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So this morning we're at parliament. Um, it's the weather has cleared up. It's been pouring all week, and we have this. It's literally stopped raining 20 minutes ago. Um, it's nice. No breeze, no wind, which is rare. Um, and we're here for International Day against homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and intersex phobia. Yeah, and and from my perspective, um, all the that means prayers. We've been saying, uh, for our rainbow gods to shine down on us have come true. I mean, it's a very [00:00:30] special day today. Uh, for a couple of years now, we've been able to fly the rainbow flag, But today to also fly our trans flag, our flag, our intersex flag, which really does encompass all of our rainbow communities, I think is something that we, as New Zealand, should be incredibly proud of. So I do want to take the opportunity to thank Mr Speaker, Uh, because in fact, he is the one who's made this possible. And already there's a massive gathering of people so happy. Uh, Ida, Hobbit day, everybody. Yeah. And [00:01:00] don't forget your pink shirts tomorrow. So? So where did this come from? What's the history of the flags flying at Parliament. Uh, so the history of the flags flying at Parliament really started with the 30th anniversary of homosexual law reform. That was the first ever time the rainbow flag had been flown. Uh, last year, our cross party Rainbow Group asked Mr Speaker if we could fly the rainbow flag on a day, Uh, and he consented. And this year we've expanded it. As I said to four flags, Uh, one of the ongoing [00:01:30] questions is about indigenous representation. Um, and that will happen. I don't think, uh, there is a generic indigenous rainbow flag across the world, so we would have to look at what that flag is for for us in New Zealand. And to be honest, I think it is the flag because are part of. So if we were to have one, that would be the flag. What is the significance of flying flags in Parliament? Um, it really highlights the government's support [00:02:00] towards our communities. Um, it takes it from that like, we're a really supportive phase to actually like we're doing everything we can to show that we're here. We care. We're visible, um, and that we are wanting to make a difference within our wider community. And I think by, um, working and pushing really hard to get more flags out here is really great. Oh, no, I agree. I think that, uh, the relationship that, um, parliament actually has with our rainbow communities has been consolidated [00:02:30] since the establishment of our cross party group. It's great to see the Human Rights Commission here, in fact, and they are going to become more of an active partner in enabling us to come together. And they're more of a critical link with the community because a lot of the issues we continue to fight for our human rights issues. They are issues to do with, uh, our public services. Are we sufficiently supported in our education system in our health system and our justice system? So the partners that we have actually reinforced the theme this year, which is alliances [00:03:00] for solidarity. And so we know now as a community that we're not alone, that we're 100% supported, I believe by, uh, those institutions, um, including parliament. So I'm I'm incredibly proud of our community and like, shout out to Louisa, who has actively pushed for better rights within our community and isn't just the whole generic. The homosexuals need more rights. It's actually everything. It's the wider community, the trans community, the intersex community [00:03:30] by a community and the gay community. If somebody couldn't be here today, would you have any special message for them? I think my special message is really that there are a lot of us out and proud here to support. Please, don't ever feel like you're alone. Uh, actually, we're a pretty strong, solid group of people that are always available to to talk and support, especially our young ones, who are just realising who they are. I mean, they're incredibly vulnerable. Some of them, um, [00:04:00] so I know that you're never alone and that your identity is valid. It's real. And it's important. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. That identity is yours, and you can do with it whatever you want, not what others tell you to do. Could you just describe for me, um, what the significance is of, um, the flags being flown at Parliament today, and for me personally, that there is going to be an intersex flag raised this morning. I've been a member of the Rainbow Community all my life. But as far as I know, [00:04:30] this is the first in the world. There's never been an intersex flag raised in front of a Parliament anywhere so historic, wonderful, exciting. So, um, it's a It's an important morning. We are thinking about homophobia, transphobia. And so there's two parts to today the celebration and excitement, but actually calling out the fact that these issues still exist in New Zealand and we've still got more work to do. Well, we're raising four [00:05:00] flags this morning outside Parliament, the rainbow flag, the trans flag, the flag and the intersex flag. As he said, the speaker, Trevor Mallard has graciously agreed to to do that. And we're just really excited to see, um, that kind of representation outside of our House of Representatives. What? What do the flags mean to you? Personally? I'm a trans person, a trans guy. So, um, as well, I'm really excited that there's going to be, um, my flag flying today outside. [00:05:30] So for me, um, because of my age, I came out under the rainbow flag. So a queer identified person all my life, I'm also non-binary So the transgender flag has meaning for me. But I guess what touches my heart this morning is the intersex flag. Because if you like, it's the newest kid on the block. And I'm just proud that it will also be flying alongside the other three flags this morning. I feel like it's a It's a [00:06:00] symbolic acknowledgement. I mean, it is only 11 gesture and there's there's a lot else which goes around this gesture to make it really credible and meaningful. Um, but would this have happened 5, 10, 15 years ago? Yeah, I think it's really, really significant just to have visibility. It's important not to only have visibility, but but it is. Yeah, it's a good place to stand. So [00:06:30] yes. Uh, we're here on the Thursday the 17th of May, which is not only Budget Day here at Parliament, but we're celebrating the International Day against homophobia, bi AOA and transphobia. And this is at least the second time. It's been marked here at Parliament, um, with a ceremonial raising of flags. But this morning we are going to be flying four flags, the rainbow flag, the flag, the trans flag and the intersex flag. And, uh, we've invited representatives of gender and sexual minorities community from around the country to to be here with us to celebrate it. Uh, Lesa [00:07:00] Wall will be hosting, and, uh, yeah, we're ready for a bit of a a bit of a celebration here. Why is it significant to to have the flags raised on the four quarter of parliament? Well, um, it's I suppose that the the the principle is that it symbolises that New Zealand, uh, in terms of its policy and its its government attitude towards human rights. Uh, is that, uh, you know, equality is enshrined in our in the way that we do things here. So the fact [00:07:30] that it's flying right outside the houses of Parliament is about as as official, an endorsement of the sentiment that you could get to to to your knowledge, Are there any other community flags that are raised on the full court of Parliament? To my knowledge, no. The only flags that are typically raised at Parliament are country flags for visiting delegations. So if there's a group coming from the Philippines, for example, we'll put up the Philippine flag. Um, th this is unusual. [00:08:00] I believe in the sense that we're not flying geographical flags. We're flying flags that represent communities. So how did you get involved? Uh, well, I'm the executive assistant to Louisa Wall, and she often dreams up, um, crazy and brilliant ideas like this. So, um yeah, I believe she She took the reins on this event last year. And, uh, just due to its success and her continued involvement with the community is doing it again. And I'm along for the ride. And you mentioned earlier about some groups that are going to be attending today. Can you tell me, um, [00:08:30] who who's gonna be attending? I certainly can. I can. I can do my best. We're going to have representatives from the New Zealand AIDS Foundation inside out. Sexual abuse Prevention, Mental Health Foundation. Um, various students associations. We've got Rainbow Youth and, of course, the Human Rights Commission, who have been basically co organising this whole thing along the way. If somebody couldn't be here today and, uh, you had a message for them, what would that be? Love. Love for everyone. Basically, that's that's it. [00:09:00] Very shortly. The flags are about to go up, but the first one to go up will be the New Zealand flag and then, um, and then followed by the rainbow flags. And I understand that they'll be going up one by one. And as that happens, as each one goes up, there will be a to the flags. Basically, it's lifting it up to to the universe. Um and then once the have done, I understand we've got a here to to and [00:09:30] and then once, once that that's we've done the four flags and the we're gonna have a photo on the steps of Parliament so we can record it. And then we're gonna go and have a and A Yeah, yeah, [00:10:00] [00:10:30] [00:11:00] in the the [00:11:30] hey the hey, you [00:12:00] Sorry. I [00:12:30] [00:13:00] [00:13:30] pretty Yeah, [00:14:00] [00:14:30] [00:15:00] we teach it and teach it earlier. See? Said right it [00:15:30] to [00:16:00] Hello, baby. [00:16:30] The speakers of parliament And then we'll go, Tim, What is it like seeing the, um, the full flag flying on the court of Parliament today? Well, it reminds me the last time I saw a rainbow flag flying from here was actually over the door of Parliament against the rules. When the destiny march was sitting in parliament, The 5000 guys in black shirts coming up here, and Georgina Baer [00:17:00] and Ramon, my partner and a few others managed to get a rainbow flag flying off Parliament just to make the point. So I think we come a few days since since then that would be 2004. So, yeah, I mean 14 years, not even a generation. And and there's this wonderful sense of acceptance. There's always a way to go. But I mean, I think we have made extraordinary strong between getting getting some sense of legality and getting those fundamental rights and then almost the same length of time [00:17:30] until we're We're now here and we're proud and we're we're open. What are some of the things that still need to be striven for? What? What are some of the issues? Still, I think probably the only the only law reform one which is fundamental is the adoption issue, which has got caught up in a much bigger adoption reform matter. But I think we have a government now with the mindset to change that, and apart from that, it's really about implementation. It's always about, I mean, whether it's sensitive policies around suicide, around schools, around a whole lot of [00:18:00] other environments. It's just making sure that we are recognised and that we're there, that we're named, that we we're consulted and that we're part of the conversation. And I think having having a bunch of MPs not only actually not only lesbian and gay transgender MPs here, but also those. I mean, most of the MPs who turned up this morning aren't from any of those categories. They actually people who are actively and warmly supportive. And it's it's actually fascinating to see that you've got MPs here. I mean, right across the spectrum. So whereas [00:18:30] the National MPs used to turn up with these things where you can predict which ones are going to come now, these these this stuff is pretty much mainstream so that that sense of struggle is a lot more subtle than it used to be. It was pretty overt, pretty angry, and now it's, uh, it's in the background. The odd person says dumb things, But, uh, I think we leave it often for the media to condemn them, and I think the media also shifted on as well. If somebody couldn't be here today, what would be a message for them? do you think? I think the message [00:19:00] is this is the most powerful institution in the land that in in the space of just over one generation, really it's moved from having massive petitions being presented on the steps against our our right to exist, really through to a situation where, where the flags fly outside, where parliament embraces a lesbian, intersex, gay transgender bunch of activists. And [00:19:30] I think that's all that's all a wonderful statement. Can you describe what it's like seeing these flags up here? Oh, look, it's just fantastic. And it's, you know, I think the fact you've got MP S from basically across the Parliament here and obviously I'm the the national rep on the the cross party Rainbow Network. Um, got Andrew here and, um, who's just come into Parliament and Wallace, who's just coming into Parliament as well from national. I think the fact you've got the whole parliament here, um, represented I think it's the most important thing that it's Parliament, saying that we want to be a country [00:20:00] of inclusivity. We want to be a country that recognises diversity. We want to be a compassionate society and allow everyone to fulfil their potential. Uh, no matter what background they come from, or no matter what gender they are, or no matter what sexuality they are, so, you know, it's it was quite uplifting to stand here this morning, and, you know, as the as the sun comes up to, uh, watch the faces go up at the same time. What about you, Andrew? Oh, look wonderful. I mean, as Chris said, uh, it's just a shine. Uh, it's just a sign for us as a parliament that we are, uh, as open as we can be to all people of all backgrounds, uh, and and and and and for me as a new MP, [00:20:30] uh, just, uh, getting across and and meeting as many people as they can from all backgrounds and being as inclusive as we can. Yeah, look the of diversity and a statement of inclusivity, and that's a great way to start the day. What is it like seeing the four flags flying at Parliament? I think it's incredibly beautiful, and I I'm really surprised and a little surprised by how symbolic it feels to me to see the two New Zealand flags and then the buy flag the intersex flag, the rainbow flag and the trans flag. It [00:21:00] feels like an absolute kind of display of the beauty of diversity and who we are as a country. Well, um I was in tears, basically when the rainbow flag went up, and I just, um I'm just almost speechless. In fact, I was also looking up at the top floor of the beehive and saying, Thank you, Jacinda. Um and I think it's symbolic the flag went up first because to be honest, in our community, they're the biggest minority, and they have no visibility whatsoever. [00:21:30] And then the intersex one, which is like again, you know, they're right at the back of the queue and they need the most help because nobody understands or he has even heard of them. Then we've got the rainbow flag, which is the whole centre of our universe, and then the the trans flag, which is just like for us trans people who, like we've been waiting decades for some help from our community because, you know, basically our life expectancy is probably about 20 years less than the average person in this country. So we [00:22:00] expect big things from this government and they said they're going to deliver and we're going to hold them to that. I don't know. I just felt very inspired. You know, there's nothing especially seeing the communal spirit and seeing kind of one like low key cheer when they're like everything's being raised. I don't know. It's just it's good to know there's, like, a high of mind, I guess, in this kind of like drowning head of climate, you know what I mean? I don't know. I'm just too early to be inspirational, I guess. [00:22:30] Jan, can I just ask you if somebody couldn't be here this morning to see the flags raised? What? What what message would you give to them? Well, that I guess our diverse communities are part of the work of Parliament, and it's fantastic to see them reflected on our forecourt and that this is, I guess part of leadership is to bring our communities that have been locked out into, um, [00:23:00] this place that is supposedly the place of representatives, and it's really beautiful to see the kind of the dawn rise and and our flags rise for a better future. I don't know. It's a bit cheesy, but it's kind of yeah, it feels cool.
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