well. Um, that could be part of the community, of course. Yeah, of course. Um and, um, just basic, you know, things that happen. So, you know, if you want to meet someone of that, you know, thing, then you know you go to the big gay out or, you [00:17:00] know, you can just go anywhere that has the name gay in it, you know, just find it. You can find them everywhere. So, um, what is your personal opinion of the definition of virgin? I have no idea. No idea. Do you have an opinion on it at all? Virginity? Yeah, I think it's a bunch of crap. Frankly, why is that? Because, um I think that, you know, I have a couple of feminist friends, [00:17:30] I guess. And, you know, it's just I just see the label or the word or whatever is just completely ut of crap. Because if you put it on guys as well, then you know it. It doesn't really make any sense. And I just think that it was just put on a bunch of girls to show that, you know. Oh, what's my point that I'm making, um, as a feminist? I guessing? Um, yeah, well, basically, that you know, that the guy or whoever [00:18:00] takes over journey away from them is just, you know, it's something that's theirs. And yeah, it's I just I just think it sucks, Really? Right. So, um, have you received or experienced any abuse or abusive behaviour because of your sexuality or gender identity? Yes, Um, mostly just walking down the road. I mean, um, I've heard of other trans people. Um, where it's really were, mostly [00:18:30] for the people who can't pass very well, which is really sad sometimes. And if they use the toilets, then you know, then they can get a quite a lot of abuse in there as well. Um, but other than that, I've only had, um, verbal abuse, and, uh, that's that's around about it, you know? OK, well, thank you for the interview. All right. So good.

This page features computer generated text of the source audio. It may contain errors or omissions, so always listen back to the original media to confirm content.

AI Text:September 2023