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Launch of Honouring our Ancestors [AI Text]

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Kia orihi te. Kia ora. O Ka rangatia ki te tai whakarunga te tai whakararo ra. Haere mai. Haere mai. Teammate.[00:00:30] [00:01:00] Haere mai, haere mai, haere mai, haere mai, tipana. Tipana wana e kahutura i [00:01:30] te rangi. Ka runga Poneke i te moana raukawale. He kaupapa, he kaupapa nui. Me ara hake ue nuku.[00:02:00] My I am [00:02:30] my community books. Honoring our ancestors, um, editors called Alison Green [00:03:00] University Press. Good evening, everyone. Um, on behalf of us all at Unity Books, um, it's amazing to see you all here in our place to launch this incredible book, uh, honoring our ancestors. Um, [00:03:30] It's been probably a long time in the making of this book, so I think we will appreciate how much work and passion and aroha has gone into making this book. And it's also very beautiful, thanks to the Hemingway Walker University Press. Um, next we'll be hearing from the, one of the publishers, well, the publisher, um, Fergus Barriman from Te Herenga Kia ora. Applause Kia [00:04:00] ora Marion, lovely to be back. Nga mihi nui kia koutou. It's lovely to see you all here for this launch of Honouring Our Ancestors. Um, I'm Fergus Barriman. I have the great pleasure of being the publisher at Victoria University, Te Herenga Waka University Press. We're getting over that little hill. Um, I'd like to thank the Te Whanau Whanau Trust for starting us off. Thank you, Kevin and crew. It's been very generous of you. Um, I'd like to welcome the editor as well. I can welcome [00:04:30] Alison Green, who's here, but the other editor, uh, Leone Pihama, couldn't be here tonight, sadly. Um, you've done wonderful work in bringing together this really important book, and we thank you for that. I want to thank all of the contributors to the book, uh, those here in Aotearoa and those in Turtle Island, for your passion, for your hard work, and for your patience waiting for the book to come out. Um, it's going to be, I think, a really important book for all of your communities. I want to [00:05:00] thank the master weaver and textile artist, Kahutoi Tekanawa. for her magnificent work on the cover, which I think sort of symbolizes the, I don't know what it symbolizes. It symbolizes the passion of the work and the bringing together of this world and the spirit world. I'd also like to mention Jasmin Sargent, editor at. Te Hiringa Walker, um, who's multi talented, and she actually did some [00:05:30] of the finished art to bring this, um, beautiful artwork into sharp focus. And while I'm doing that, I would mention Ashley Young, our managing editor, who with Kylie Hodgson, uh, guided this book. through to publication. One of the contributors to this book, uh, Manawaroa Te Wao, um, sadly passed away recently, um, and she's greatly missed, but we're pleased that her sister, uh, Rukuruku, [00:06:00] can be here for her tonight. Uh, and finally, um, I'd like to thank you all for coming along and pass you back to Te Whanau Whanau, uh, for the next stage of the ceremony. Kia ora tatou. Tēnā tatou, tēnā koutou. Ko Waka Rewika mai rā ki roto i tō tātou piringa. Me ki rā hānei[00:06:30] [00:07:00] [00:07:30] [00:08:00] [00:08:30] [00:09:00] [00:09:30] [00:10:00] [00:10:30] Haere rā, hōri ana, e te aroha e Haere rā koe, e te tuahine He rangatira, wāhine toa[00:11:00] [00:11:30] [00:12:00] Haere rā, mana waro, me aroha e Haere rā, haere rā koe, he te tuahine He rangatira, wāhine toa Mare kura, he kura pounamu e Kia o te[00:12:30] moe Kia o te moe Te Kia o te moe[00:13:00] Ki tō tātou Kingi a Tūawhiti me te Wharekāweriki, Paimari ki a rātou, ki ngā mate pū a piti rangat, [00:13:30] tia haere, mōi mai rā. Tātou te hunga Whānau, I'm so humbled to be here. It's also emotional. Um, losing my sister [00:14:00] just recently. She was a proud and loud lady. Um, she talked me, um, to all the functions. She winked at me. We had a massive, um, National and Patawhata Te Papua Ratu Marae. And I've met so many people through her. [00:14:30] I really, really miss her. Um, it's been hard for all our whanau. Um, but I know she'll say. She would say that. So I'm, I'm going to leave Ari to have, um, Tēnā tātou te whānau. Um, it's a blessing and an honour to be here, uh, for Manoaro.[00:15:00] Yeah, she was a pillar for us, mostly with the Kingitanga and Takatāpui. Yes, it was great. Um, and we're just so honoured to be here to witness the launching of Unwin Our Ancestors. Um, Japan, Canada, USA. And welcome to[00:15:30] Aotearoa. No, Aotearoa. Um, again, um,[00:16:00] Um, thank you everyone for coming together tonight. Um, this cold evening of Maki. Um, to launch our book, um, Matariki, the time for celebrating those who have left us. And the time for welcoming the enormous Māori and indigenous takatāpui and two spirit potential that lies ahead of us all. On behalf of Leonie [00:16:30] Pihama, um, my fellow editor, who's looking after her mokopuna tonight in Pirongia and can't be with us, I thank you, uh, for celebrating this new publication. The publication contains the energies and the aspirations of 28 indigenous authors from across Aotearoa and Turtle Island. Thank you Unity Books for hosting us. I never would have [00:17:00] thought, um, 50 years ago, when I was a young student, uh, that I would ever be here, um, launching a book like this. Uh, thank you to Heringa Waka Press, um, Fergus, Ashley, Craig, Tei, um, our cover artist and friend, uh, recent. Recently honoured Dr. Kahutoi Te Kanua. Um, thank you Dr. [00:17:30] Gillian Tipene, uh, who wrote our mihi and provided our reo Māori expertise and who walked alongside us as an ally. for this book. Um, all together, you were the dream team. Um, but this book would not have happened were it not for our Native American two spirit colleagues from the Honor Project. Um, and I pay special tribute to [00:18:00] Choctaw professor, um, uh, Karina Walters. In 2017, Leonie and I were awarded a large research grant from the Health Research Council of New Zealand. The grant drew its inspiration from the honor project. And from the grant was funded on a Project Aotearoa. The study and the research team and some of you are here tonight. But all [00:18:30] of the team authored or co authored chapters. Thank you to the Health Research Council of New Zealand. Another dream team. Um, as has already been mentioned, we're missing a very important member of our dream team, our kuia for the Honour Project research team. Manaweroa co authored a chapter in the book. She was the subject of a short video. She had Takatāpui friends throughout Aotearoa and [00:19:00] Australia and we were able to draw in those links for the Honour Project Aotearoa. She was a leader. And we miss her dearly. To return to the publication, the book comprises 18 chapters written by 28 authors, all experts in their respective fields. These authors share their perspectives of being Takatapui and Two Spirit, of being queer, of being mokopuna. [00:19:30] Of what it is to be a good ancestor. Of being a transgender woman, mother, sister, grandmother, and a respected elder. Of claiming our Māori and indigenous identities and spaces within our communities. Of living with HIV. Of living with tā moko. Of being American Indian and Alaska Native Two Spirit woman. Of living rich lives in the face [00:20:00] of racism. discrimination, hatred and vitriol, and of Takatapui, Two Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQ resurgence, intergenerational healing, international rights, and Indigenous leadership. We are in difficult times, my friends. Some so called Aotearoa will use anti Takatapui, anti trans, and anti women [00:20:30] messages to win conservative right wing votes in the coming election. Shane Jones, Winston Peters, Shane Reti, Brian Tamaki are the obvious offenders, but there are others. We are all affected by their hatred and vitriol. Our ancestors fought for a better world, for us, and for our mokopuna. So, look out for each other, check in on each other, [00:21:00] care for each other. We want an Aotearoa where everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, and sexual attraction, is valued and has a role to play. That is our future. Ka nui te mihi. Um, kia korero, kai korero, [00:21:30] um, and ki te manuhiri. It's amazing and an honor to have this on our four walls. Um, and it'll be memorable for all of us. Um, until the next time we meet again. Okay, and hopefully it'll be an amazing situation again. Kia ora rā.[00:22:00] [00:22:30] [00:23:00] No one not talking [00:23:30] one our way.[00:24:00] What.[00:24:30] [00:25:00] .

This page features computer generated text of the source audio. It may contain errors or omissions, so always listen back to the original media to confirm content.

AI Text:September 2023