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LGBTI* health plenary - Proud 2016 [AI Text]

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This last session for today. It's one that I really wanted in the programme. I'm a little bit sad that it's at the end of the day when everyone's tired. So I'm appreciating the fact that people have turned up two years ago when we started the conference. Isn't it funny how time distorts when you're in these very intense thinking emotional times? It's not even 24 hours ago that we started and so much [00:00:30] has happened already. I just want to hold that. So this session, the last of today is a session on LGBTI health and I'm saying LGBTI because it doesn't really represent our community and the totality. It's a great privilege and honour to invite our two guests tonight and we're starting with Elizabeth. I've known Elizabeth for a long time. [00:01:00] We have two people that have worked with youth with our for a long time because I've known way that our future is in our youth. It's not with those of us who are older. Currently, it's the community that's coming after us. Elizabeth reminded me before that she wasn't one of the people that established the she was. That person had established so [00:01:30] I like to organise that I love working with Elizabeth because one of the things about me is I'm a closet glittery person. Glitter doesn't really go with the sort of tomboy male persona that you see most of the time, but Elizabeth isn't closer at all. She's right out there. So I'm looking across Who else at the end of the day when you're exhausted, [00:02:00] would be walking around with parade with the most glittery pair of high heeled shoes that I've ever seen. And I've seen Elizabeth wearing these shoes and very uneven, dangerous looking concrete, and she pulls it off. Please put your hands together for this extraordinary wahi. Elizabeth. [00:02:30] Ah! Oh, uh, I was thinking about when I wanted to acknowledge, uh, many of the travellers. I think some of them it's, uh, coming to the end of a long day. And I want I hope that the next time that they're able to come to this country and we hold a conference or who we can do it on a, uh because then we can lie in what I feel is a much more civilised fashion on mattresses. [00:03:00] And in our culture, it was always fine that you fell asleep because we believed that the discussion in the house you absorbed and and then you would just have someone snoring too. Like you just kind of push them a little bit. It will be fine. Uh, so, well done getting to this point of the day. And, of course, thank you to the organisers. Really, really, truly amazing. Uh, I wanted to do a special shout out to our pacific, [00:03:30] uh, that I think for as Maori our closest relations. In fact, we talk about people of the Pacific being our elder brothers, sisters, gender diverse siblings and that we are I just want to honour their knowledge and acknowledge all of the sacred spaces of all of the places that you have come from the places you live and the places, uh, that you call home, Uh, I wanted to do a particular shout out to my mate [00:04:00] Betty. Uh, we were Oh, yeah. We were teenagers together in the black woman's movement, Uh, nearly 35 years ago, and I just want to acknowledge that be set up. The first Pacific Island social services in this country in the eighties was set up by a 19 year old lesbian, and I think that's pretty incredible. And also, I have a particular [00:04:30] heart for the Pacific because much as I tried very hard to find a Maori girlfriend and I loved high and low, Um, I ended up being a woman that was able to keep my attention. And on on Monday we celebrate 24 years together and thank you because yeah, on one level, I'm totally showing off. But on another level, it's Actually it's a revolution for us to have healthy, happy, [00:05:00] fun, beautiful relationships inside our community. Because when things are good at home, we can operate much better in the rest of the world. OK, and my last thing because, as is my one, I will I take the very seriously, uh, I was going. I don't always dress like this at home just on special occasions and because it's a my partner keeps me in High Heel. Uh, and also, of course, I want to always state my absolute admiration for [00:05:30] the butch aesthetic at every opportunity I get. So I wanted to reference I'm going to get to health by way of some other things. Uh, the theme of the conference around restocking the fires. I thought that was really intriguing because as Maori, we have a particular construct around the and those are the people who keep the home fires burning. So we might all come from a particular place and especially us. [00:06:00] We'll acknowledge our tribes, miners from on the east coast where the sun rises and again any opportunity I have, where there's lots of Maori in the room, I will always talk that we are the centre of the universe just to, you know, just curse. But we the those who stay home, the rest of us go out to find our fortunes and and find ourselves and the rest of the world. They stay home and keep things going. And traditionally the meant that you were settled [00:06:30] in the area and that over time and continuous use, then you could claim that space. And I think that that's really critical when we're talking about recharging, re firing, uh, about claiming the space and continuing. And this is a proverb that I really like. It's which is that while the fire burns, your authority is effective that we must continue [00:07:00] to hold the space because as soon as we stop that talking, as soon as we stop turning up to the meeting and saying the same thing over and over again until it's sorted, we lose the space. And so I wanna talk a little bit, too. About one of the things uh, Sandra mentioned with the report is one of the number one things he talked about. The young people was burnout. And so when we're talking about keeping the fires burning, uh, I think there are real issues [00:07:30] when people who are often sometimes acting as individuals and they're putting all their energy, everything they've got into it burn out really, really quickly. Some of our groups underresourced, are needing to build up capacity and needing support and connection with the rest of our communities. They start to burn out. And I like the idea that Jan talked about last night around a movement, actually that when all of our groups can work together, when we can support each other, when we can know what [00:08:00] each other is doing and be there for each other and be able to speak to each other's issues and whatever forum that we are and whatever privilege that we hold that that is, um that's when we can start really moving because we can move together. And it's not necessary that we all have to agree that are ridiculous. Um, but that we have some common common things that we can move forward together on. And so I wanna talk about I talked a little bit this morning, uh, [00:08:30] about our group. A rainbow is forming in the sky and so be very clear when some people talk about that, they feel that the rainbow is constructed or or based on just certain cover certain identities. For us and particularly as Maori, the rainbow has really specific cultural significance to us. And so it is very, very, uh, completely inclusive. So when we use it as an organisation, when we use it in our talking, [00:09:00] we mean that every single shade, every hue is encompassed within that. And so when we talk about is a traditional term and it's a centuries old term, it mean intimate companion of the same sex. And so we're not gonna turn around and say that the people who lived 500 years ago were lesbian or gay or bisexual. uh, we're not going to say that they were Trans because they had gender fluidity we're going to use [00:09:30] because that was the term they call themselves. But we claim that now to include all of the breadth of our community. Everyone that we see comes under the rainbow and I love this. It was like as an artist, it's like bring on the colours and that how important it is that we each still maintain the right to be able to speak and represent ourselves. And so our goals to tell our stories, to build our communities and to leave [00:10:00] a legacy so that when we do what we do primarily as a Maori organisation, as a organisation, that we do that in the context of our wider community, because if we want to uplift, we need to uplift all of us because as we exist amongst all of the community and all different identities, all different ages and so when we're talking about health then has been involved in many different [00:10:30] projects around health because we are acknowledging all the different identities that we hold, so med school here we've started to develop a relationship with them and that is about identifying primary health needs. Uh, we're going to about to launch into another project around homelessness for LGBTI. Um, IQ and we [00:11:00] are involved in the intersex round table. So there's all different things. We're also involved in many projects around housing other projects and around education and other areas. Anything basically, we can get into. We do. And so later we're going to talk about you will find this and your, um, new project, Something I worked on earlier, Uh, this an important thing. And I talked about what the strategy [00:11:30] is, how important it is to get research and to have the information we need to back up what it is we want to say because and and come back to when an individual says, This is my personal experience. The powers that they were going Hm, That's just you. When it's a group of you, they go. Mm. It's just a few people when it's all of us saying that when all of us and our different identities and different viewpoints we come from are reiterating the same things over and over, Then they cannot help but take notice. And [00:12:00] and two, the two key things. That's one part of it. Is that Western requiring an evidence base to make decisions? But the other part of that for us as Maori is to build up and contribute to which is Maori knowledge base. Because the way things operate in our culture is based on, which is the way things are done, the processes that we use So our is that we welcome our guests. We acknowledge where they come from [00:12:30] before we you know, we we open, we say might use people, use the phrase bless the space. We actually free it, uh, to be used for the purpose for which it has been that you have come here and so it comes from we need to make things right. And so, with the way that things operate is based on, So how we make things work is based on the knowledge base that we have. So for us, as it's really, really important, then to keep building up [00:13:00] this knowledge because in the days before colonisation, when we had a much greater sexuality, open sexuality and gender fluidity, uh, the memory of that has been lost, and that was not by accident because at the same time that we lost the bulk of our language, the culture, the absolute conscious assault in the way that colonisation does its thing. Uh, we lost that knowledge about our sexuality. And so as we regain [00:13:30] that and reclaim that and by claiming the term then we're reaching back to our to our ancestors. That says, actually, we have always been here. Uh, we are claiming that back for now, Uh, it connects us back to our language and our culture and all of those things. But they weren't lost. We still have them and we will reclaim it. And we will add that knowledge until we get to that point where our people realise that discrimination against our people might be part of Maori society. [00:14:00] It is absolutely not part of Maori culture and that every Maori person, every Maori family unit, uh, should be stepping in to make sure that discrimination against us does not exist. And so the way that works is in our rainbow communities. But we also work with our families with our with Maori organisations and and tribal groups. Uh, and so today when we talk about the strategy, then how do we [00:14:30] and all the different layers and all the different ways we need to make things happen For us, as Maori, it's is just as important our culture as it is the way that we express our sexuality, our sexes and our genders. So let's see strategy. I talked plenty about that this morning. That was kind of weird standing there, doing that with the politicians and then having people watching. Um, but I want to talk about this at the moment. I'm just about I've been saying I'm just about finished [00:15:00] the PhD for quite some time now. I'm very conscious. It really is, honestly, nearly finished. Um, but I and that's about the emergence of identity. Uh, I realise that, yeah. No matter how lovingly how well I craft those 100,000 words, not all of you are going to read it. I thought you might read this and working with the Mental Health Foundation. So I think it's one of the ways that operates because, as I say, we're very lean. We focus on our [00:15:30] our performance and being able to work with communities and engage in that way, uh, that we self fund and that a lot of our political work then is is our our voluntary contribution. And so this was a project that we did with the Mental Health Foundation, and this is around the were funded through suicide prevention. Uh, and the way we looked at it, we actually don't talk much about suicide prevention. We look at what it is about in our culture, which will help, [00:16:00] uh, give hope and help build the strength and resilience inside our to look after our young people. Better, uh, with this is a real real issue. And so I'm going to shortly get get Jack from the Mental Health Foundation to talk about that. But I just wanted to coming back to the health when we there's a Maori model of health, some of you who work in the health sector in this country will be familiar with. [00:16:30] And so that looks at the our spirituality, our connectedness with all things in the universe, our our mind, our emotions, the psychological things and our our body, the impacts that it has, and then our because our family, because as Maori people without our family, without that connection to culture, we can't be whole we can't be healthy. And so we see that all the aspects of all the issues for [00:17:00] me, it's like when I think of it, like a mini strategy, Uh, that, because everything is a strategy, everything's a plan. Uh, but all the different issues, all the different things that happen to us within our community and the discrimination we face, but also the awesomeness of our lives fits within that model. And so I am going to hand it over to Jack to talk about this particular [00:17:30] project. So even though Jack is in Auckland, she was actually, um, when she was a she now, Jack, but she wasn't too funny. Goes to Auckland and hello. No. So I'm gonna invite Jack to come, so we'll get to come up and say a few words and we'll do this last bit together. I'll [00:18:00] go if you might. Such a good entry. Yeah. I feel like the thunder has been stolen. I might not, Um Awesome. Yeah. So, um, yeah. As Elizabeth was saying, um, I work at the Mental Health Foundation. Um, my role there is, um Ah. I was, um, suicide prevention specialist. To be honest, we just changed our names. I can't remember. So prevention. Anyway, [00:18:30] it's my thing. Um and it was Yeah, it was really amazing to get to work with Elizabeth, Um, and on this project, So But I guess just a little, um, brief context around suicide prevention, generally as it relates to, um, our communities. Um, right. I guess so. Some time, actually, I had a couple of notes. Yeah, so Yeah. So, um, the vision of our organisation is a society [00:19:00] where all people flourish. Um, so I guess how that where where this connects in is that, um it's nigh on impossible to flourish if there's a pile of kind of barriers and discrimination that a group of people are facing. So, um, that's our kind of inro to being able to work in in this space, um, with the rainbow Communities or whatever. And, um, so all of the kind of evidence, if you look at any [00:19:30] of the research I mean, because it's all you know, we're all us here, are not going to go into all of the kind of horrific, upsetting stats and stuff. But as we all know, our communities are intensely overrepresented when it comes to, um, suicide and mental distress. And, um yeah, because I just also want to take a moment to acknowledge those of our loved ones. Um, who aren't here with us, but are here with us whenever we talk about this, Um, [00:20:00] and yeah. So basically all of the evidence that there is, um and we do need more research, but it all points to the fact that, um, our communities are at distinctly higher risk. Um, because of discrimination and social exclusion, Nothing to do with our, um, our glory Selves or who or how we are. And I think that sort of gets conflated some. There's trickiness there. Um, the amazing [00:20:30] upside of that is that actually, when it comes to our communities, um, suicide prevention is is a real possibility, you know, because if if the discrimination and the social exclusion is removed, then well, being dramatically increases and suicidality dramatically decreases. So it's kind of, um, which makes it incredibly frustrating and horrific when that stuff isn't happening. Yeah, [00:21:00] um, because it is so kind of there is that systemic solution to a lot of things. Um, there was so, um create created a Maori and Pacific Suicide Prevention Fund. And, um, we managed to source, um, some funding through that to produce this beautiful resource. And um yeah, I guess I just wanted to kind of make a brief mention as well that for those of us I I have worked and I used to work at Rainbow Youth and, um, a lot of other really small [00:21:30] NGO, but particularly when you're working in that space. If you the the rainbow organisations it's based it's incredibly so many barriers, All of that of the barriers and exclusion and stuff that we talk about work at all those different levels. So even in terms of trying to get funding, um, it's there are so many barriers to actually getting funding into those organisations. And I have noticed working in a mainstream organisation that suddenly like the, you know, the money can flow through, um, suspicious. But, [00:22:00] you know, um but on the other hand, it's Yeah, it's an amazing opportunity to to be able to kind of get, um, resource for these sorts of things. It was incredible honour to work with Elizabeth and, um and find that synergy between all of the work that um, she does, and it sort of done forever and and working out how to frame that to. So that's also like the idea of if we actually think about what suicide. What constitutes suicide prevention? It is things like, um, community [00:22:30] development. It's strengthening connection to culture. Um, sense of self, all of that stuff. All of those things are like protective factors. So, um yeah, So it was really exciting to be able to make this resource, which was all about, um you know, all of those things that are that increase who we are, you know, and or in this case, increase the, um, well being for and so I guess my other thing that I meant to say was that that that connection [00:23:00] in terms of how that discrimination and everything works, um, with with the way that we got managed to get funding for this project was by, um, making it really clear that, uh, Maori already face a massive heap of barriers, um, and discrimination due to being Maori and then for people who are also LGBTI and therefore those barriers. And, um yeah, all of that increases. So which is why [00:23:30] this is such a, um, important resource. Yeah, um, and also just that beautiful thing of because Elizabeth is also an artist and just happened to have a whole series of exhibition that was based on exactly the same things. Yeah, we had all these really beautiful images to work with. Um, So what we thought we'd do is just, um, show you the, um, the trailer for, um, for the project. It's only like, three minutes. Um, and then Elizabeth was going to talk through the [00:24:00] top 10 tips for which are amazing. Hm. And one of the things that Kevin said in his speech, he talked about laying a platform, and we What we wanted [00:24:30] to do is all of the people who come into this country whether they've been here for generations or recent migrants here, uh, that is we want to lay a platform, uh, that the rest of our communities can build on and be accepted within. So I wanted to run through my top tips. Uh, just to absolutely make a point about definition that the term [00:25:00] embraces all of our diversity. Uh, that being is based on by claiming that we're claiming our Maori culture We're reconnecting with that side of ourselves that it's about Mana that we inherit, man, when we're born by the tribes that we're born into, we inherit man as we live our lives and we accrue it because of our actions. Uh, but that is what we stand on that says, actually, it is unacceptable [00:25:30] to discriminate against us identity. It's about knowing who we are, something all of you are involved in. And inclusion that regardless of whether we speak Maori, whether we know where we come from, that that connection is there and we will accept all of those things, OK, we all inherit our gender and sexuality from our ancestors. I think for so many of us we know our gender when we're very, very young. We know our sexuality, sometimes our sexual [00:26:00] characteristics, and those things don't come to light until later. But those are things that come as part of who we are. And so I believe that's that's our spirituality. That's our ancestors. And so who we are then is a gift from them. And when someone discriminates against us, they trample on that again, not acceptable in our cultural context that we're part of the when people talk about oh gay over there or over there as if it's unacceptable and people say to me, What [00:26:30] do Maori think of? And it's like we are the Maori. We are not separate from It's like that thing where people say, Oh, using taxpayers' money to do something for for our community is like the last time I looked. All of us taxpayers, uh, I digress. Uh, don't need to get it. They just need to be there. Fella talked about always having to be the one that just explains and teaches everybody around you I like, actually, [00:27:00] you don't need to ask a million questions to start off with. You just have to say, you're my baby. Uh, we love you. Anyone else muck with us, They deal with us, we will sort it. Discrimination hurts all of us. Not just those of us who identify within this community. It hurts all of our especially a young woman who have to prove that they are, um, heterosexual [00:27:30] because of the massive pressure it hurts. Or boys in terms of all the things about what does it mean to be a real man in this in our culture and our society. All of those impact right across all of our. And that's why I say when this has been an interesting discussion. When I talk about this amongst other academic circles, Uh, I believe it's because when colonisation came along and it disrupted the status of women and our culture, [00:28:00] so they did not acknowledge us as leaders, as land owners or in in control of land. Uh, and they took away our rights to our own body. Our sexuality put us into the private domestic, and so they they destroyed the balance that made our culture work. And so for me, if we can't get those absolute basics right around gender, we can we can get to the real guts of what it will take to eliminate [00:28:30] discrimination against all of us. Uh, this and they go, Oh, all of the statistics show that if you are LGBTI Q that you're more likely to have depression or to self-harm or be suicidal. And now it is a discrimination against us that contributes to those feelings. Uh, let's be very clear about where that lies. That is not with us. It is with the people who hurt us? [00:29:00] Uh, yeah, that we totally proudly celebrate. We're not going to be apologetic about all of this. We're not going to hide to keep those fires burning. We need to always be out. This is really important for me. When I talk about, particularly in a Maori context is we don't do things separately from our elders and our young people. Those things we work best when we can work together. And so this is really I. I say this [00:29:30] every time I speak, uh, that we want to be part of Wants to be part of a movement, uh, that honours our ancestors respects our elders. We work closely with each other, and we look after our young people, Uh, and that our well-being is complex. It comes. We need a lot of things going on. Uh, we need to do work inside our we have our friends and within our communities and the last ones, this is really important [00:30:00] when we work with, uh we just say, if you're going to be a leader inside your is that you need to step in, and so we talk about promoting acceptance, but the most important thing is challenging, challenging discrimination wherever it occurs in our and so at the back of the book are those tips summarises? What's in the resource? I hope you read it. Uh, there's [00:30:30] one particular, uh, thing I want to bring up that's contained inside here but doesn't feature in the tips. Is that in Maori culture, we have a creature was called a and they were able to change gender and change form. And for me, I believe that our trends intersex and gender diverse, uh, at in present day form and so again from our ancestors from [00:31:00] out of our history and unacceptable that they face discrimination because of that and so again from that Maori platform. And this is something that we hope will be useful for all of you. So anything else? Oh, no, um, [00:31:30] thank you very much for that really incredible presentation. And the question that I wanted to ask is within the movement in New Zealand. How is that aligned? Um, for the recognition of trains within. And the reason why I asked. That is because within the Pacific, um, there is a massive amount of disorientation within the and all the other transgender [00:32:00] identities really about being included within because we're not women enough in our culture where we're excluded. But what? One of the question I'm asking is, how does that translate within New Zealand and the movement? So that was the question that I wanted to Mm. I think as we fully accept that if you are dealing with someone's, then regardless of the gender, that they were assigned [00:32:30] at birth, Uh, regardless of their appearance, or whether they express the gender that is right for them, that is true to the is the one that they are that is the and so for for us, then That's really simple then and so And we don't hasn't at this stage yet been involved directly, although individuals of us have. We certainly represented with some of the United Nations work, but absolutely. And [00:33:00] I would see that that's absolutely part of the, uh, national strategy that we very categorically it will be forcing, suggesting really strongly to our government that that be made very, very clear. And as when Joey and, uh, Jack and Sally made their presentation talking about putting gender identity and sexual characteristics on as grounds are we cannot be discriminated against in a human rights act. I think that those [00:33:30] things are all will lead into that work, but absolutely, absolutely transform. Mm. I just wonder, how do you actually use this resource? What would you say? How you would actually use it, you know, in real terms. So I presume you don't just give it out to people. I mean, normally I find when you give things out to people, they tend not to read them. Um, they just would you go [00:34:00] through it with people, Would you? I know I work in mental health, and I've spoken to people if you give them something that they hardly have all the statistics. So if you give them a piece of information, they honestly it's like 1% or 2% actually, ever open it up. I just wondered. I don't know. Maybe you found it different, but, um well, I suppose we give it to those people who asked for it. So our primary audience for this was members who are struggling to, um, encourage [00:34:30] and support the members. So that was kind of the first thing. And then it's kind of mushroomed out, uh, to other people who so that they can become familiar with the term. And because we have the film resource, that's the trailer. We actually have extended interviews of each of those people. And so it was, It's it's kind of it's part of the education and some real everything inside this is very much [00:35:00] couched within Maori culture, so that it's a thing for our to understand. Uh, one of the tips is that we have always been here, that this is not a foreign or white thing, actually, with the names we might use Lesbian Trans, those might be recent terms, the identities that who we are, Um, that is ancient. And so that's what this is, um, to do I wonder, Jack, you'd mentioned that you've used or use this resource in some of your work. [00:35:30] Or how do you What do you have when I when I've gone to some places, um, overseas. And there's many parts of the world where people struggle that, you know, all of these terms are Western concerts or if you're in the global south of the global North ones, and I just say, Look, this is a one resource because it doesn't start by saying this is what sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex or sex characteristics is. And then by the time we get to the end, and [00:36:00] here are some Maori people who are this instead, it starts from man. All of the things that you, you know, that are so intrinsic to being Maori, and then it says, And this is why you you you, you know, if you discriminate against you are hurting yourselves, you know, we are hurting each other, so I think that's just there's such a power in that. And so the people I show it to well, they love it. It looks pretty. [00:36:30] It doesn't have too many words. That's wonderful. When we when we're talking, yeah, it's got It's not too long and people love that. It comes from another part of the world and and like in Nepal, I showed it to people in Nepal and they remember Elizabeth because Elizabeth came to a meeting there. So it's that relationships works, and so they take it. They look at the pictures and they say, Oh, I know her And the people who play sport sport knew Kevin [00:37:00] and, um I don't know Yeah, so it it it it it does. It does work, and it's interesting. I remember thinking like when you know, you think that that's so small. When we brought out the transgender inquiry report, it's so big, I thought, who would ever pick it up? But you know, you'd have it on stores and lots of people from NZ PC would pick it up because they had pictures of people they knew and they had their stories in it. So I think some of our stuff there's a hunger and particularly Maori [00:37:30] resource Pacifica resources. There's a hunger that needs to be met, to have those resources and to find ways of funding them. I would just add to that I'm I'm a therapist and and work with our community. Um, I've only had access to the resource in recent times, but I'm thinking with clients that I would have loved to have had that book with, and that's how I use it now and you can use it with anybody. You can use it with [00:38:00] a young person or an older person, and you go through the narrative and you go, I'm really sad that your family is being an asshole to you right now, but that's not OK. And we read the the story together and to have the person hear a narrative and see it in the book that actually what's going on is not OK is just so powerful. So I would say yes. This resource has been created, um, to give visibility to Taku. [00:38:30] But this is a resource for the planet that anybody can use. Thank you for the gift. I know. Thanks very much for that. Um so could you use this resource with healthcare professionals as well? That's That's one of the things I'm wondering because I think it would be really cool. Absolutely any way that it can be used. We want to get that out, get the word out. And And I would just say, too, that [00:39:00] we've got two more resources under way that will follow that up. We're working at the moment with Rainbow Youth to do one. We were interviewing, uh, young people, uh, but also their parents and their grandparents, and to say Yeah, so awesome. And we So then we say, How do you create a how do you actually make this a real thing to be accepting and deal with issues and whatever comes up. How do we make that happen? And then the third one again, with the Mental Health [00:39:30] Foundation around healthy relationships around how we, uh, negotiate. And then we're starting to move out from looking at our broader communities and whether we're wanting to have, like, the long term monogamous thing that I've got going on with my partner or we're polyamorous or we're working as organisations with each other. How do we relate? Uh, so that's the, um that won't be starting soon, So they should be The first one will be out this year and on following. So yeah, it's just real practical. And just [00:40:00] to, um, touch up on that as well, you can order them for free. So the Mental Health Foundation website, you go to that and then you go and, um, you go to either shop or media and then you can order as many as you want for free. Um, so, yeah, everybody order piles and piles of them, and then we can we can get them reprinted. And also just we have had a lot of feedback from, um various health providers and stuff as well. Who? Yeah, find that they are actually, and again. And I think every great [00:40:30] point, um, about people not usually reading resources. But I. I do think that this one might be a bit different just because there is such a de of anything. And there seems to be like, Yeah, because it's such an accessible resource and in a space where there is, I mean, it's technically as far as the research that we did. It was like the first, um, indigenous Rainbow LGBTI suicide prevention resource in the world. It's, [00:41:00] um so the the need for that kind of information is massive, and and it can be extended through that. We've just got the trailer up at the moment, but eventually we'll get the full videos up, and then they can be used in a workshop setting or all sorts of things. And that's people of different ages between like the yeah, from, um, different and different identities, and from their twenties to, [00:41:30] um, I just wanted to save it. I have never identify this because I have not felt comfortable enough [00:42:00] in my but, um, hearing you speak today and hearing your explanation that it covers all of us. Um, that I am ready to clean it, and I just wanted to save it. [00:42:30] Right. Thank you so much. Um, I Sorry, I'm a slow thinker. So this came a bit later, but I just thought looking at that and the way it's set out And also just coming from a really fantastic session with the Pacific delegates and, um, a presentation from Kim about, um, Christianity and LGBTI Rainbow, that there's so much crossover. And I think this would be a really great resource to share with people from different religious backgrounds who also are [00:43:00] rainbow. Um, because there's so much crossover, the spirit, the spirituality side, so much crossover. And I think it's, you know, in a lot of it, just debates. There's so there's so much difference and people get lost in the detail. And what I like about what I've seen from this is that it really pulls back, and it gives like, that broad picture of the stick thing, and and just the the amount of crossovers would be really great to share with people you know, Islamic brothers and sisters, Christian brothers and sisters and people from different religions because it comes from [00:43:30] that really great strong base. Um, so, yeah, thank you very much. Sorry. Hello, everyone. Um, yeah. I'd like to applaud you for this presentation. It kind of like, um, made me feel more, um, how to say it empowered and inspired. Um, because I come from a country where it's very cultural, uh, dominated as well. Or from and [00:44:00] from my home island. We believe that there ever exist the existence of LGBT community, and we've even got LGBT worries as well. And, um, just looking at your presentation, I feel that from now in the present day, we are not really fully, um, cultural identity. Um, well, we we speak about cultural identity, but we are not really it is today, because we are. We are, We are. We forgot about the past and just reading [00:44:30] us in this document that you have it kind of like, made me want to go back and dig further down back into the history books and, you know, the the New Zealand to find more information about this, um, the history. Because once we dig up that history and get more information about it, then we can incorporate into the present so that we can move forward to the towards the future and then claim to say we are out. Um, we have the cultural identity, Thank you. And it's so [00:45:00] critical when we're talking about research, always bring that up. It was two of our scholars who got to the position where they could access material, which wasn't easy to access by anybody else. And they found that word for us and gave it to all of our communities. And so, I, I really applaud your suggestion. That's an incredible idea, too. Uh, because that's we have always been here. We are an ancient people from ancient cultures, and that [00:45:30] knowledge of that exists much as, and I've tried to get rid of it. We will find something somewhere. And sometimes it's in a story. Uh, yeah. One day, when the PhD comes out, I've found some new things, uh, that I'll be able to talk about. But the way I've trying to that that it took me months to find out and confirm, uh, that it was exactly what I thought it was lesbian sex and they [00:46:00] but yeah, that is an awesome. OK, I would like to finish with a Y. Betty. No. Oh, you wanna cut it off or were you leave you come up? I was gonna be a waiter. Well, this is a way which I'm going to get everyone to join in that there's a couple of areas which repeat, uh, which is great for me because, you know, fitness is not my strength. Uh, so my breathing [00:46:30] is always, always that great. Uh, so there's a couple of lines where I'm gonna get you to repeat. So one of them is Let's remember, um So what the first one is, we won't kneel down and then you repeat, Got so and then upon the ground Brilliant. And then we're going to swap into Maori and the two phrases are [00:47:00] beautiful and fantastic. Do you know this? I know anyone else that knows us. Absolutely joining. So we here what is was the nation and cross [00:47:30] the wide wide creation We won't kneel down up Good. Oh, how I love to hear them sing my mom, OK, time. [00:48:00] No, not happy the up. [00:48:30] Oh, thank you. Um and I've just been asked, uh, they may not appreciate this but today's money's birthday word on the street. So I would like to ask [00:49:00] Yeah, thank you, everyone. I didn't plan for that to happen. It was so interesting [00:49:30] because for most of my life, my birthday was the day I hated. It was a day that had a lot of sadness around it. So I didn't want this to happen. But I will take it away as a memory of my family singing to me. So thank you and.

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AI Text:September 2023