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Paekākāriki Pop-up Vaxx [AI Text]

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Are we doing bunting out here? Yeah. OK, so, um do you want So what kind of bunting are you going for? Uh, we're going for rainbow. We're going for trans colours. We're going for queer. You know that vibe? Yeah. Can you tell me where we are today? We are outside ST Peter's Village Hall in, and, um, we are running a a pop up pride vaccination event. Why is it important to have a specific [00:00:30] pride pop-up event? Um, I Well, for us, it was about just making it really accessible for everybody in our communities. Um, but particularly for trans non-binary and Tau intersex people who might have, you know, their name not correctly recorded on their medical records. So, um, this was like an event where people can feel safe and comfortable that they are going to be gendered and, um [00:01:00] named correctly so that the you know, So it's not an embarrassing situation, um, or traumatic or a distressing situation, um, in a public kind of setting. So, um, we've got understanding staff. We've got lots of queer people, and pops has just arrived. Yeah, they've got So they made us a whole lot of um, rainbow Ice blocks for our pride festival, which didn't go ahead this year, of course, because of covid. And we thought, Bugger you, covid, we're going to have an event [00:01:30] and, um, we're going to, you know, offload all these wonderful rainbow pops. So do get yourself one. They are free. They're all paid for by the DH B. Can you reflect back on, say, the last year and a half where it actually has been pretty covid free within kind of Wellington. And I mean, what has that been like? And and And what? What do you think will change now that Delta's here? I mean, you know, I remember last year in the lockdown how smug we felt that we were We had eliminated it. [00:02:00] And, um, how free we were watching the rest of the world going through what we're just about to go through and that I think that's it. It's like we're watching the future. Um, you know, and this is why you've stopped watching the news, to be honest. But, um, we've only at the very beginning, so I can only hope that people do kind of reflect on how it might affect their families, their friends, their wider community and then make some decisions based on that. Um, because it's here. It is here, [00:02:30] you know, And it's a matter of time before it spreads. That's an interesting point about, um, just turning off the news. Because, actually, I think a lot of people are doing that just because, actually, it's It is really hard to take every day. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I, I sort of choose like I. I definitely read the spinoff, and I read some other articles from I don't know, the Guardian some, um you know, Yeah, alternative kind of stuff, but not too alternative. Yeah. Um, yeah, but I can't watch [00:03:00] one on three news anymore. I just It's too too overwhelming. Yeah, And then you get the stupid bloody farmers coming in with them ground swell. It's like there's this whole thing about it. Everything's become so political, you know, for me, this is a public health issue. It's not political. It's a virus. You know, it doesn't Doesn't care which which wing you're on. It's just it's here. And we need to be safe. Um, yeah. [00:03:30] So where do you think we will be in, say, six months or a year's time. Uh, it's going to be definitely in the community. I think we're going to lose quite a few people. Um, there will be people who will be pretty sick. Um, I mean, it's really encouraging that we're 90% of first vaccinations. Um, so there has been, you know, that's wonderful that we have had that update. Yeah. So, um, hopefully it will just roll that people will [00:04:00] just roll with, OK, this is a reality. Now it's here. We've got to do something. And this is not working, you know? Um, yeah. I mean, vitamins aren't going to fix it. Yeah, unfortunately. Why? Why was it important for, um, you and Pat to be involved in organising today's event? Um, gosh, I think, you know, with every year we've run a pride festival in, and, um you know, while we were kind of like [00:04:30] secretly happy to have a bit of a break, I just felt like we've missed out on something this year. So, um, you know, given that the reason that it didn't go ahead was because of covid, we thought, Well, let's do something that's actually going to bring people together in a safe way, you know, in the context of a covid situation. So, um yeah, and I think, um, you know, we want our queer communities to to feel safe and to be safe and yeah, [00:05:00] to be included in in, um yeah, all of the health kind of campaigns and stuff. Yeah. So I've mentioned yourself and pat being involved, but But there are others as well. Yeah. Oh, gosh. Yes. I mean, we are. You know, Pat and I are part of the Inc committee that organises the, um, festivals. And this year, we've had the most amazing committee as an actual committee rather than just, you know, us too. And a few other Or Daniel who does the parade and and other people that [00:05:30] we just tag in. So, um, so there's us, and there's, uh, youth support. So they're here. They've provided a vaccinated and an admin person. So they're going to do all the kind of the medical technical stuff, um, clinical stuff. And then we've got, um, pops are gonna give us free ice blocks and CC DH B. Um, so they they made contact with us to say would we be interested in doing this? And originally, we [00:06:00] were gonna try and do it over Labour weekend, Um, instead of the festival. But we didn't have the time because we they just made contact, like the week before. So, um, we're so pleased that we can do this. We're just wrapped that it's actually happening. Yeah. So, um, basically, this has been, um, Marshall from, uh, um who's standing next to me from, uh, capital coast. DH B has, uh, approached us. Uh, when we were going to do the pride [00:06:30] festival to see if we could, um, host a vaccination event. That's, um, wrapping around our pride community. Uh, especially our Trans, um, and And we decided to just delay it by a few weeks, uh, take it away from the Labour labour weekend and delay it by a few weeks. So, um, we're here to basically, uh, no vaccination events have happened in the in this year. Nothing. So everyone's had to go down to. So, um, this is [00:07:00] big for the village. There's there's there's a few people, uh, on shore on on vaccination. So it's it's great that from, uh, the DH B approaching us. Uh, we, um, to be able to do this, and and one of the other main stages is, um, youth support. So they've come on board, They're actually gonna be vaccinating, uh, today and, um, they they're bringing all the stuff, and and we're wrapping all our team around it, so yeah. So it's quite big for the village to have this happen. And, [00:07:30] um I mean, we we get such a fantastic, um, support with our pride festival. We're hoping that that will help Sort of just start conversations with people, So who knows? And we've got four MP S coming. You have to ask Val about that. She's been sending emails to everybody. So? So, Yeah, so it's It's quite, um, it's quite big for the village. Yeah. So you mentioned, um, some people are still unsure about vaccinations. What are the kind of things that they're unsure [00:08:00] about? Um uh I mean, there's so many things. It's probably Marshall's heard all them. I've heard them from, uh, people I know best mates that are unsure, but I think Marshall is the one probably to to roll through the list of of Of What is making people hesitant. Um, yeah, I'll, I'll hand you over. Oh, hi. Um, So, um, I'm the sex and gender diverse engagement lead for the CC DH B and Hutt Valley DH B for [00:08:30] the covid response. And the things that we've noticed are one. It just sounds scary. People are getting a lot of misinformation. It's been, uh, you know, developed really quickly. And people don't understand that. Actually, it's been 10 years of research into SARS vaccines. Um, it says MRN a. Well, that sounds scary. What if it changes my DNA So there needs to be more information about how it actually works and what it's doing? [00:09:00] They think they might get covid, um, which obviously you can't because it doesn't contain any of the virus at all, and also things like for a lot of people, it's just not high priority, you know, they've busy. They're working, particularly if they're young and healthy. They're just, you know, it's not that they're anti vacs, but they just don't have time or you know, that they wanna put the effort into going to do it. Um, lots of people, [00:09:30] you know, find it difficult to actually access it, you know, they're stuck at home. Um, they're working full time and say a physical job. They know that there's a good chance they'll get sort of just, you know, get minor side effects but just mean they'll feel crappy for a day or so, but they can't afford to take time off work. If that happens, there's just a lot going on. And I think also one of the main things is, um, many people who are pro vacs are being well meaning, [00:10:00] and they're just kind of, um, getting quite aggressive towards anti-vaxxers, which doesn't actually help. There are completely legitimate reasons to be vaccine hesitant, and the number of people who are truly anti vacs is quite small. Um, and they're, you know, they're addressing these vaccine hesitant people. Um, and we need to actually have properly engaging conversations with everybody. Um and [00:10:30] hopefully hopefully get people so they can ask their questions, get real answers without being labelled as anti vacs, which they're not. Um, why do you think it's important to actually have a specific event for, uh, rainbow and gender diverse people? Well, one reason is, um, particularly trans and intersex people have may have a historically a long experience of really bad, um, experiences [00:11:00] with the health care system, you know, being mis gendered, particularly intersex people having, you know, non consensual in medical interventions. Um, and I think it's important to say that there is actually people thinking about that. We're making sure that, um, you know, we're gonna try and make this as safe a space as possible. And I think that even people who aren't available to come to this the fact that they know there's this event on they know that there's my position that, you know, sex [00:11:30] and gender diverse engagement lead, and they know that they can. You know, it helps tell people that they there's someone thinking about it. They can ask questions. They can be supported. You know, we might not always get it right, but we're trying, and if we get it wrong, someone's gonna listen. Do you get a sense? I'm not asking for, like, specific stats, but do you get a sense if Rainbow communities are greater or less are vaccinated? I think it's it's it's very much depends, [00:12:00] Uh uh, on the part of the community and I think that, um, obviously the Rainbow Community is not a single community, and I think there's parts that are probably, um, well represented as vaccination because there's, you know, a lot of rainbow people are fairly engaged in activism and, you know, fairly progressive, and that tends to go along with pro vaccine. So I think there are people that are very much, um, well vaccinated. But I also think there's people who are [00:12:30] particularly disadvantaged, um, who aren't aren't engaging with the community very much who don't have very many supports either within the rainbow community or within their or or, um, family or friends communities. And I think those people are underrepresented in vaccinations. And I think, and that's that's tricky because that's the group that we need to reach out to. So I know the DH B is doing [00:13:00] a lot of, um, engagement with Pacifica. Um, with youth with Maori with disabled people and really getting those people who, um, are really, really trying to talk to people who are doubly, um, disadvantaged. Have there been other rainbow vaccination events around the the Wellington region? Yeah, there's been, um, two so far. There was one about six weeks ago in the city. Um, [00:13:30] that was a low sensory event, and that didn't have very large numbers because it was organised rather last minute and three weeks ago, there was another one in lower hut. Um, and that was a bit more of a festival kind of thing. There is going to be the follow up the second dose event for that in Lower Hut next Saturday. That's going to be festival with, um, performances. It's also not just a vaccination event. It's a community health info day. So there's gonna be info about sort of sexual [00:14:00] health info about accessing gender affirming health care. Um, info about general health and the, um, services like the youth one stop shop. Um, vibe out there, um, and entertainment. There's gonna be drag performers, kaha. Um, some, uh I think there's gonna be some cook island dancers and a whole and karaoke. Um, so a whole range of of entertainment and things like that and make it be a bit more of a a festival. [00:14:30] And we had quite a good turnout for that, Um, the 1st 1st 1 of that, um so hopefully we get people coming in for their second doses. Can you tell me about how today is going to How how, How it's gonna work. Um, so we're gonna get set up. Um, I believe Pat's already told you that, um, the youth service are gonna come in. They're going to be running the, um, admin and clinical side of things. Um, so it's just gonna work, basically [00:15:00] like a normal CV C uh, vaccination centre. Except that we're making sure that people, um you know, the all the staff are aware about, you know, using appropriate language, not using gendered language. Um uh, and we've got some cards that help people because there's one problem that a lot of trans people face is their NH. I, um, is under a different name from their, um what they go [00:15:30] by. And so we've just made some little cards that make that easier to communicate. You can just write it on the card show the admin person. You don't have to have a complicated conversation, and, um, hopefully that makes it a lot easier. Um, there are some problems with the admin system. The CIR. That means it That's not actually automatically, um, transferred from the check in to the vaccinated to the observation room. So we're gonna make sure there's someone who go, you know, when they check in, you know, they get [00:16:00] told, OK, this person's actually this name this but the system will say this and someone will manually pass that on, which is not an ideal way of doing it. But, you know, we're gonna try and make sure that gets done, and people don't get dead named or mis gendered. Um, we've got staff here so that, um, there's plenty of clinical staff who are gonna be able to answer questions because many intersex people, for example, have a lot of mistrust of the medical association. And, [00:16:30] you know, if someone just wants to come and ask questions and isn't ready to get vaccinated today, that's fine. If someone's got, you know, a needle phobia and just wants to, like, have a look at the needle now so they know what it looks like, Um and then maybe book later, then that's fine. If people just want to come and hang around with a bunch of other rainbow people, that's also fine, you know, um so obviously pride. PICO pride has been a lot smaller than was hoped. So, um, [00:17:00] maybe this is just a bit of an opportunity for people to engage with their community and have a chat. Get a free Popsicle. Um, and yeah, just just hang around. We're also having, um, Endo warriors out here. Um, they are an organisation that fights for, um, period equity and things like, um, access to treatment for things like endometriosis, et cetera. They're gonna be here and giving out free period products, including reusable period [00:17:30] products with lots of information about how to use them. And yeah, So it's main. Most of the organisation has been done by the PICO Pride Committee. Um, including Pat, who you've already talked to. Um um who's that's them over there. And, um, who's I think she's out doing the sign. Um, and yes. So I have been supporting from the DH B and providing funding. Um, also support from you, um, compasses. [00:18:00] Also, they work for inside out as well, so they're representing inside out as part of this. So it really is a team, um, event put together by quite a number of different organisations. And Pat was saying that this is the first kind of vaccination event in this year? Yeah, Yeah, I think so. And there there are no actual, um, permanent vaccination centres in PICO. So, um, the closest is either mana or Para. And so anyone who's in P cock [00:18:30] whether they're part of the rainbow community or not, um, is welcome to come down, you know, as long as they're not anti rainbow community, um, so welcome to come down and get a vax, because if if it's a you know, 100 metre walk from your house much easier than going up to Paraparaumu or whatever. Um, so yeah, we thought that that was another reason why it would be a good idea to run a clinic here because apparently, um, there are slightly lower rates of vaccinations here partly because of that. [00:19:00] And I imagine there's a bit more urgency now because just literally two days ago, we had our first kind of, um, confirmed Delta variant community case in the Wellington region, and we have been kind of free of community transmission for so long. What? What? I mean, what do you think that means for us now? Well, I think you know, vaccination does tend to spike when we have scares. Um and hopefully that I mean, it would be good if we had good [00:19:30] vaccination rates without the scares, but hopefully, um, we do get that again. And yeah, we know that it doesn't mean that you can't catch it, but it does definitely mean that your chances of getting really sick are much lower. Um, my sister in the UK actually has covid right now, and because she's been vaccinated double vacced, you know, she's feeling a bit crummy, but not too bad. Um, so I think it's just really important. Especially now that there's, [00:20:00] you know, there's covid in Wellington that we need to make sure everyone's vaccinated for those that can't be vaccinated for those that, even if they are vaccinated, are going to get really sick like people you know, doing chemotherapy or with other immune compromise. Or, you know, in their nineties, Um, and just the better we can do, the more we can do. We can just make sure that it's I mean, it's gonna be rough. We're gonna get a lot of cases, but hopefully they're all [00:20:30] mild because of this vaccination rates. So let's just try and keep everyone as safe as possible on a personal note. Would you ever have imagined yourself doing this job in this environment? You know, three years ago, not even six months ago? Um, I got into this role because I, um, sit on the sex and gender diverse working group for, um, gender affirming health care, which is a a working group composed of clinicians and community groups and community [00:21:00] members. So I was a community representative on that, um, And when the DH B was looking for someone to sort of drive this work, um, they approached the working group and the chair suggested me. So that's that's where I am now, um and yeah, I'm finding it, you know, really challenging, but really rewarding. And the team from the DH B are really, really supportive. Um, you know, I kind of spent my first two weeks just wandering around pestering people and go, How [00:21:30] does this work? Can I have this? Can you organise this? And you know, people would just go? Yep. Done. You know? So got some phones for hotspot. If the internet here is a bit rubbish. Um oh, we have to move out of the way so we can set up, Um, we've had I'll show you these cards that we've got, um, printed out, you know, had a lot of support from the DH B doing these. So, um, there's a few different kinds. So this is the large format one where, um if [00:22:00] you don't know your NH I You do have to unfortunately, write your old name that it's under. I can give you some of these if you want. Um, and there's also smaller formats. Um, so for most people, this will be no, that's not them more convenient. You know, it just goes in your business card, um, in your wallet. And if you do know your N I number you can just write that down. Just notify them that when it gets looked up, it's gonna have a different name. [00:22:30] But, you know, just and we're asking the admin staff to confirm my date of birth, and that's a perfectly good, um, confirmation. Could you just, um, read what's on the card? That's OK. Yep. It says hello. My name is blank. My pronouns are blank. The name on my NH I record is blank. This is not my chosen name, please do not say it out loud. And the other one just instead of saying my name on the NH I record is, it just says, um, my [00:23:00] NH I number is, um and yes, I can give you a few of those, um and yeah, hope. Hopefully that just smooths the process a little bit. Um, all vaccination. These have been delivered to all vaccine providers. Um, and we're trying to get them in. There's a number of other, um, non vaccination related places that have started using them. The, um the ministry is in the process of bringing them out nationally now. So this is a pretty good initiative [00:23:30] by the the CC DB, um, in conjunction with the disability equity team who already have these, um, little cards for, um, for people with hearing impairment. Just to make, um, that communication easier. And so I was talking with the, um, disability equity lead, and they said, Hey, why don't we just do these cards for this? Um and yeah. So my team, you know, put me in touch with the printers, got it all sorted, [00:24:00] organised the deliveries, and yeah, it's it's a really supportive team. and I love the, um, top you're wearing, which has a very welcoming message. Could you just tell me what it says? Says, uh, kindness is free. Sprinkle that stuff everywhere. Um, I got this from a company called Pride Wear. They're actually, um, a based, um, And at my previous, uh, at a previous event, I saw someone, one of the nurses there, wearing a shirt from this company. She was raving about them. And so I was like, I do [00:24:30] not have enough pride wear. So I had to go get some called Justin I live in. And partly this is a little bit of combating the disappointment and not getting our pride parade and thinking, casting about for other really positive initiatives that we can be part of and also having some friends in in the trans and intersex community and knowing that there are barriers to accessing [00:25:00] open communications around their health needs is lacking. And then someone came up and said DH B can organise a a queer, friendly, intersex friendly, trans friendly event. And I just thought it was such a good idea. So that's why we're doing it when you're talking about barriers What? What what kind of barriers? I think in general, my Trans and friends have a tricky time sometimes and facing with medical professionals. [00:25:30] Not always, uh, there There are always success stories, but even just the prevalence of dead naming and, um, really insensitive questions, lack of knowledge, lack of experience and lack of commitment to upskilling and these areas that seem like no brainers to us but clearly are are, um, you know, seen as an area of expertise. So so within what? What is the feeling like in terms of vaccinations, [00:26:00] Are people for it or against it or what? It's really, really mixed, to be honest, really mixed. So we've got a very, um large, I'd say proportion of people in the alternative health practitioner community and alternative, um, schooling as well. So we've got the school and lots of naturopaths and homoeopaths and people who who on one hand have a much more nuanced [00:26:30] understanding of the body and of how medicine and wellness work. And so, um, that can be seen, I guess, as a really positive thing. But along with that comes the distrust of what we would call traditional or mainstream medicine And so, yeah, I think a lot of people in the village are ed, but I think that they are more likely, in my experience to be the educated, UN backed and prepared to take responsibility for their [00:27:00] own health. My struggle is around not having the data yet that really proves one way or the other that that choice won't impact on other vulnerable people. And so that's why I, I would you know, I have a lot of respect for some of the things they're saying, but I can't go there myself. It's It's also new and also, um, changing so rapidly, isn't it? It really is. And I think that's part of what is very unsettling. I mean, it's it's it's the discomfort [00:27:30] around cognitive dissonance. I mean, people being able to hold multiple realities in their minds and the fact that it's changing and and the fact that that's so undermining of people's trust. Um, and it is a real rock and a hard place. So, um, I don't think anybody who's gone ahead and become vaccinated or is wearing masks and is complying with tracing would say that they felt that having covid in the community was a good idea, and they really wanted to be in this situation. None of us [00:28:00] do. But it's about having a I guess, seeing what the rock is, and, um, believing that that rock is worse than the hard place. And so that's where I fall into it. And I just hope that if most of our communities do, then um, yeah, we can be safe and massive social changes in terms of, you know, um, vaccine mandates or vaccine passports. I mean, these are huge things in terms of rights [00:28:30] and responsibilities, I guess. Yeah, they absolutely are. They? Yeah, and they, you know, I think it's thank you. I think it's fine for people to be challenging. It's important that people are challenging it and asking for lots of answers. But I also think we need to take responsibility for the messages that we get in response. If we want a responsive government who's going to be able to pivot on new information, then we can't then turn around and say I'm getting inconsistent messages and we just [00:29:00] want some certainty, um, a and then or if we on the other hand, if we want clear messaging that's more most likely to be effective, as we've seen in public health messaging around the world. I mean, it's not like Jacinda Ardern woke up and said, Right, I'm going to be really hard ass about this. She's got a huge coms team who have trained their whole lives around public health promotion and how to get huge large communities and societies to do what they need them to do. And people have been studying [00:29:30] this around, you know, smoking cessation and breast cancer screening and five plus a day. And it's a science. So it's not like she's just a really bossy individual, you know, And I really struggle with with that, too, because she's it's been personalised, and I think this is a decision that's been made and again rock and hard place. I think, behind closed doors, none of them would want to feel that they're forcing their constituents or their communities into decisions that are this hard. [00:30:00] But clearly they feel it's important enough, and I've met some of these people and I trust these people on a personal level. Um, you know, I've got I've got politicians in my family and I know that they're not oligarchs just sitting in some ivory tower. I know they're real people, and I know this is a struggle for everybody. So just two days ago, um, we had our first kind of confirmation of a community Delta positive [00:30:30] case in Wellington region. Um, that's going to change the landscape. Um, probably forever. Can you kind of reflect back on what it's been like for the last year and a half in terms of not having covid in the community And and now we we that's what we're facing. Yeah, I think we've been incredibly lucky, and I've and I've I'm lucky that I I've been able to hold on to some gratitude around that, Um and I'm glad that I sort of made ha well on because [00:31:00] I knew it wasn't gonna last. And I There are a lot of fears in my immediate circle of friends in because we have immune compromised people in our family. Um, I've got a cousin with motor neuron disease. My father's got Parkinson's friend of mine's, got a child who's immune compromised. And so what we've been looking at is looking forward. What are some of the conversations that we need to have within our friendships and community so that we can be as safe [00:31:30] as possible. And that's emotionally safe as well as physically safe. So how can I maintain my friendships with my UNC unvaccinated friends? What protocols can I put in place that can just be set up? You know, if it means outside two metres, then that's just the way it is. And we can both make choices about whether we go forward with that. But it will be based on, um, the best information that I feel I can get about keeping my [00:32:00] safe. It's not personal, and it won't be about not wanting to see them. It'll be again rock and hard place. This is a shitty situation, and we're all doing the best we can. So, yeah, I, I guess leading into it being released into the community. Those have been the thoughts I've been having. Like, how do I manage this? How do I keep these conversations alive so that we all feel safe and supported? Yeah. Um, yeah. So I'm I, um I'm a representative of inside out, so I work for inside out as [00:32:30] the Wellington schools coordinator. So I take care of all of the the schools in the the Wellington and up region. Um, I'm also here with KYS. Um, I work at KYS as, um, the Project Youth group coordinator, which is their, um, Rainbow Group, which is the, uh, rainbow and young people aged like 13 to 18. Um, so, yeah, that's that's how I'm here with. So why was it important for you to be here today? Um, I think it's important, uh, for, like, this event to go forward just so people have [00:33:00] access. Um, I think as well there's a lot of, um, medical distrust in the rainbow community, especially in our in sex and trans communities. Um, because of historical and ongoing, um, gatekeeping and misinformation and, um, like, harm that comes from the medical community Sometimes, um, and I think this is a safe place for rainbow people to come and access medical care. Uh, without feeling the fear of discrimination, Sort of like, um, hanging over them [00:33:30] as well, knowing that, um, they can sort of get this thing that maybe people are feeling a bit anxious about, um, in a space where they don't have to sort of deal with other things. On top of that, that may make them feel more anxious, like things like getting tan or dead named or just feeling like they're not being represented. Um, and just being around their own community as well, I think that's super important. Yeah. How do you bridge that, Um, trust gap If [00:34:00] people don't trust the medical profession, Um, that's a really big question. That's a bit loaded. Um, I think I think there are, um, really positive steps happening. I think it's all about I think it's the the the medical community, um, stepping up acknowledging the hurt that they have caused for a lot of people, um, and taking active steps to undoing that, Um, and that looks like getting regular PD for, um, you know, um, staff around rainbow communities. [00:34:30] Um, it's making sure that, um, students as they're learning about medicine that's nursing or going into becoming a doctor or anything like that, that they're taught about rainbow competency. Um, right in those beginning phases, um, I think it's also like a systemic issue as well. Of, um, medical systems need to be more inclusive. They need to have, like, more expensive options for gender and sex. And they need to, um, especially around like covid vaccinations. The systems need [00:35:00] to reflect people's actual names and people's actual genders as well. Um, so that trans people can come to events like this and not feel like that, That fear of that they're gonna be put in a situation where the wrong name is said or that they're gendered incorrectly. Which, um, is quite, you know, can be very, very distressing. Um, yeah, which I think is also a barrier. So I think there are lots of things that can happen. I think as well, um, rainbow communities giving, being [00:35:30] given information more readily. Um, about how this affects our communities. Um, specifically, um, and I think as well specifically for, uh, uh, Maori and Pacifica, um, rainbow communities. Um, that information is really needed there because Maori and Pacifica communities have also been really mistreated by the medical community. Um, so there's even more distrust there. Um, so I think it is about building up that trust not only around covid vaccinations, [00:36:00] but around our medical systems as a whole. Um, which is gonna It doesn't happen overnight, and I do think having clinics like this is a first step, but it can't just stop with having rainbow. Uh, friendly vaccination clinics. It really needs to go into, like, general practise into, like, everywhere, in hospitals and everywhere in our medical systems as well. There's been a lot of coverage. Well, there's been a huge amount of coverage of covid over the last year and a half in the media, but there hasn't. From what I've seen, there hasn't [00:36:30] been a lot of youth voices talking about How does covid impact on young people? You're working with young people all the time. What are your thoughts? Um, I think, uh I mean, there have been quite a few studies around. Um, you know, the impacts of covid on young people and on Maori communities and on Rainbow Communities. Um, and I think it shows like, um, there's a lot of anxiety around it. Um, lots of isolation. A lot of like depression coming out of it. Um, and that comes from, like, lockdowns [00:37:00] and not being able to connect to your community, Um, or not being given resources so that we can adequately deal with that. I think that is sort of It's just highlighting issues that we already had. Um, especially within, Like, our mental health system of there isn't capacity for the amount of people that need to access mental health support. Um, and also specifically for, like, our Rainbow and Takata communities. Um, some mental health workers aren't properly trained, um, to sort of, uh, work with rainbow [00:37:30] and communities. Um, so I think that's a That's a big a big thing. Um, I think as well we we know from, like, studies like counting ourselves that, uh, there is, um, a lot of distrust in the medical system from trends and non-binary communities. Um, which I think is just sort of, um, highlighted by, um by this. And people feeling anxious about maybe stepping into that medical space. Um, but, um, it really needing to happen. [00:38:00] Um, So, yeah, I think Yeah. There there have been really massive effects, especially on, like, community connection and on mental health. Specifically. Yeah. And what about, um, vaccination rates for rainbow youth? But in a in a kind of broad sense, so not no statistics. What? What's your feeling on it? Um I think, um at least from the the rainbow young people I've worked with, Um, a lot of them are vaccinated, which is really great. Um, yeah. So I think it can vary quite a lot depending on somebody's lived experience and how much they've [00:38:30] had to engage with, um, sort of the medical community. Also, um, you know where they're getting that information from as well, Because we know there's a lot of misinformation online, I think generally within rainbow spaces, um, like, in real life and also online is pretty pro vac. Um, which is really great. Um, doesn't mean that there isn't that anxiety around it. It just means that maybe rainbow young people are feeling a bit more open to being vaccinated. And the vaccine is being seen in a positive light. Um, [00:39:00] yeah. So So just in the last couple of days, the first kind of community confirmation of a community delta variant, Um um, result has come through. How do you think having delta in the community will change the Wellington and communities? Um, I think we've already seen the way it's impacted. Um, Rainbow community, specifically with, like, pride getting postponed until September. Last, uh, next year, Um, which [00:39:30] I think is a really positive step to make sure that we're keeping each other safe. Um, I do think that means that maybe there won't be as many options for us to get, um, support like peer support, um, in person. And I think that's where we can utilise things like the Internet and staying connected online. Um, and making sure that people have, like, that safety net to rely on if we're not able to, like, gather in big spaces or in big groups, um, or at all. Um, even if it's just for personal [00:40:00] comfort, Um, so I think we'll see that impacted. Um, but I do think that rainbow communities are quite good at navigating online spaces and having those spaces readily available. Um, yeah, Kiara. I'm Catalina, um, and I am a member of the community. Um, I would like as many people as possible to be able to access the vaccination in a way that makes them feel comfortable. He has a large [00:40:30] queer community, and it's pretty much the queer capital of the coast. Now, I might be being a bit arrogant and saying this, um, but I think we are in a perfect position to host a quer friendly vaccination event. And, you know, every little bit helps. The more vexed we are, the fewer people are going to get covid, and that's good for everybody. Why do you think it was important to have a specific rainbow event? There [00:41:00] are a lot of people who might not feel comfortable walking into a space. They are not a 100% sure it is safe and will accept them for who they are us for who we are. And so today, What did you bring with yourself? I just made some, um, chocolate chip and peanut cookies because I thought that they might go well with the tea you are offering to people. They smell fantastic. Would you like one? I've actually got my mask on at the moment. [00:41:30] What do you think? Uh uh, in terms of the the the the wider community in terms of vaccination, is it a Is it a community that that that is pro or anti vaccine? It's mostly pro, Um, And, um, by and large, the of the community here is to support public health efforts. Um, but there are a few people who are uncomfortable, not necessarily anti but maybe just a bit scared that their sources of information are telling them that it might not be a good [00:42:00] thing. So having something that's a bit of a carnival atmosphere, they'll come down. They'll see that everybody else is having a good time and comfortable getting vaccine. They'll have a biscuit, and, um, hopefully that will make them feel a bit better about about getting it done. It is a scary time, isn't it? Yeah, one way of putting it. How how would you describe it? Um, it's unusual. People are not used to what's going on, and people have not lived through a public [00:42:30] health emergency before. The last one is beyond most people's living memory. Um, and if the and the unusual tends to frighten people, um, it just it actually really been beating my head against a wall as to sort of how partly how well people are respond. A lot of people are responding to this and like, could you do the same for climate change? But, um, yeah, people, many people are afraid of the unknown. And, [00:43:00] um, there are a lot of people who might be playing on that fear and encouraging people to forego social cohesion in favour of perhaps a different way of looking at things. How do you approach that? How do you? Um I guess work with that. Try and find out what it is that they are uncomfortable with or afraid of and approach that, um, ask [00:43:30] them where they're getting their information from, Um, try to firstly, try to get on side with them and then try to gently persuade them. I mean, that's the best practise way of trying to be able to do it. I'm afraid I'm not always completely patient. Yeah, we We've had a, um, covid positive case in Wellington, um, the first time in the community [00:44:00] for for for a long time. It's a Delta variant, and that's going to change the kind of landscape around, um, Wellington. But also up the coast Can you reflect on the last year and a half in terms of the the I guess the freedoms we've had and also where we may be going to Oh, I forgot to bring my crystal ball. Um, I personally think it was a bit of a mistake to open up so quickly. And if [00:44:30] there is another lockdown. I'll be disappointed because I have quite a fabulous summer plan, but I wouldn't be surprised. Nor would I be resentful because whatever it takes. But I do worry about what the element of society who is more concerned with, let's say personal freedoms than community safety might do. Um, I'm very uncomfortable with the US far [00:45:00] right influence that I see in this. And, um, I just I just hope that that just goes away. Um, as an anarchist, I'm really uncomfortable with people mixing the message of freedom in with the self interest inherent in the arguments of people doing what they think is best for themselves. Um, I don't [00:45:30] know. Do they not have elderly? Do they not have, um, vulnerable people that they're concerned about or, I don't know, Do they genuinely think covid doesn't exist? It's sort of hard for me to get my head into the space of somebody who thinks like that, but, um, I don't know. What will it take? Will it take their great aunt to die in an IC U before they sort of change their mind? Um, will it take the same sorts of hospitalisation rates as they've got in Europe at the moment for them to change [00:46:00] their mind. I just hope we can stay strong and not let that viewpoint influence what we need to do. I mean, yeah, we're not doing it because there's an authoritarian government ordering us to We're doing it for the health of the whole community. I am here because I joined the Pride Committee. I've just been so blown away by pride in the last few years. So, um, when I was asked if I want to be a part [00:46:30] of it, I was just like, yeah, I think you know, it's such an important thing. And today we're doing, um, prick for pride, which, um, is about just making vaccines available to local people who may not have had the opportunity or may not have been comfortable. Or maybe we're just a bit on the fence and now decided to come along and, um, get vaccinated. And Karen, it's my daughter. And she's helping organise. So where Karen goes, mother goes. [00:47:00] So you came down from Palmerston North and helping out? Yes. Yes, I did. Yes. And you were saying to me before. So Karen is, um we know who is Pat and, um, that she's always been involved in community events and working for the community. So can you say a bit about that? Yes. No, she's always been one to pop in and help anything. And, yeah, things like that. Yeah. [00:47:30] Yeah, because I guess what I see is that is such a great community. It really values all types of people. Um, I mean, we really value free thinking, which does mean some people have free thought that possibly the vaccine isn't for them. So it's really good to get the information out there in a non confrontational way so that people can talk about it and work through their thoughts on it. And I think part of the wonderfulness of is what? Um yeah, Pat [00:48:00] and Val have contributed, um, very quietly in some ways, but just even the fact that there's, um, pride flags around and all year round and other things. Um, And when we cancelled pride, um, a normal pride parade this year because we actually want to be about keeping our community healthy and strong. And so, um, when the DH B through, Michelle contacted us and asked if we'd like to be involved with some, [00:48:30] um, outreach to the queer community for, um, vaccination. Um, we just thought it was a really good way to take something good out of what it seemed like. A bit of a downer that we couldn't run anything. One of the things that really, um, is very surreal for me is just the whole idea that we're actually in the middle of a global pandemic. How? I mean, how has the last year and a half felt for you? Uh, they're not good. Not good, because I've lost my husband too, so yeah. Yeah, not good. But still, [00:49:00] we'll cope. We'll cope. And you were saying that it's often that your friends who are in the next generation from me, your friends are just getting the vaccination. They went through the polio vaccination, and you don't know anybody in your friend group, an age group who's kind of not wanted the vaccination. No, it seems to be some of the younger ones, so I think there are older ones. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. [00:49:30] Um but it seems like almost it's been just a more of a where we have to do what we have to do to stay safe for the older generations and maybe us younger ones who haven't experienced infectious. Um, so, um you know, apart from, you know, some of us went through the big HIV AIDS epidemic. But, um, since then, there hasn't been that much infectious diseases that has affected our community in a big way here in New Zealand. I was overseas, actually. Um, I was with my partner landing, [00:50:00] um, in Amsterdam. Um, we were going to go and enjoy Amsterdam. Um, and the pandemic was declared and she was living in a country, uh, in which it was illegal to be gay. Um, and her boss said we should fly back there, and I was, but because of the rules of that country, I wasn't on her health insurance. And so I was like, Well, I can't go there because I won't have any insurance. Um, So I headed on to the UK thinking that the UK and New Zealand were both [00:50:30] island nations with good public health systems. And that was where it was where I was intending to go. I've been living in the UK previously, and I know you know, that was a mistake because New Zealand has just done so well, not just like, you know, government responses. And I'm not saying the government's perfect, but also with the, you know, the team of 5 million and how hard most people have worked to really have a community spirit and whether you're, you know, LGBT Q I straight old young people have really worked to keep the community safe. [00:51:00] And it's been sad to see that whittle away a bit recently. Maybe people haven't appreciated if they haven't got links overseas just how deadly and devastating this pandemic is. It must have been such a shock. Um, when you're overseas and then suddenly all these lockdowns started happening. Uh, I mean, it was very traumatic. Um, and I haven't seen my partner for the nearly two years since then. Um, which is incredibly, incredibly hard. And I can't wait till the border is open. Um, I think these are just [00:51:30] They are the things you have to do to keep all of us safe, and I can I can accept that loss which feels awful for me personally, as long as we are keeping ourselves safe as long as we can, and so yeah, Sometimes we just sort of have to take one for the team. And, yeah, it's been really rough, but, um, we're hopeful that we will get to kind of hang out together again soon. And you mentioned, uh, just earlier about, um, HIV and AIDS and and going through [00:52:00] that, uh I mean, what are your thoughts? Is it is it similar, or is it different? I think so. No. And I were talking about Well, have we seen the sort of anti vax rhetoric before or weird conspiracies? And we came to thinking, Well, when HIV AIDS happened in the eighties, some of the things that were said were not just mean and anti gay. There were some utterly crazy conspiracies and utterly crazy, hateful things being said, uh, directed [00:52:30] at people with HIV a ID and directed at the gay community. And that was my only my closest recollection to the level of of passionate misinformation that some people are spouting about, um, vaccinations. Um, so that was kind of the the analogy. Obviously, that's a really different illness. Um, you know, it took a lot longer for the effects of it. It's not something you got and, um, died quickly. But I think the stigma and paranoia around [00:53:00] it, that's what we were seeing is similar. And do you think that stigma and paranoia and discrimination potentially will happen with covid if somebody tests positive for covid? Um, I really hope not. Uh, it was one of our things we thought about and not running a pride parade and pride for this year. We did not want to be the parade cluster and have that splashed everywhere. And I mean, I know some of the Pacifica community, um, have felt that and some of the Chinese communities have felt that that, [00:53:30] um, they were singled out. So we really, really need to work to say yes. Get vaccinated. Yes, be safe. But also, if somebody is ill, you know, have compassion. And don't just turn on them. And humans are very good at having outcasts and as queer people, we've been on the receiving end of that. So we really need to be incredibly mindful about not doing that to others. Hi. So, uh, I'm Chris Johnson. We are here in, uh, at the Saint Peter's [00:54:00] Hall, and today we've got an amazing and awesome Pop-up vaccination event, which is rather fantastic. Um, it's great being involved in a small community where we can actually get together and host events like this and make things, um, safe and accessible for everybody, really. And, um, but especially our rainbow community, and especially some of the younger people within the rainbow community, and make things really accessible for them. [00:54:30] And apparently this is the first vaccination event in this year. Uh, quite possibly. Why is it important to have these specific events? Um, I think, Well, in general, it's It's about making sure that we're making things are safe for everybody within our communities. Um and yeah, making, making, having events where it's easy for people to get to. Um, not everybody drives. [00:55:00] Not everybody is comfortable with going into maybe a medical place. Um, there are a variety of reasons for that. It's about just making this comfortable and welcoming. I am truly in awe of you because you can talk and also knit at the same time. This is I can. And actually there's a lot of, um, rainbow posts around the village here in and, um, I am the rainbow Yam bomber [00:55:30] of how long have you been doing that? For about three or four years. So I replace them from time to time. Um, used to try and make sure that we've got things in just before pride, But I'll try and keep them up all year round. And, um, yeah, make things bright and fun. They are amazing. I'm looking at the give way Sign over across the other side of the road. How long does it take you to do that? Um, I don't really think about the time when I'm doing it. So I do [00:56:00] it while I'm doing other stuff. Maybe, like, you know, Netflix thing and and knitting and getting it all, getting them all ready. And then it's a matter of coming down and then stitching them all onto the poles around the village. So I try and, you know, do that over a few hours on a day off at some point. Yeah, And what kind of feedback do you get? A lot of really positive feedback. Everybody really loves them, especially the kids around here. So, um, we'll have quite a few up at the school, too. Decorating posts and poles. Um, so yeah, we've recently, just in the last couple of days, [00:56:30] had a positive covid. Delta case in Wellington, and that is really going to change the landscape. I. I have a feeling. Can you reflect back on on the last say year and a half of the kind of freedoms we've had and and potentially like, where, where we're going to Oh, well, I, I think it really waxes and wanes these days, and it's like, you know, we go through periods of of actually being able to, you know, have events, go to music, do things and then periods of time where our lives just change a little and we're [00:57:00] having to stay at home, and we're having to avoid a lot of contact. It can. It can be trying, and it can be, you know, difficult on a lot of people. It's definitely taxing on on people's mental health and well, well being. And I think it's it's important for us to think about what we're doing, Um, and how we're interacting with each other and being as kind as possible when we are in lockdowns, maybe making things fun, perhaps using social media in a fun way to help inspire and make people laugh and smile. Um, I know last lockdown. I spent a bit of time [00:57:30] dressing up and having creative different outfits, different days and sticking photos up. And I was getting a lot of positive feedback from friends and colleagues about how it would make them chuckle, and they'd wait each morning to see what I was going to post. So you, like, find, find the fun in these things because there's there's enough things that can get you down in life. So just yeah, look at look at the positives out of the situations. I mean, nobody wants covid positive, but let's think about the other positives we can have in life. [00:58:00] I'm Chrissie. I'm from Paris. And yeah, we're just here at the hall, which is very rainbow rainbow coloured in honour of the vaccine event happening today. Can you describe some of the things we can see around this? We got the check. An area for people who come in to get vaccinated. Um, we are handing out free rainbow pots today. Um, in front of me, there's a, um, a free period [00:58:30] stand for information from Indo warriors. Um and yeah, I can't see into the booths at the moment, but there's people getting vaccinated in there in the waiting room, over a bit further around the corner for people who've already been vaccinated. Why do you think it's important to have specific events like this? I guess it's just trying to capture everybody who hasn't been vaccinated yet, for whatever reasons they might have if they feel uncomfortable for some reason, getting vaccinated in the sort of main vaccination [00:59:00] centres that provide somewhere for them to go and do it comfortably. And you were saying, Rainbow pots, What are they? I can show you. But so we've got, uh, basically what have we got? Five different layers of different fruit flavours that we make, um, all in different colours of the rainbow. So we've got a kiwi fruit and lime, uh, a green one. We've got a yellow pineapple and then, uh, orange [00:59:30] pineapple, carrot and ginger and a strawberry layer and then a mixed berry layer for the purple. So how do you make those? We freeze them in layers basically, so they're very labour intensive. We just make them once a year for the Pride Festival and and what do they taste like? Well, yeah. And so I'm told by people who drive them as well. And so you're giving out, uh, rainbow pops to to to everyone that comes around to Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Everyone who comes [01:00:00] in to be vaccinated and their support crew. So OK, so so I'm Teresa, the MP for the lecture. And while this is not, um, I know that a lot of our or rainbow community come up to. And who wouldn't? Because look at the vibe. The vibe is cool, right? Um, so really, I'm here with my today just to support the efforts for, um, to for vaccination, of course. But of course, always supporting our So, um, really, really privileged and honoured to get a an email [01:00:30] from and the team and coming down here and just seeing what's already organised. Um, everybody who's out here. And I was just talking to some people outside who are from the community, and they're already double vacced. But they're just here to support, uh, the and the vaccination. So I thought, That's cool. That is a really cool community spirit. So why do you think it's important to have very specific events. Um, for all different types of communities. Yeah. So what we have seen is, um, of, of course, just in terms of getting those last little numbers over the over the line. [01:01:00] Um, in terms of your local community in the communities that you feel comfortable with and the people that look like you sound like you or vibe like you, that's really important to for people who want to have a A or about why it's important Or, um, the hesitancy in getting, um, vaccination. So if you see someone say for your when you see someone from your own rainbow community, of course you know that's gonna you'll have much more of a, um, A trust, I guess Vibe going on, [01:01:30] um, to be able to talk to them about anything you might you worried about, Um, and instead of someone like myself, you don't know coming along and saying Hey, you get vaccinated. You're like, Well, I don't know who you are, so yeah, and I guess you know, speaking of trust, that we all have different experiences with, um, the medical profession and, uh, and the state and I can see why some people are, really he? Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, you know, obviously as a brown woman. Um, I definitely know what, um, the lack of, uh, some of the access to hospitalisation has been or just the medical [01:02:00] advice. And, um, and health advice. But I know as being a minority, same for rainbow community, Same same. And actually, unfortunately, um, you know, for for a lot of our, especially our transgender, um, there's been some really some real built up mistrust, and you can understand why, um, so again, to be able to come down and talk about the health issues in a really safe space with people who know you who understand your vibe and where you're coming from. Um, I think it's awesome that the [01:02:30] rainbow community has been able to put this on today. Yeah. So what? What about you? You know, you hear people in the media and and just General Joe public, you know, blaming communities for not getting vaccinated. Like what? What? What do you say to those people? Yeah, I don't think it's a blame game, actually. And I think, um, one of the things I've been talking to the community here about it. But actually, um, we've been I've been lucky enough to visit all the different vaccination centres within a, um, up and down the coast. But, uh, you know, one of the things I think is around, um, just understanding and having the space to [01:03:00] having the space to and have a talk. I think that's, um where our I guess if the media wants to do something in terms of, um, uh, supporting, that's where it should be. It should be allowing people knowing that there's they're allowing the space to talk, you know, even if today you decide. Actually, I don't wanna, um, have a vaccination come in. At least have a chat about that as to why you might still walk away thinking that's not for me. So how do we make sure that you can still continue to be part of the community A. [01:03:30] And keep everybody safe? And so then start having a conversation around that. So I think Well, yes are definitely about raising the vaccination levels. We understand that might not be, um, people might not get to that space. At least have the around. How you keep everyone including yourself safe around you. That's my my, um, because it's also got a bit larger than vaccines now, in terms of, um, mandates and vaccine passports. These are huge social changes, aren't they? They are. [01:04:00] And I think, um, I guess for me, the overall arching, Um, I guess if you're talking out about a moral responsibility of the government, the overall moral responsibility from government is to make sure everybody's safe. Now, we can't make sure that there's a different piece of legislation or guidelines for Theresa that there is for the other blogs who decides maybe two, or to not get vaccinated. We have to have that overarching. Um uh, uh, health guidelines. And they come from a mixture of, obviously the science. [01:04:30] Obviously our officials that have kept us safe till now. Um, so there is that trust and that science as well as the decision making, and I think from there what we what we've tried to do was certainly our Prime Minister, Jacinda, and the and the Cabinet ministers, I think have done a great job in going. This is the the the health guidelines. Now for you who may own a business or for you who you know, uh, I don't know, runs the canton or whatever that looks like, as long as you're within those you know, those, uh, health guidelines to keep everybody [01:05:00] safe. How you do the rest of that is up to you, and and I guess some people call it a mandate. Um, I call it steps, or, like the traffic licence might call it steps to keep us safe. Um, and there are, you know, for me there are options in there. You know, there are options if you do decide not to have it. Um, say, if you are a business owner, and you do decide not to have, um, your vaccination and have unvaccinated people and there will be restrictions to make sure that those guidelines are kept safe. So there are options, if you like. In terms of those steps, that's my view. And [01:05:30] just personally, how has covid impacted you being a member of Parliament? That must have changed What you do, How you do it. Yeah. So, of course you know, you know, you're not able to go into the houses freely and also into the, um, debating Chambers and I had my time at home too, with my family. My husband, Um, who works for Ministry of Justice and works at home and our Children, Um, and and that can be trying in itself. But I think, um I mean, we're lucky here. We've been able to get out and about a bit quicker [01:06:00] than Auckland. So they've really done the hard jobs for us. Um, and I totally understand the frustrations of having to stay home. I think covid has affected everybody. But one of the big things, I would say if I may, um, is just in terms of again going back to their health, accessibility and our health. Um, inequities. You definitely see, um, more So the inequities been highlighted for Maori Pacific and people with disabilities that is massive. And that's something, um, that I'm really grateful to Minister Little who is working towards those [01:06:30] Health New Zealand reforms. Um, that that this is something else that's been highlighted. And we can make sure that we can work to combat some of those issues and the accessibility issues for our minority groups. Uh, so my name is Jess, and I founded an organisation called Endo Warriors A, um and we support anyone that has endometrio policies to ovaries, no matter the gender. And we also provide free period products to anyone need. We recently did a campaign to support all genders that mint [01:07:00] and we got organisations like A and my and all that to come on board. And we took lots of photos and for them to use online to show that. And we encourage them now to use inclusive language and now inclusive images when selling their menstrual products and that, you know, it's not just females that have periods anymore. Um, and so, yeah, so this is just a non for profit that I started up, and it's really important for me to support everyone that menstrate and, um, Period products are really expensive, which is ridiculous. And so I like [01:07:30] to come to these events just to give all these items out for free to anyone that needs them. And we've got reusable pairs. We've got period cups and single use items as well. And so why was it important for you to be here today? Um, I attended one a few weeks ago in lower heart, and it was just such a great event and the organisation that I started, Um, once I got started and supported all genders that have endometritis. I started getting a lot more messages from people saying that it was really nice because they didn't feel like supported from any. The organisations that support [01:08:00] people in aren't really inclusive. And then the more and more I talk to people, I realise that you know how important it was. And so, um, I really just want to make sure that, like everyone is supported and I love these events and the way they're set up. And I just want to be, you know, here for everyone. So tell me a wee bit more about. So when was it So I started in February 2020. I had a hysterectomy in mid 2019 and things went really wrong [01:08:30] and I got really sick and I was in hospital more than out and there was just really no support. I've had, like, eight, and there's just been no support. So I thought, I just want to help people that have the illness like me. And so I started that up and just offering support, spreading more awareness about it and starting meet ups. And I also sent free surgery packs to people having endos surgery. Just a bit of a pick me up and help them get through the surgery and let them know they're not alone. And then in February this year, we started the period products. Um, and over lockdown was probably the busiest, [01:09:00] Um, and just Yeah, it just sort of going from there. It's just me that does it. I'm not a registered charity or anything like that. Um, but I have a couple of cool volunteers that come and help me out, and it just always seems to keep going. I have to. I haven't had to turn away anyone yet, so it's been good. I had a young transition male who has Endo and was in hospital in another part of New Zealand and has been really badly treated because of all the hormones he was taking and stuff like that and non supportive. So I was able to help him [01:09:30] know his rights, get a social worker to come and help him and stuff like that. And it just made me more aware that I need to be, you know, try and get more people to help out. So I contacted inside Endometritis, which is one of the two big organisations in Wellington, and they change all their language to be inclusive and I challenged another one and they just won't do it. They are, um but Insight have been great and they changed all their language and they're in the process of updating all their handouts and things like that to make sure that it's all [01:10:00] gender neutral. That's fantastic. That's a great outcome, isn't it? It is fantastic. It's really good to see because having Endo is really difficult. It can take up to eight years to be diagnosed and it's quite painful. It's not just having a period. You go through so much like it's taken me off work for two years and it just it can be really devastating. And, um, just like not feeling like you're supported is like hard. And I can't imagine what it would be like to, you know, not be seen just because of the gender that you identify as so [01:10:30] it was. It was really good to have them come on board and do that. Can you take me through some of the things. You, you You're actually giving this away for free, aren't you? Yes, I am. So today I've got single use period products. Um, we've got period caps and reusable period pads, and it's all for free. And I talk to people about what might be best for them because some people come up and say, I want a cup and I'll ask them a few questions and then it'll turn out that they actually can't use the cup. So we go to the reusable pads. I try and get people to get reusable products because in the long run, it's [01:11:00] more cost effective. They don't have to worry about paying for anything. It's better for their body, and it's better for the environment. Um, but I also give single use because sometimes I just understand that it's what people like to use. It's just easier for them, Um, and a lot of it is done by, like, fund raising and donations from people. So that's just how I keep it going. And, yeah, so we come out and just talk to people about what they need and what their periods are like, and all that sort of stuff and just help them out. So you've got donations. But do do you also have [01:11:30] other funding that comes in? Um, I have There's a, um, tattoo shop and called in, and they've been really great. They recently did some fundraising and donated $1000 and they've donated to me, especially over lockdown. They gave me quite a good donation to help it going. Um, and there's a tattoo studio in Wellington called, uh, doctor. And they have, um, a group of tattoos that are called power just to try and make sure, you know, recognising all tattoos. [01:12:00] And they donated me, um, and artwork and stuff like that. So I did another raffle, and that's the main way we get. Things is just by donations. Some people that have an automatic payment that give me, you know, 5 $10 a week, and, um, $5 can go a long way. I can get five packets of pads for $5. Uh, it covers postage and stuff like that. So no amount is too small. Um, and we just keep to see, keep going, Like it just Yeah, I don't know. We've just been very lucky, you know, Sometimes I'll get down to like my last six. Packets of pads [01:12:30] have no money in the account for postage, and then I'll do a few posts. And the next thing I know, there's just donations, and it just yeah, keeps going. It's Barbara Edmonds here. I'm the member of Parliament for Mana, and we're just outside ST Peters Hall in Barbara. Can you describe what we're seeing? Uh, we are having a really cool rainbow festival. Um, there's been a pop up vaccination clinic that's been organised by the local pride community. Um, it is a really [01:13:00] cool event. It's a different vibe. I've just come off the back of a big festival in and in London and all different for different community. And some of these specials Very right. Yeah, my good friend. And also our associate Minister of Health epidemiologist Dr Aisha Vere. Um, she is amazing. And I think you really need to interview her. Why is it important to have these, um, specific events? Because, um, it's all about trusted places and trusted places, so people will feel comfortable to come and [01:13:30] seek advice from people that they know. Um, especially if it's their local health professionals. So if they feel assured, um, they're getting good information from those scientists from their doctors. Then they know that what they're going to be doing and the next step, which is to get vaccinated, that it's for the good of our whole community. So you've been to a number of events for for a whole variety of communities. Can you tell me what the the atmosphere is like the and what feedback? Overly positive, you know. So if I look at the statistics of Paki alone, we've got 100 and 70 around 100 and 70 people [01:14:00] that haven't been vaccinated or booked for their first dose. Um, you can can compare that to other parts of the electorate is definitely one of our leaders. They're doing really well. Um, and that's just it comes down to the community aspect of it. So going out to communities, Um, obviously having clinics that are there full time in different parts of the electorate. But what they needed here was the community said, we we want you to come here, come to our hall, come and vaccinate here. So our com the rest of our community can come in so and when people [01:14:30] have been talking to at these, um, these events, what have they been saying? Um, just really happy. Positive? They know they're doing it for their family. They're doing it for their They're doing it for their community. They're doing it for their kids. They're doing it for their grandparents. All the reasons why they're doing it is varied. But ultimately it comes back down to looking after each other. How would you feel about, uh, if you were to interview a see if we can do it? Yeah, I see. [01:15:00] So for love, a minister, um, if you can just introduce yourself and, um, what you're doing here in Paki K, my name is Aha. I'm the associate minister of Health, and I've come up to check out this Pride Vac vaccination event in Paki. I also had the pleasure of driving up with two of my friends from when I used to work in the hospital. Um, including Doctor Michelle Bam and Doctor Delilah Restrepo. And both of them are really involved in the vaccine rollout in the DH B. So we've been gossiping [01:15:30] about how it is at the coalface as as well as at organising the programme. So being at the coal face, um, doctor, what do you believe is happening throughout the community? What's what's kind of the vibe that you're feeling when you come to these sort of events? Well, exceptional positivity, because I think where we're at with the vaccination campaign is it's really got to quite a heavy level of community activation, the way of getting into the communities that have been harder to reach for us. So I think that's that's really cool. And seeing the community [01:16:00] take the side of the project for themselves has been a lot of fun. And so you're well aware of all the different states across the and obviously, um, there's, you know, different. Um, communities have different issues that they're facing When it comes down to this, what do you think are some of the advice that some of our health practitioners and our can give to those who are hesitant about getting the vaccine? Yeah, Look, I think, um, it's always just important to start with listening because everyone's going to have their own reason. Um, especially now, because everyone's probably [01:16:30] heard plenty of times about the vaccine rollout, so it's really a matter of listening and understanding what it is for them. Um, some people may well have heard a lot of misinformation. We know that's been a real challenge that we've come up against during the rollout. And I think in those cases it's just trying to find one of their trusted information sources and connect them with high quality ones. Whether that's someone who's medical or nursing or or someone trusted in their community, who's going to be able to get reliable information about [01:17:00] the vaccine. Thank you, Doctor. Aha. So, are there any more? Um, last words. Last messages for our community here in in our pride community. Oh, look, um, this just the, um, Rainbow Communities had a really strong tradition of taking matters into its own hands when it comes to health activism. And that goes way back to HIV and all those sorts of, um, causes that the community has taken on for itself. And this is one we've totally got to get behind. Well, that's Barbara. [01:17:30] I hope it was all right. For my first time as a reporter, that was amazing. And can I just ask what is can I just ask one question. How has your work with HIV and a I DS affected. Uh, how How you're working with Covid. Yeah, I think one of the things that, um that's a really strong reminder for me is how stigma is part of infectious diseases and the experience [01:18:00] people have. So if you if you want people to participate in A in a programme, then you can't be simultaneously telling them off for how they got covid. And so that's been a real challenge. Um, because, you know, we have had, um, outbreaks associated with gangs and drug use and things like that. But the, um the the health response always has to come Come first [01:18:30] and be, um you know, you've always got to have a welcoming door out to people I. I totally agree. Like, just today I had a cousin from Auckland who, um, is a gang member, and he contacted me to say he's got covid. So he's been put into MIQ. That was my first question is, where are you isolating at home or in MIQ? So that that's a really good response from our health system, because I know that if he was to stay at home, he could pass it on to his parents or to his partner or his partner's Children. So I mean, I, I first hand for me [01:19:00] like just treating everybody as if they're the same. And that this is a health issue is like, the only way we can do it. Hi, I'm Debbie. And, um, I'm a cover you support and the clinical team leader there. And I've come down to promote, uh, covid vaccination amongst the rainbow community. Why was it important for KYS to be here today? We've been heavily involved in promoting the, um covid vaccine ever since the vaccine was available. We run two clinics at KY twice [01:19:30] a week. Um, initially, it was three clinics, but more recently it's been two clinics in the evening. We've vaccinated hundreds of people through KAS, um, youth and adults as well. So coming here today is just an extension of that. And it's all about, um, it's all about vaccinating people who might, you know, if I have a barrier to go [01:20:00] to a hub and be vaccinated, it might be that they use a different name than their birth name. And that might be a really awkward thing for them to do to walk into a hub and have to, you know, to say that so they can come here and feel comfortable and be surrounded by people who, um, who understand that, Yeah. What has it been like for you doing so many vaccinations over the last? It's been pretty hectic. We've got four, certified vaccinators at KYS. [01:20:30] But we also employed two external vaccinating nurses that help us. So those are the two nurses that are here today in the hall, external vaccinators that help us in S as well. So it's been pretty hectic because we've had to rearrange the way we work to accommodate the clinics. But, um, it's been a really important thing to do because we know that you like to go and be vaccinated in an environment that they feel comfortable and you know, by people that they know they can [01:21:00] trust. And so, yes, it's been good. We've had to change the way we've worked. But it's been a challenge, but it's been very satisfying. How many people do you think you've personally vaccinated me? Oh gosh, I don't know. Probably over. Well, over 100. Could you have ever imagined in your nursing career that you'd be right in the middle of a pandemic in 2021? No, it's been [01:21:30] quite something. It's really pulled the clinical team really close together because we've been through two lockdowns and we've just carried on working, going to work every day. I had to change the way we worked, you know, do a lot of phone triage and a lot of, um, we've done. We've been involved in a lot of swabbing as well for covid. So we do that in the car park. Last year we were doing flu vaccines in the car park. Um, no, it's I couldn't believe it, but it's [01:22:00] almost surreal thing, isn't it? And it's changing and evolving all the time, you know? But yeah, I'm a little needle phobic myself. I've met a person who, historically the nurses have made me lay down because I've looked so anxious this time. Actually, I wasn't so bad, Um, but it is something lots of people are nervous about. And there's been lots of misinformation disinformation [01:22:30] this time around, right that have kind of heightened anxiety for people, So I think events like this, where there's trusted community members and health professionals, for people to come and have a chat to to kind of try and dispel that misinformation is particularly important. I think, um, there's also nervousness now around things like mandates and vaccine certificates and that these are huge social changes, aren't they? Yeah, they are. And I mean, we are living in a global [01:23:00] pandemic. This is not something I ever imagine going through in my lifetime. And yet in lots of ways, we continue on as if life is as normal or we expect it to be as normal. And that's quite confusing, right, and a mandate to tell groups of people that they need to have a vaccine when we've always had the protection of health procedures. Being a choice is it is a big adjustment [01:23:30] for people. And I understand that kind of sense of like needing to question that, um, it's guess I've come to the point where the science is really clear in terms of the importance of us doing this to look after each other. I want people to come to that to themselves. Um, rather than being told that they have to. Um But if that is what we need to do to keep people safe, then I'm gonna er on keeping people [01:24:00] safe. Now we are watching every night on the news. Uh, the Prime Minister, members of Parliament, members of Parliament, making decisions on our behalf. You as a member of Parliament, right in the thick of it. How how is Covid impacting members of Parliament? Well, I guess like everybody in some ways on multiple levels, you know, our lives have been massively disrupted. We don't know what's gonna happen next year at this [01:24:30] time of year. We're normally planning for all the events at the beginning of next year. We have no idea like anybody else. What's gonna happen over that time for us and the greens? We're operating on a much smaller team because we staying with the public health advice that we're saying there should be a hard border around Auckland. So we're restricting our Auckland MP S, except for our co-leader who self isolated for 10 days to come back down and is not able to see her family for several months, and that they [01:25:00] are all working from Auckland to keep that hard border. Um, and that's it's quite tough, but along with it is the sense of real anxiety. I know Elizabeth, Doctor Elizabeth is from one of the districts with really low vac vaccination rates. And I live in Cannons Creek, another area with really low vaccination rates and the sense of the holidays coming and the borders [01:25:30] rising. And this just impending fear about what that's gonna mean for the survival of our communities. Um, and and we, uh that is not a light thing to be holding. We're not the decision makers, but we have a voice, and and we have a sense of responsibility to be raising those concerns and to try and work out what is best for our communities. In that [01:26:00] context, here and on top of covid, you've got the rest of life going on. That is, that is right. We're still, you know, in select committees and talking about changes to orang and how we stop the removal of babies. And you know, the devastation that's caused for Maori communities. We're doing work around immigration, which is covid related, but AC C reforms and as well as you know, conversion [01:26:30] therapy legislation and the birth deaths and marriages legislation that Elizabeth has been doing so all of that and much, much more continues as it needs to, because there's an urgency to that work as well. Um, yeah, those two bits of legislation, um, I'll pick you up on the, uh, the conversion practises and the birth death of marriages. Registration. Um, the select committee's been going. How do you think? Um, those committees have [01:27:00] been going so far with Well, so Elizabeth is is now our spokesperson for that. So I've been trying to keep out of her way and enable her to do the amazing work that she does. Um, but I have been trying to her and support her in terms of the huge number of hours that she's been doing. Listening to people's submissions, um, and acknowledging that some of those submissions have been very hard to listen to in terms of people's fear [01:27:30] and which I will use as a descriptor rather than hate, because I think it's, you know, it's a fine line sometimes, right. But I'm gonna go and say that it's based out of fear. Um, and, um and some of that is just really really sad. Um, but progress will be made. It may not be exactly what we would have wanted it to be. And I particularly hear in terms of, [01:28:00] uh, migrant communities around birth deaths and marriages and the fact that, um, the were not able to get the support to be able to make those changes to ensure that people who were born overseas were able to have a seamless process in terms of terms of changing the, um, having a birth document that reflected their affirmed agenda. Yeah. [01:28:30] What is your sense after seeing some of the select committee? What? What is your sense of? Of how they are proceeding? Um, well, I think I think positively. Ultimately, I think, um, I genuinely think, Well, people people have expressed there have been a lot of views that have been misinformation. There's also been a kind of, um, a coming together of some new voices. Um, and it's been quite [01:29:00] like, you know, beautiful to reflect on the mainstream churches, joining and having a very clear position against conversion therapy. And if we contrast that to our relatively recent history that that is a real marker of some hard being done by our community within those churches, as well as the national conversation that people have been part of to shift to a more inclusive society, including our churches as [01:29:30] part of that still work to do with some of them. Obviously, Um but But it is. I think it should encourage us. And And I also noticed, um, with some of our trans community being able to pick up on some of the submissions and find them affirming and feeling as if they had allies who were supporting them. And that, too, I think, is incredibly important. Um, rather than just focusing on the misinformation [01:30:00] and opposition that actually this there has been a space where allies have stepped up and spoken really beautifully and powerfully. And, um, that hasn't always been, um, been very easy for the trans community to be able to hear those voices because there hasn't been the space for them to be expressed. So, um, I think that has also been a positive thing. Am I a Pollyanna? No, no, II. I [01:30:30] mean, you always have such wonderful words of wisdom, And, um and I was going to just bring it back as an ending to this event, which is very specific around about, um, really aying the rainbow community to get vaccinated. And I guess, do you have any final wonderful words of wisdom for for us going into? But there is also one thing I would point out with this event is that it's a collaboration, [01:31:00] um, between pride and KYS, which is the Youth Health Service here who's been here for a very long time. Um, in this community And, you know, like we often kind of think of pride, um, and young people's kind of spaces being centred in cities. And this is up the coast and KYS is based in and and we still have these spaces that are [01:31:30] affirming and, um, recognising our diversity and supporting young people with their diversity, and that's a really great thing. So, um, from the very start of the first email that you got from from DH B to standing here now, how do you feel? It's gone? Um, way, way beyond what I could ever have imagined, To be honest, like I just I thought we might get like, maybe three people turning up, and then all the MP like four MP and [01:32:00] us like more MP S than more organisers and MP S than people. But it's been just amazing, like lots of people turning up, getting vaccinated. I don't know how many what the numbers are, but, um, it's got such a nice vibe. It's colourful, the music's going, everyone's chatting. The MP S that are here are really friendly and engaged. And, I don't know, I feel really proud. And I think we've had some people that have been quite hesitant [01:32:30] and anxious. I think you Laura, you had one that you help from from coming here right at the front door. You walk them in and sat with them. Is that right? Yeah, absolutely. Um, they were quite anxious about getting their first jab and, um, definitely were wary of the whole thing. And, um, had a good chat to the nurse and was given some comfort. And yeah, they went ahead and had their first chat. So that's awesome. So it's for us. Um, the idea when it was first proposed to actually [01:33:00] put this event on with KC use support and the DB and inside out and bringing people together, it's so much better. II I just said to this morning, If we get one, I'll be happy. You know, if we can get one person vaccinated, but they've had to just go off and get open up, some more vials get some more So and And it's about having the conversation in a safe space, which we wanted and just just making it actually normalising a [01:33:30] vaccination process. And, you know, because it's huge, what's going on. And it always feels if you go I mean, I went up to drive for mine, and it did feel quite formal and quite sort of, you know, medical word. The word. So this is, uh, put a whole new on how you can do it at a vaccination event to try and get those last few hesitant people that we that I know. There's some that won't but the last few, you know, just wrap some love around people and, uh, yeah, and it seems to be working. [01:34:00] How do you think it's gone? Oh, I just I just chuffed, you know, as I thought we'd have more MP S than people getting back. So we've broken that record, so I'm I'm really pleased, and it's really fantastic that we've had four MP S turn up. That's that's great. And we got an email from Ashley just saying but, um and it was to me, um, he's thanked us for the and apologised for not being able to be here today. So I think also what's been really cool is that even fully vaccinated community [01:34:30] members have come down and just had a chat and mulled around with us and supported us. And that's just been really, really cool to see. Yeah, it was great having you here, Gareth. It's just wonderful. You know, I think you love coming out to the village, don't you? We love having you come here. So it's such a lovely community to come into, um because I actually don't feel like I'm coming into a community. It's like, you know, we're an extended part of the community. You're always welcome events just to get you up here. [01:35:00] I also love um you know, groups like Endo warriors that are here today as well. Yeah. Yeah. And, um I. I wasn't up with the play on that one on those emails. So sorry, I. I didn't even see the memo around that one. So that was my from the DH B. Um, organised them to come. Yeah, and so I think they've been going to quite a few, um, pop up vaccination events. So, yeah, it's really cool to have them here. So how would you sum [01:35:30] up today? Oh, I just think it's shows you can do things differently. You know, you can, you know, you can think outside the square to hold an event and, um, try and embrace the community into into something, So I don't know. I'm just chuffed that I don't use that word very sparingly. Chuffed. I'm chuffed. I just think it was awesome. Yeah, it's just been great to see everyone come along and those that got vexed and those that didn't but came to support us. [01:36:00] And, yeah, it's just been wicked and had something really clever to say, and I've forgotten, but yeah, just It's been, um, joyful. And imagine if every health setting was as joyful as this. How we get our our health sorted this, like, community to community. Yeah.

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AI Text:September 2023